Jack's friends were stunned to learn about his unexpected demise. Da Shi harbored suspicions that Tatiana was the culprit, despite the police's inability to locate her in any security footage. Jin unfolded an invitation she had received, revealing a grand summit gathering individuals akin to Tatiana, those devoted to an enigmatic otherworldly entity. This prompted Thomas to devise a plan: he intended to utilize Jin's entry into this summit as a means to delve deeper into Tatiana's extremist group. Initially hesitant, Jin was eventually persuaded by Thomas and Da Shi.
Meanwhile, Mike persisted in his dialogue with the representative of the extraterrestrial entity. He came to the realization that these beings lacked a human understanding or feeling of emotions. Consequently, he offered his assistance - and the assistance of the human race - to their endeavors on Earth. Jin embarked on the journey to the summit's designated location. Upon entering, she encountered Tatiana, who attempted to convince her of the authenticity of their alleged lord. Shortly after, Jin was confronted with a startling revelation: the individual presiding over the meeting was none other than Vera's mother, Ye Wenjie. Up until this point, the aliens had concealed such information from them. This prompted Da Shi and Thomas to ponder the reason behind the aliens' willingness to disclose this information.
At the summit, Wenjie revealed that it would take them 400 years to arrive on Earth. Suddenly, authorities burst into the room, intent on safely evacuating Jin. Realizing that Jin had deceived her, Tatiana attempted to shoot her, but she herself was shot in the chaos that ensued. Da Shi shielded Jin as the room erupted into disorder, allowing Tatiana to flee the summit. Wenjie, however, was apprehended. She warned Thomas that the aliens possessed capabilities far exceeding what they had witnessed, hinting at a deeper history between her and Mike in this pursuit.
Years prior, Wenjie and Mike had crossed paths again, a decade after their initial encounter in the woods. Mike had inherited an oil empire from his parents, but he used it as a cover to continue his work on interstellar communication. This revelation added another layer of complexity to the already intricate situation, leaving the group more determined to unravel the mysteries surrounding the extraterrestrial entity and its followers.