Nas, a renowned rapper, has embarked on an exciting journey to bring the classic hip-hop film, "Beat Street," to the stage in a musical adaptation. As a producer, Nas is not only overseeing the production but also expanding and creating brand-new material from the film's iconic soundtrack for the upcoming musical.
Joining Nas in this endeavor is Arthur Baker, the co-producer, composer, and music producer of the original film, Michael Holman, the associate producer, and Richard Fearn. Together, they aim to bring the raw energy and vibrant spirit of hip-hop to the grandeur of Broadway.
The announcement of this musical adaptation comes on the heels of a special 40th-anniversary screening of "Beat Street" at the Tribeca Film Festival. Nas, who has enjoyed a illustrious career releasing multi-platinum albums and garnering 16 Grammy nominations, made the exciting revelation on Friday.
"Beat Street" was not just a film; it was a cultural revolution that spread the essence of hip-hop throughout the nation and beyond. It left an indelible mark, inspiring countless young artists and creating a new generation of hip-hop enthusiasts. Nas expressed his excitement about joining the creative team and bringing the essence of hip-hop to the Broadway stage.
"It's an honor to breathe new life into this iconic work and celebrate its enduring legacy," Nas said. "I'm thrilled to be a part of this journey, bringing the raw energy and spirit of hip-hop to the Broadway stage."
Released in 1984, "Beat Street" follows the journey of a graffiti artist, a DJ, and a break-dancer in the South Bronx as they navigate the emerging hip-hop scene. The film stars Rae Dawn Chong, Gus Davis, and Jon Chardiet and features a soundtrack by Harry Belafonte and Baker, with cameo appearances by legendary artists of the era, including Doug E. Fresh, DJ Kool Herc, and Afrika Bambataa & The Sonic Force.
The screenplay, penned by Andrew Davis, David Gilbert, and Paul Golding, captures the essence of the film's characters and their struggle to make it in the world of hip-hop. Nathan Gehan and Jamison Scott of ShowTown Productions serve as executive producers for this musical adaptation, ensuring that the legacy of "Beat Street" continues to inspire and entertain audiences on the Broadway stage.