All Creatures Great And Small – Season 5 Episode 4

Published: Mar 12 2025

As the episode unfolds, Tristan (played by Callum Woodhouse) engages James (Nicholas Ralph) and Helen (Rachel Shenton) in a lighthearted anecdote about his military days, only to reveal it's all a jest centered around a camel. Just then, Audrey Hall (Anna Madeley) enters, carrying a laden bag of groceries. Siegfried (Samuel West) has ventured out to fetch Richard Carmody (James Anthony-Rose), while Audrey mentions to James that Sid Crabtree (Ryan Hawley) has reported a cow, Rose, refusing its food. James attempts to coax Tristan into accompanying him to investigate, but Tristan opts to stay put.

All Creatures Great And Small – Season 5 Episode 4 1

Upon James' arrival, Sid's dog immediately starts barking at him. Sid explains his bewilderment over Rose's refusal to eat. Back at Skeldale House, Audrey informs Tristan that Siegfried assumed he wouldn't mind sharing a room with Richard. Siegfried and Tristan soon arrive, and Tristan commends Richard for enduring his brother's company. Richard, who has just completed his finals in London, credits Siegfried for teaching him immensely. Tristan invites Richard to join him for a drink at The Drovers, but Richard is more interested in collaborating with Siegfried on bacterial research. As Tristan observes them working, he privately gripes to Audrey about Siegfried fostering a mini-version of his own killjoy demeanor, expressing apprehension about sharing quarters with Richard.

James, determined to solve Rose's mystery, decides to try linseed oil, suspecting overeating might be the culprit. Later, Tristan finds it peculiar that Richard and Siegfried are engaged in a game of cribbage instead of socializing. Opting for a nightcap solo, Tristan eventually returns home inebriated, waking Richard in the process. When Siegfried checks on them, Tristan claims Richard has usurped his bed, though Tristan feels entitled to it. Siegfried leaves them to resolve the matter amicably among themselves. The following morning, Richard wakes Tristan early.

Downstairs, Siegfried and Audrey discuss the situation, with Audrey pondering if Tristan feels excluded. Siegfried dismisses this notion. During breakfast, Tristan and Richard clash over the last slice of bread, only to be interrupted by Siegfried, who tasks Richard with addressing a snake issue at the manor—potentially smuggled in by soldiers. Tristan learns that the house has been repurposed as an Army convalescent home. Siegfried dispatches Richard alone, though Audrey suggests Tristan should accompany him.

Upon arrival, Matron Herbert (Caroline Chesworth) informs them of the snake's reported presence. Tristan suspects it's all a hoax and opts for a nap, whereas Richard diligently searches the premises for the reptile. Tristan, unable to locate a bed, encounters Mrs. Pumphrey (Patricia Hodge), who laments the loss of a cherished painting that the Matron has disregarded.

Tristan recounts the tale of the snake to her, piquing Richard's curiosity. He approaches Harry, played by Bailey Brook, inquiring if he has caught a glimpse of the reptilian intruder. Harry, accompanied by Tricki (Dora), the ever-eager companion who never misses an opportunity to sit beside anyone wielding sustenance, engages in a discourse with Richard about their literary preferences. The conversation takes a turn as Harry ponders whether the snake might possess venom. Intrigued, Richard lingers, delving deeper into the world of serpents with Harry.

Elsewhere, Pumphrey discusses the snake situation with the Matron, who laments the staffing shortage, delaying their painting endeavors. Pumphrey and Tristan then set out to locate Tricki, their search intertwined with the hospital's daily hustle. Meanwhile, Sid confides in James, revealing that Rose, despite receiving linseed oil, remains in a dim state. A visit from Mr. Oakley (Nicholas Collett) brightens the atmosphere momentarily, as Sid inquiries about a possible obstruction. Oakley suggests a good gallop, a remedy sweared by his father, while James counters with a lavage, dismissing galloping as mere folklore.

Harry regales Richard with tales from his military days, their chat punctuated by Tristan's arrival. Harry extols the joy of reuniting with loved ones after service, prompting Richard to inquire about Harry Tucker's injury—a question Tristan abruptly interrupts, introducing himself in the process. Tristan mentions Pumphrey's concern for Tricki, to which Richard assures him Harry will keep watch. However, Tricki, ever the restless soul, dashes out of the room, prompting Tristan and Richard into a frantic chase.

