Alex Rider – Season 1 Episode 8

Published: Jun 11 2024

The thrilling finale of Alex Rider's first season unfolds at Point Blanc, where Alex's doppelganger delves into Greif's drawers, rummaging through files and snatching Alex Friend's passport. With the stolen identity in hand, the clone steals a car and rushes off to the airport, hell-bent on sowing chaos for Alex Rider back home.

Meanwhile, the real Alex struggles to reclaim his normal life, attending school and witnessing Steph's agreement to attend the dance with Tom. Unbeknownst to him, Mrs. Jones receives devastating news - Kyra's parents have been killed. She assigns Crawley the grim task of breaking the news to the devastated girl. Kyra, in a state of shock, collapses into Crawley's arms and then withdraws to sit silently on the bed's edge. Amidst the confusion, she manages to steal his keycard, plotting her escape.

Alex Rider – Season 1 Episode 8 1

As Alex finds himself surrounded by friends who seem to be turning against him, he ventures alone to the docks, where Mrs. Jones awaits him. With few leads regarding his uncle's murderer, the bad news continues to mount for Alex. When he mentions Yassen, Mrs. Jones pales and hurriedly departs, relaying the shocking news to Alan and the others - "Scorpia" and Yassen are still alive, the shadowy group responsible for the murder of Alex's parents.

Smithers alerts the team to the existence of Scorpia, a shadowy and perilous organization that has managed to evade detection despite their previous assumptions of eradication. Their stealth and deception have fooled them all, leaving them in awe of their cunning. Their conversation is abruptly interrupted by a chilling realization: the Alex they've retrieved might not be the genuine article.

The night of the dance arrives, and Alex pulls Tom aside for a private conversation. But this isn't the real Alex; his talk of their friendship and his fiddling with a knife give him away. Fortunately, the real Alex arrives on the scene to rescue the day, sparking a violent altercation between the two. The clone, wearing a mask to conceal his identity, fights fiercely, and the battle spills out into the car park. There, the two versions of Alex stand toe-to-toe, pleading for their lives, until Mrs. Jones and the others arrive to apprehend them.

Tom stumbles out of the building and, without hesitation, punches the clone. As he and the real Alex embrace, the clone rises to his feet and brandishes a gun, pointing it at them all. Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Yassen waits patiently with a sniper rifle trained on Alex's head. After eliminating the clone, Yassen aims the crosshair at the real Alex but decides against pulling the trigger, allowing him to live - for now. The reasons behind this decision remain a mystery.

As Jack, Tom, and Alex walk together the next day, Mrs. Jones and Alan Blunt decide not to reveal the truth about Alex's parents' killers, leaving the door open for a potential second season. While the situation at Point Blanc comes to a conclusive end, there are still plenty of unanswered questions hanging in the air. The fates of Yassen, Kyra, and Scorpia remain unresolved, and the inevitable revelation to Alex about who killed his parents promises to be dramatic indeed.

Unfortunately, the lighting and generally dark, grimy locations haven't done much to enhance the series. The constant shadows cast over faces and the abundance of dim hallways have been a disappointing trend. The story, while somewhat basic, is easy to overlook given its target audience of young adults. Although it lacks the intense action of previous episodes, the series concludes on a high note, leaving much promise for the future. Let's just hope we don't have to wait too long to learn if this promising series has been renewed!

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