The Irish satirical gem "Obituary" is gearing up for its thrilling second season, as exclusively revealed by Variety. Penned by the mastermind Ray Lawlor, this darkly comedic masterpiece, led by the captivating Siobhán Cullen as an underpaid yet resourceful obituarist who embarks on a deadly mission, promises to deliver even more twisted humor and intrigue.
With Lawlor back at the helm, Season 2 is poised to unfold over six pulse-pounding episodes, continuing the twisted tale of Cullen's Elvira Clancy, a woman who transforms from penning the dead's farewells to becoming their unlikely dispatcher. The original creative forces behind the show—Magamedia and APC Studios—are reunited, and Hulu has once again thrown its financial support behind this twisted masterpiece.
While casting announcements are yet to be made, it's inconceivable that the show could return without its star, Cullen, who has recently shone in "The Dry" and Netflix's "Bodkin." Her portrayal of Elvira Clancy, a 24-year-old with a thirst for justice that manifests in unconventional ways, captivated audiences worldwide.
The first season, which aired on Ireland's RTE network, saw Elvira, frustrated by dwindling job prospects and a pay cut, turn to murder as a creative outlet. As she eliminates the town's unsavory characters with increasing cunning, a new crime reporter joins the paper, igniting a romantic spark amidst the chaos. Season 1 boasted a stellar ensemble, including Michael Smiley ("Bad Sisters"), Danielle Galligan ("Shadow and Bone"), Ronan Rafferty ("The Rook"), David Ganly ("Body of Lies"), and Noni Stapleton, all contributing to the show's eerie charm.
Shot amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Donegal, "Obituary" premiered on RTE in Ireland last September before captivating Hulu audiences in November. Praised for its "Dexter"-esque edge and earning accolades at the Irish Film and Television Awards, including nods for Best Drama Series and Best Actress, this is a show that refuses to be ignored.
As the anticipation for Season 2 builds, it's clear that "Obituary" is poised to delve even deeper into the dark heart of Elvira Clancy's twisted world, offering viewers a rollercoaster ride of laughter, suspense, and unexpected turns. Hulu reps remained tight-lipped at press time, but one thing is certain—the wait for the next chapter in this macabre comedy is almost over.