Not Dead Yet – Season 1 Episode 1

Published: Jun 11 2024

Episode 1 of "Not Dead Yet" opens with Nell curled up in her bed, a stream of consciousness spilling out as she reflects on the wreckage of her life. Thirty-seven years old, she sacrificed her promising career for love five years ago, a decision that ultimately led to heartbreak and a return to the familiar yet uncomfortable routine of her past.

Her current living situation is a far cry from her ideal. Sharing a space with a quirky, passive-aggressive roommate who tasks her with walking his dog, Nell's life seems to be a never-ending series of misadventures. Her day starts off on a disastrous note, as she rushes to a job interview, only to end up late and involved in a minor accident in the parking lot.

Fortunately, Nell's friend Sam comes to her rescue, providing a believable excuse for her tardiness and even presenting her with a small plant to commemorate her return to her old workplace. However, the joy of reuniting with her former colleagues is quickly overshadowed by the realization that one of her new bosses is her old friend Dennis, who assigns her to the obituaries section. Her office, a cramped space more suitable for a closet than a working environment, is a stark reminder of the decline in her career.

Not Dead Yet – Season 1 Episode 1 1

Her first assignment is to cover the death of a celebrated jingle musician, Morty Waxberg, a task that she approaches with a mixture of trepidation and curiosity. Nell and Sam grab coffee, and over their drinks, Sam muses about the passage of time and the changes it has wrought in their lives. A mother of two now, Sam offers Nell a sympathetic ear, urging her to vent about her ex-boyfriend and inquiring about her birthday wishes. Nell confesses a desire to recapture the carefree days of their youth, when parties and revelry seemed to stretch on endlessly.

As they chat, Nell's gaze falls upon Lexi, a former nemesis who now seems to be on friendly terms with Sam. Sam explains that making new friends as a mother can be challenging, leading to an unexpected work friendship with Lexi, the daughter of the newspaper's owner and their new boss. Sam cautions Nell to be on her best behavior and make an effort to get along with Lexi.

Later, Nell returns home to find her roommate's chocolate intended for his girlfriend sitting temptingly on the counter. Mistakenly assuming they were a birthday gift from her roommate, she indulges in the sweet treat. Her roommate's subsequent inquiries about her birthday plans are met with a reminder that throwing a party in their shared space is not an option, especially since he will be away visiting his girlfriend.

Determined to make the most of her birthday, Nell heads to a bar to meet her friends for a celebration. As she waits, she strikes up a conversation with an elderly gentleman who offers sage advice about moving on from her past relationship. Her friends arrive shortly after, accompanied by an unexpected guest - Lexi. Her awkward speech about being a different kind of boss than her father sets an uneasy tone for the evening.

Sam checks in with Nell, asking if she's comfortable with Lexi's presence. Nell assures her that she is, but her mood darkens when Sam declines her invitation to attend a show on Saturday night, citing plans with Lexi instead. Hurt by the rejection, Nell lashes out, revealing the old nicknames they had for Lexi, causing her to leave in a huff. As the evening draws to a close, Nell is left with a bittersweet taste in her mouth, a reminder of the complexities of friendships, love, and the unpredictable nature of life.

With the birthday party in shambles, Nell trudged home, filled with regret over her life choices. Suddenly, out of the blue, the elderly man from the bar materialized before her, introducing himself as the deceased jingle musician, Morty. Nell was petrified, adamantly denying that she could see or hear the deceased. She chalked it up to the alcohol and excessive party food, resolving to get some sleep.

The next morning, Nell awoke to find Morty sitting beside her bed. Startled, she screamed, alerting her roommate, Edward, who quickly came to check on her. Nell began to speculate that her visions of Morty were perhaps a result of her recent feelings of sadness and depression. She ventured out for a walk, but Morty doggedly followed her every step.

Morty's incessant chatter wore on Nell's nerves, and she eventually lost her patience, lashing out at him. Morty wasn't one to take things lying down, accusing her of running away from her problems and being jealous of others' happiness.

Sam called, leaving a voicemail asking Nell to understand that Lexi had been a good friend to her. She urged Nell to consider apologizing since Lexi was her boss. Nell attempted to reconcile with Lexi, but the conversation quickly turned sour when Lexi demanded the truth. They agreed to be honest with each other, and things quickly became tense.

Nell confessed to Lexi that she didn't believe she was good enough to be Sam's friend. In return, Lexi revealed that she only hired Nell because Sam begged her to. She warned Nell that if she couldn't handle the job, she would fire her without hesitation.

Returning home, Nell found Morty waiting for her. She whined to him about her troubles, but he insisted they go out instead of wallowing in self-pity. They dined out, and Morty advised her to embrace life instead of constantly complaining.

Spotting Morty's wife, he asked her to relay a message. Nell ended up having dinner with Morty's wife, and it was a pleasant evening. She invited her to the party she had intended to attend with Sam, and Morty's wife eagerly accepted.

The next morning, Edward opened up, revealing his autism spectrum disorder. This explained his preference for structure and routine. He asked for Nell's understanding if he was sometimes difficult to live with.

After completing her obituary for Morty, he moved on, and Nell received another ghostly visitor - her next case. This woman seemed like she would be a handful indeed.

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