The eagerly anticipated Peacock series, "All Her Fault," led by the captivating Sarah Snook, has bolstered its star-studded ensemble with three dazzling new additions, exclusively revealed by Variety. Daniel Monks, who has wowed audiences in "Ricky Stanicky" and "Kaos," Duke McCloud, a rising star set to shine in the upcoming "Kinda Pregnant," and Kartiah Vergara, renowned for her roles in "Ticket To Paradise" and "Dora the Explorer: The Lost City of Gold," have all graced their signatures onto the project, a gripping adaptation of Andrea Mara's namesake novel.
Originally greenlit by Peacock in June, with Snook at the helm, the series boasts an impressive cast that also includes Dakota Fanning, Abby Elliot, Jake Lacy, Sophia Lillis, Jay Ellis, Thomas Cocquerel, and Michael Peña. Monks will breathe life into the character of Brian, McCloud will charm as Milo, and Vergara will enchant as Ana, each adding depth and complexity to the intricate narrative.
Represented by Independent Management Company in Australia and Curtis Brown in the UK, Monks joins the ranks of talented actors under the Bella Agency, Brave Artists Management, and Goodman Genow's wings, alongside McCloud. Meanwhile, Vergara's talent is steered by Benchmark Creative Management.
The official synopsis paints a chilling picture: "Marissa Irvine (Snook) arrives at 14 Arthur Avenue, her heart filled with anticipation to collect her beloved son Milo (McCloud) from his maiden playdate with a classmate at his new school. But the woman who greets her at the door is a stranger, neither the familiar face of a mother nor the trusted nanny. And to her horror, Milo is nowhere to be found. This is where every parent's darkest nightmare begins."
Megan Gallagher masterfully adapts the book for the screen, donning the dual hats of executive producer and screenwriter. Snook, too, extends her influence beyond the camera, executive producing alongside Nigel Marchant, Gareth Neame, and Joanna Strovens of Carnival Films, Jennifer Gabler Rawlings, and Christine Sacani. Minkie Spiro directs multiple episodes, including the pilot, and also serves as an executive producer, while Terry Gould takes on producer duties, and Mara contributes as an associate producer. Universal International Studios stands as the production powerhouse behind this thrilling series.