Netflix has given the green light to a captivating new British drama, helmed by the visionary showrunner of "The Gold," Neil Forsyth. This remarkable tale, aptly titled "Legends," is rooted in a jaw-droppingly true story that delves into the daring exploits of a cohort of Customs agents who braved the unknown, undercover, to infiltrate Britain's most treacherous drug cartels.
Spanning six exhilarating episodes, "Legends" weaves a thrilling narrative, meticulously crafted from Forsyth's exhaustive research and intimate interviews with those who lived the story. The series transports us back to the early 1990s, a tumultuous era when Her Majesty's Customs and Excise, the guardian of Britain's borders, faced an uphill battle against the tide of drug smuggling. Desperate for a solution, they embarked on an unprecedented top-secret mission.
The spotlight falls on an unassuming group of Customs officials, ordinary men and women plucked from the fabric of British life. These unsung heroes underwent a crash course in secrecy, then transformed into Legends—fictitious personas designed to infiltrate the darkest corners of the criminal underworld.
Produced under the Tannadice Pictures banner (a proud member of the All3Media family, Objective Media Group), Forsyth spearheads the project as executive producer, joined by the formidable duo of Ben Farrell ("The Gold") and Richard Bradley from Lion Television. Charlie Leech, another stalwart from "The Gold," serves as producer.
"I am thrilled beyond measure to embark on this journey, alongside the talented team at Tannadice Pictures," enthuses Forsyth. "I believe 'Legends' encapsulates a fascinating, edge-of-your-seat British tale that has long been shrouded in mystery. It's a privilege to bring this untold story to life, and I'm grateful to Netflix for their unwavering support."
Echoing Forsyth's enthusiasm, Mona Qureshi, Director of UK Content at Netflix, expresses, "As avid admirers of Neil's masterpiece 'The Gold,' we were instantly captivated by the prospect of him weaving his magic around the extraordinary narrative of 'Legends.' Set against the backdrop of 1990s Britain, where the government's war on drugs seemed to be floundering, Neil's scripts introduce us to a captivating cast of characters whose unexpected foray into the perilous world of undercover operations promises a heart-pumping, action-packed series that embodies the finest traditions of British crime dramas. We eagerly anticipate the birth of 'Legends' on Netflix."