Haechan, a cherished member of the renowned K-pop ensemble NCT, has crafted a heartfelt and empowering missive to his ardent fans, weaving together personal reflections and profound gratitude for the steadfast support of his fellow group members. This letter arrives during a tumultuous period for the NCT fandom, shadowed by recent accusations of sexual misconduct levied against member Taeil, who, as an integral part of NCT 127's inaugural lineup alongside Taeyong, Yuta, Jaehyun, Winwin, Mark, and Haechan himself, has since been officially severed from the group's ranks.
On August 31, KST, Haechan pierced the silence with a poignant and extensive message on the intimate fan engagement platform, Bubble. His letter commences with a poignant reflection: "How can it be that this year marks our eighth anniversary already…?" He reminisces about his journey's humble beginnings, fueled by a fervent love for singing and dancing, only to discover that the tapestry of his success is intricately woven with far more profound elements transcending mere performance.
Haechan acknowledges that his accomplishments are not solitary triumphs but rather the harmonious interplay of his individual talents intertwined with the balancing act of his NCT comrades. He expresses profound gratitude for their presence, celebrating the profound impact they've had on both his professional trajectory and personal evolution. He eloquently shares, "At times, witnessing my bandmates lined up in front of countless NCTzens during our shows, a peculiar sensation stirs within me. It's as if I'm reminded anew, 'Ah, indeed, these members are celebrities in their own right. These individuals I cherish, joke around with, and rely on, are truly remarkable beings beloved by countless hearts.'"
Through this poignant narrative, Haechan not only addresses the current challenges but also underscores the enduring bonds that transcend adversity, painting a vivid portrait of camaraderie and mutual admiration amidst the storm.