Millie Bobby Brown, the star of the captivating series "Stranger Things," has embarked on an exciting new venture, aiming to breathe life into her maiden literary endeavor, "Nineteen Things," as a feature film under the Netflix banner. Her profound connection with the streaming giant, which catapulted her to stardom with its smash-hit TV series, serves as a solid foundation for this ambitious project. Moreover, Brown's collaborative history with Netflix, including her roles in the Sherlock Holmes spin-off "Enola Holmes" and the fantastical adventure "Damsel," further solidifies her ties to the platform.
Through her very own production house, PCMA Productions, Brown intends to helm "Nineteen Things" into cinematic glory, with rumors swirling that she may even grace the silver screen herself in the adaptation, as reported by Deadline, the purveyor of this thrilling news.
Released in September 2023, "Nineteen Things" (note: original text mentions "Nineteen Steps," which may be a typo; assuming the correct title is "Nineteen Things") is a poignant tale set against the backdrop of World War II, drawing inspiration from the remarkable life of Brown's grandmother. The narrative intertwines around Nellie Morris, an 18-year-old living in the vibrant yet tumultuous Bethnal Green district of east London, who finds herself smitten with an enigmatic American airman, Ray. However, their budding romance is abruptly shattered when Nellie narrowly escapes the devastating Bethnal Green Tube disaster, a tragic event that claimed the lives of 173 civilians seeking refuge from an air raid.
Penning the screenplay for this emotional journey is none other than Anthony McCarten, the mastermind behind the Oscar-winning "Bohemian Rhapsody" and the critically acclaimed "Darkest Hour." Jonathan Eirich, an esteemed executive from Rideback, a production company founded by Netflix's new film czar Dan Lin (known for his backing of blockbusters like "It," "The Lego Movie," and "Aladdin"), will join forces as a producer, while Nick Reynolds assumes the role of executive producer.
At just 20 years of age, Brown has already garnered two Emmy nominations for her iconic portrayal of Eleven in "Stranger Things," which is gearing up for its highly anticipated fifth and final season in 2025. Her impressive resume also boasts roles in the monster-sized hits "Godzilla: King of the Monsters" (2019) and its sequel "Godzilla vs. Kong" (2021). Next on her horizon, Brown stars in "The Electric State," a thrilling science-fiction adventure helmed by the Russo brothers (of "Avengers: Endgame" fame) and featuring an ensemble cast that includes Chris Pratt, Ke Huy Quan, Stanley Tucci, and Jenny Slate.
With "Nineteen Things" poised to make its cinematic debut, Brown's creative journey continues to soar new heights, blending her personal roots with her undeniable talent to captivate audiences worldwide.