A Small Light – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Jun 13 2024

Miep and Jan frantically searched for a covert way to conceal Frannie's children, enlisting the aid of Max, Frannie's brother. However, the Nazis' relentless surveillance made the task exceedingly challenging. Jan sought guidance from his supervisor, a shadowy figure in the resistance, who steered him towards Willem Arondeus, believing he might devise a strategy to rescue the endangered children.

A Small Light – Season 1 Episode 3 1

Willem listened attentively to Jan's concerns when they finally met. Nevertheless, he assigned Jan a perilous task: retrieve vital documents from a vacated flat before the Puls wiped it clean, following the escape of a Jewish family. As Jan cautiously followed the instructions, he stumbled upon a shocking discovery - a helpless baby hidden in a cabinet, instead of the promised documents. Following Willem's directions, Jan cautiously took the child and handed it to a woman who seemed to be an unlikely surrogate mother.

The entire ordeal left Jan rattled, and he couldn't shake the feeling that they were playing with fire. He confronted Willem, seeking reassurance, but Willem calmed his nerves, expressing faith in Jan's integrity and willingness to assist. In turn, Willem intervened to relocate Frannie's children to a safer haven.

Miep, deeply connected to Frannie's children on a personal level, found herself drawn to their plight. Reminiscing about her brother Cas, who had always stood by her side, offering unwavering support, she was determined not to let the children suffer the same fate of separation.

As Jan and Miep arrive at the designated rendezvous point, two vehicles are parked and ready to whisk the children away. The man and woman standing by the cars inform them that it's necessary to separate the young ones. Initially, Miep balks, unwilling to subject the children to the same isolation and loneliness she had experienced as a child. But she knows in her heart that this is the only way to keep them safe.

With heavy hearts, Miep and Jan bid farewell to the children before they climb into the cars. The kids wave goodbye, their innocent faces etched with a hint of fear and uncertainty.

Meanwhile, Tony Ahlers is prowling around the workplace perimeter, searching for Otto Frank. As Miep arrives for her routine visit to the Franks, Tony interrogates her about their whereabouts. He's skeptical of her claim that they're in Switzerland, his eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Otto learns of Tony's presence from Miep and discovers that he's been blackmailing him. It turns out that Otto had confided in a Nazi collaborator about his hopes for their defeat, a fatal mistake that has now put him in danger. Otto reveals that the collaborator had sent a letter of complaint against him to the Nazis, but it was intercepted by Tony Ahlers, a messenger for the NSB. Tony now threatens to send the letter if Frank doesn't pay him a hefty sum.

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