O.J. Simpson Featured During “In Memoriam” Segment at BET Awards

Published: Jul 03 2024

The inclusion of O.J. Simpson in the "In Memoriam" segment at the 2024 BET Awards on Sunday evening caught the audience entirely off-guard, much to the dismay of the Goldman and Brown families. As the audience cheered, captivated by the stream of photographs displayed during the tribute, a sudden hush descended upon the crowd when Simpson's image flashed on the screen, accompanied by the label "Former NFL Player." A brief silence hung in the air, followed by scattered applause that failed to mask the palpable surprise among the spectators. One observer even noticed whispers of disapproval rippling through the crowd.

O.J. Simpson Featured During “In Memoriam” Segment at BET Awards 1

Amidst the esteemed figures featured in the segment, such as Bill Cobbs, Carl Weathers, Willie Mays, Clarence Avant, Maurice Hines, Richard Roundtree, Ron Cephas Jones, Rudolph Isley, Irish Grinstead of the group 702, Louis Gossett Jr., Brother Marquis of 2 Live Crew, and civil rights activist Dexter Scott King, Simpson's inclusion stood out as a stark contrast. Beyond his illustrious career as a college football star and professional athlete, Simpson was also a renowned actor, most notably in the "Naked Gun" franchise.

However, his legacy is forever marred by the high-profile murder trial that followed the deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman. Simpson was ultimately acquitted of murder charges, yet the shadow of those accusations continues to haunt his name.

The families of Brown and Goldman have voiced their criticism of BET's decision to include Simpson in the tribute. Fred Goldman, Ron's father, expressed his dismay, stating, "I think they shouldn't include anyone of that caliber — a wife beater, murderer… I can't imagine why they would include someone like that." Similarly, Nicole's sister, Tanya, echoed these sentiments, saying, "It's inappropriate to give an abuser and murderer recognition." She added, "Whoever thought of doing that owes every domestic violence victim an apology… and that's including our family. And, they should be fired."

The Hollywood Reporter has sought comment from BET regarding this controversial decision. Simpson passed away in April at the age of 76.

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