Internet sensation Jimmy Donaldson, famously known by his YouTube alias MrBeast, stands on the cusp of the most significant collaboration yet in his personal life—he has popped the question to fellow content creator, Thea Booysen. The YouTube luminary officially announced this pivotal update in his love life on Instagram on Wednesday, posting an array of snapshots capturing his heartfelt Christmas Day proposal.
In the enchanting post, MrBeast is captured dropping to one knee, presenting his girlfriend of more than two years, Thea, with a dazzling diamond ring. Clad in matching festive sweaters, the lovebirds were encircled by their nearest and dearest as they embarked on this romantic journey together.
MrBeast later revealed to People magazine that both his family and Thea's had been privy to the grand surprise, with her family traveling from South Africa to witness this special moment. He elaborated, "Thea holds her family in the highest esteem, so I was determined to ensure they were part of this monumental occasion. Christmas worked out wonderfully as they were in town, despite being halfway across the world."
Despite his reputation for orchestrating grandiose spectacles, MrBeast confessed that he desired this moment to remain intimate, given the profound commitment it represented. The couple's love story began when they crossed paths through a mutual friend during MrBeast's visit to South Africa. They instantly bonded over their shared passions, notably their mutual affection for YouTube.
Navigating the challenges of a long-distance relationship and their burgeoning fame, the duo has emerged stronger and more in love, ready to embark on this next exciting chapter together. Heartfelt congratulations to the soon-to-be-wedded couple!