Cornered in a room with Tricki in tow, they discover the door locked behind them. Tristan struggles in vain to open it, while Richard notes the window's imprisonment. They resort to sitting, hoping for a passerby to notice their plight. Richard reprimands Tristan for disrupting his conversation, who in turn argues that probing Harry's injury was insensitive. As if on cue, Richard spots the snake, sending Tristan leaping onto the couch in alarm.

Bosworth's timely arrival with a mattress for Skeldale House offers a moment of levity. Audrey Hall volunteers to watch over Jimmy, freeing Helen to check on James and Sid Crabtree. Richard, displaying remarkable composure, captures the snake and confines it to a box, while Tristan holds onto a skittish Tricki. Richard surmises Tristan's fear of snakes, which Tristan admits, preferring to steer clear altogether. It is Richard's first encounter with a python, earning Tristan's admiration for his bravery.

James updates Sid on Rose's condition, stable but unchanged, viewing this as a hopeful sign. Sid fears the worst regarding James's unexpected leave, which James attributes to brucellosis. Oakley reappears, eager to offer Rose a gallop, a proposition Sid readily accepts. Tristan shares with Richard the underlying tensions at the place, hinting at territorial instincts extending beyond Pumphrey.

In this vivid tapestry of interactions and events, each character's motivations and reactions bring the narrative to life, painting a picture of a bustling, emotionally charged environment.

Tristan offered a heartfelt apology, and Richard quickly followed suit, expressing his own regret. Richard generously suggested finding alternative accommodation, although reluctantly acknowledging his fondness for their current shared space. He confided that his parents' frequent trips abroad had necessitated his upbringing in a boarding school, hinting at a lonely childhood. Tristan, moved by Richard's revelation, proposed they continue to share the room. Impromptu debate, raised their voices in distress.

Meanwhile, Oakley's session with Rose concluded, leaving James to assess her progress with a surprised nod of approval. In a private moment, James whispered to Sid that Oakley must have timed Rose's lavage perfectly. Sid remarked that, despite the initial scare with brucellosis, some good had unexpectedly emerged from the ordeal. As James departed, a startled encounter with Shep prompted an abrupt yell, much to the dog's amusement. Later, James shared with Helen his encounters, noting Shep's penchant for sudden, playful leaps. Helen suggested a visit to The Drovers for a soothing drink.

Pumphrey finally located Tristan, Richard, and a seemingly unperturbed Tricki. Richard proudly introduced the snake, reassuring Pumphrey of its harmless nature. Pumphrey, determined to resolve the situation amicably, offered to inform the matron with measured tones. Richard, however, intended to return the snake to the surgery for proper care. In a confidential chat, James spoke to Helen about his partnership with Crabtree, sensing Helen's suspicion of underlying issues. James revealed that Oakley and Sid had deemed his brush with brucellosis fortunate, hinting at a near-miss disaster during a past mission. Helen agreed, emphasizing the fragile thread of fate. James mentioned his crew's downing, omitted previously to avoid jinxing future missions. Helen gently encouraged him to talk it out, but James assured her he had come to terms with the past. He hinted at unfinished business before heading home.

Matron handed Pumphrey a painting, and the two managed to mend fences, exchanging civil words. Pumphrey shared that the painting, a nostalgic view of her childhood home, was her father's work. James sought reconciliation with Seph, fearing he might have crushed the latter's spirit. However, Seph's playful antics with Oakley reassured James that all was well.

At Skeldale House, Richard unveiled the snake's name, Schrodinger, to Siegfried. Tristan and Richard amicably agreed to keep the reptilian roommate out of their bedroom. Siegfried noticed early signs of scale rot, prompting Richard to recommend topical treatment. Audrey, catching wind of the renewed harmony, inquired about their makeshift zoo. Siegfried quipped that Richard's passion for animals would soon lead to a proper menagerie.

Privately, Tristan apologized to Siegfried for breaking trust, while Siegfried recounted the tale of Audrey's mattress acquisition, revealing he had kept the room vacant for a year in tribute. During dinner, conversations flowed about their manor adventures, with Richard contemplating a career path similar to Harry's. Encouragement from all sides urged him to stay the course in veterinary medicine. Siegfried later thanked Audrey for her diplomacy, noting her joy in a bustling, joyful household. With a playful smile, he queried where they'd keep all the animals, to which Audrey quipped that Richard would find a way.

Tristan and Richard engaged in lighthearted arguments, their camaraderie evident despite their playful disputes. They agreed that their little escapade had been thoroughly enjoyable, with Tristan vowing to reclaim his bed—a challenge Richard eagerly anticipated.

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