The Pokémon Company and the stop-motion animation studio Aardman have embarked on an intriguing collaborative venture, shrouded in mystery and billed merely as a "special project." While the exact nature of this endeavor remains uncertain—whether it will unfold as a feature film, a series, or an entirely different format—one thing is promised: Aardman will infuse the Pokémon universe with their signature storytelling prowess, crafting fresh and exhilarating adventures. Scheduled for release in 2027, this collaborative masterpiece is poised to captivate audiences worldwide.
"This collaboration is a dream come true for Pokémon," exclaimed Taito Okiura, Vice President of Marketing and Media at The Pokémon Company International. "Aardman stands as a paragon of their craft, and their remarkable talent and creativity have left us utterly astounded. Together, we've been crafting something truly special that is guaranteed to delight our global Pokémon fans!"
Sean Clarke, Managing Director of Aardman, added his sentiments with enthusiasm: "It's an immense honor to collaborate with The Pokémon Company International—we feel incredibly fortunate to be entrusted with the task of breathing new life into their beloved characters and world. Bringing together Pokémon, the world's foremost entertainment brand, with our passion for craftsmanship, character development, and humorous storytelling feels incredibly exhilarating. Aardman and TPCi share a common commitment to heritage, meticulous attention to detail, and placing our fans and audiences at the core of our endeavors. We are confident that this shared vision will guide us as we create enchanting, original, and novel stories for audiences across the globe."
Though the distribution platform for this innovative project has yet to be revealed, both The Pokémon Company and Aardman boast deals with Netflix. Last year, "Pokémon Concierge," a one-of-a-kind stop-motion series from The Pokémon Company, premiered on the streaming giant, which also holds exclusive distribution rights for the CGI animated series "Pokémon Horizons" outside Japan. Netflix and Aardman have also forged several collaborations, including last year's sequel to "Chicken Run," titled "Dawn of the Nugget."