Episode 8 of "3 Body Problem" opens with a poignant scene of Saul smoking at home, his ears tuned to the latest news about the alien invasion. He has fully embraced the chilling idea that humanity is merely a speck of dust in the grand universe, reverting to his old playboy antics by bringing home a random girl for a fleeting encounter. He doesn't even know her name.
As they step out for their date, Saul cynically pontificates about the fallibility of the human race. Little does he know that fate is about to deal him a cruel blow. Suddenly, a skater collides with Saul, knocking him off the pavement. This unexpected chain of events triggers a catastrophic sequence as a silver Prius - the Uber driver Saul had summoned for their outing - slams into the girl.
As she lies sprawled on the ground, crumpled and bleeding, Saul's heart sinks. In that moment, the name "Nora" floats back to his mind. He is soon summoned for questioning by Clarence, who is aware of his encounter with Ye Wenjie and eager to unravel the mystery. It transpires that Nora is dead, killed by a self-driving car that seemed to have her - or Saul - as its target. The ominous finger of suspicion points to the San-Ti, leaving Saul and Clarence to grapple with the chilling realization that they may be caught in the crosshairs of a far more sinister game.