A Small Light – Season 1 Episode 2

Published: Jun 13 2024

In the second episode of A Small Light, the Frank family ultimately relocates to the secret hideout, following Margot's safe arrival. Meanwhile, subtle clues are left in their abandoned home, suggesting a journey to Switzerland. Margot grapples with an existential crisis, while Anne Frank, initially devastated by the inability to bring her beloved kitten along, quickly regains her cheerful demeanor.

From their concealed sanctuary, Edith offers Miep invaluable advice on procuring the finest produce, while Otto Frank maintains a watchful eye over every aspect of their business affairs. His diligent staff handles the daily operations, allowing Otto to maintain his composure, despite moments of frustration creeping in.

Miep, burdened by mounting anxiety, finds herself grinding her front teeth. Seeking solace, she turns to Doctor Pfeffer, a Jewish physician introduced to her by Otto Frank. Doctor Pfeffer constantly inquiries about the Frank family, fearing for his own safety as a Jew in the midst of uncertainty.

A Small Light – Season 1 Episode 2 1

Initially, Miep holds back information from him, but her compassion gradually overrides her caution. When Doctor Pfeffer pleads for her assistance, Miep finds it difficult to deny him. Despite having a Christian wife, Doctor Pfeffer, as a Jew, finds himself at the mercy of harsh treatments.

Otto Frank and Miep engage in a heated discussion regarding Doctor Pfeffer's situation. Initially, Otto balks at the idea of sheltering him, citing the limited space and scarce food supplies. However, after further contemplation, he relents and asks Miep to bring Doctor Pfeffer to their hideout. Thus, Miep escorts Doctor Pfeffer to the sanctuary, where they must now navigate the treacherous waters of war together.

When Jan is summoned to his superior's office, his heart starts to race. He knows that he will be faced with inquiries regarding the mistake in the customer's report. As he steps into the room, his superior's gaze fixes on him, and Jan braces himself for the inevitable interrogation.

To his surprise, his superior doesn't mention the report at first. Instead, he asks Jan about the extra ration cards he had requested. Jan explains that he had acted according to his beliefs, and interestingly, his boss reveals that he feels the same way. He confides in Jan that a small group of workers secretly oppose the Nazis and are looking for him to join their ranks. Jan is taken aback but agrees to keep the information confidential, as requested by his superior.

Later, when Miep inquiries about his meeting, Jan lies to her, unable to reveal the truth about the secret resistance group. Meanwhile, Frannie and Lou seize a risky opportunity to board a train and flee back to Leiden, leaving Jan and Miep behind.

Suddenly, a loud knock sounds at Jan's door, and his heart skips a beat. As he cautiously unlocks it, a Nazi soldier stands before him. The soldier expresses sympathy for Alfred and Liddy, who were on their way to the train station with their parents but have now been brought back to Jan and Miep's care. The news that Frannie and Lou have been sent to the camps leaves Jan devastated, and he wonders what fate awaits them all in the uncertain times ahead.

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