As the heartbreaking loss of The Wanted's lead singer, Tom Parker, echoed through the years, his beloved wife, Kelsey, stood resilient, transforming into a single mother to their cherished daughter, Aurelia, aged five, and son, Bodhi, three. Over two arduous years since Tom's tragic demise in March 2022, following his battle with stage four glioblastoma, Kelsey has miraculously rediscovered love's sweet embrace.
On a poignant Sunday, September 22nd, the vibrant 33-year-old podcast sensation behind 'Mum’s the Word' unveiled her new romance on Instagram's vibrant stage, marking a triumphant milestone two years since Tom's passing. In a captivating snapshot adorned with a solitary red heart, Kelsey, dressed in a floral frock and heels, beamed as a gentleman in a tailored gray suit drew her tenderly close, their laughter mingling in the air.
"Love, forever the ultimate solace " chimed in Jay McGuiness, Tom's former bandmate and compatriot in The Wanted, leaving a heartfelt comment beneath the post. Although Kelsey kept her new love's identity a mystery, The Sun delicately unmasked him as Will, a skilled tree surgeon.
"You know what? I've found solace in a brighter realm," Kelsey confided to the publication. "I threw myself back into work, driven by the need to safeguard my children's future. But now, I feel a weight lifted, my vision clearer. I'm moving forward, lighter than before."
Since their union in 2018, Tom and Kelsey's love story was forever etched in time, until fate cruelly intervened. Upon Tom's passing, Kelsey valiantly embraced her role as a solo parent to Aurelia Rose and Bodhi Thomas, nurturing them with unwavering love.
In a heart-wrenching June Instagram post, Kelsey bravely shared the bittersweet struggle of Father's Day, acknowledging that the holiday and her life would forever hold a void without Tom's presence. "I yearn for your guidance now, as I navigate life's crossroads for Rae and Bo. I long to hear your thoughts, your wishes. Please continue to illuminate our path. I'm forever grateful for the love that surrounds our children, knowing you never stray from their side. Today, we honor you and all deserving fathers... May we make you proud, Tom," she penned, her words dripping with emotion.
Last year, Kelsey tentatively dipped her toes into the dating pool, publicly embracing a fleeting romance with electrician Sean Boggans. "When the time is right, love will find its way, and I trust that Tom is sending that special someone my way," she shared with OK! Magazine, her faith in the afterlife's gentle guidance shining through. "I believe he's handpicking them for me."
Tom's journey with The Wanted, alongside Max George, Siva Kaneswaran, McGuiness, and Nathan Sykes, ignited a global firestorm with hits like "Chasing the Sun" and "Glad You Came," soaring to Billboard Hot 100's esteemed third spot. Though the band disbanded in 2014, their bond remained unshaken, reuniting in September 2021 for an emotional charity concert, a testament to their enduring friendship and the magic they once shared on stage.