Amandaland – Season 1 Episode 5

Published: Feb 21 2025

The episode kicks off with Johannes (played by Peter Serafinowicz) encountering Manus (portrayed by Alexander Shaw) and Georgie Hughes (Miley Locke), handing each of them a crisp 20-pound note to curry favor. At football practice, Amanda (Lucy Punch) spills the beans about the encounter to the fellow parents. Anne Flynn (Philipa Dunne), inquisitive about their upcoming meeting with Johannes, extends an invitation to Amanda for a camping expedition. Amanda politely declines, only for JJ (Ekow Quartey) to arrive shortly after, inquiring about the trip's deposit with Anne. He then wagers with Mal (Samuel Anderson) that Mal must be a camping pro. Mal retorts by sharing an anecdote of a disaster-stricken camping trip with Abs.

Amandaland – Season 1 Episode 5 1

Post-practice, Anne crosses paths with Johannes, who expresses his avid love for camping upon glimpsing the gear and learns of the impending adventure. Amanda, citing her discomfort with tents due to her lengthy legs, prompts Johannes to upgrade her and the kids to a camper van. Georgie attempts to sway Amanda against the trip, preferring to stay with Felicity Sanderson (Joanna Lumley), but to no avail. Johannes' arrival coincides with Amanda's decision to trade the van Johannes secured for one more Instagram-worthy.

Upon reaching the campsite, Amanda, dismayed to find her plot adjacent to the outhouses, convinced Anne to swap sites with her. Mal discovers Isla has a fever, shrinking the group to him, JJ, and Ned (Archie Smith). JJ generously offers his now spacious tent, but Mal politely declines. Though tardy, Fi (Rochenda Sandall) and Morten (Anya McKenna-Bruce) eventually arrive, with Della Fry (Siobhan) McSweeney) scheduled to join post-work. Amanda persuades Morten to coax Georgie out of the van.

JJ strives to ignite the gang's enthusiasm for football, while Johannes tempts JJ with an opportunity to admire his bowie knife. As firewood gathering commences, Johannes transforms it into a friendly competition, promising 20 quid to the boy who brings back the largest log. He nicknames Mal 'Twiggy' for opting for twigs over logs. That evening, after announcing a hike for the next day, Johannes orchestrates a perimeter of male urine around the campsite to deter foxes, with Della finally joining the group later that night.

The following morning finds Amanda still reluctant to use the facilities, with Anne inadvertently interrupting the men's shower. To Johannes' and JJ's chagrin, Mal chooses to lead the hike with his phone, realizing too late that its battery is nearly depleted, and Ned left his back at camp at JJ's request. As the boys continue their hike, the girls indulge in mini golf. Mal's reliance on his phone leads the group astray until it dies, prompting him to return to camp while the others press on. Meanwhile, at mini golf, Fi proposes a summer road trip to Italy to Della, sparking a disagreement as Della remains lukewarm about the idea.

Anne finds herself stranded at the alligator's den and reluctantly heads back to camp, convinced by Amanda's insistence that further exploration is futile. En route, the allure of the nearby shoer's establishment tempts her to detour for a fleeting glimpse, only to be caught red-handed. Meanwhile, Mal bumps into Della, who is secluded in the woods, brooding over her spat with Fi. She confides in him that Double Shin's finances are dwindling rapidly, giving them perhaps a mere month or six weeks at most. In response, Mal offers to share an ecstasy pill he's discovered in his tent, a proposal she considers.

By the time Anne is escorted back to camp, all the girls have returned. She sheepishly reveals she's received an official reprimand for ogling the menfolk. Later, when Amanda ventures into the forest for some privacy, her encounter with a snake elicits a piercing scream, drawing everyone's attention. Johannes and the hiking group spring into action first, with Johannes swiftly capturing the serpent and playfully handling it as though it posed no threat. Mal arrives shortly after, cautioning Johannes about the adder's danger, but Johannes feigns bravado. It isn't until he attempts to suck out the venom and his mouth goes numb that he realizes the gravity of the situation. An emergency trip to the hospital ensues, with Della and Mal already in the throes of their ecstasy-induced high.

Upon returning to camp, Della seeks out Fi, proposing a spontaneous trip to Morocco for the three of them, offering her credit card freely. At the hospital, Mal confides in Amanda that Johannes is unworthy of her affection and asks permission to give her a buzz cut, captivated by her radiant golden locks. However, their conversation is abruptly cut short by Amanda receiving a call from Johannes, informing her of his overnight stay due to the venom but anticipating a safe return to London the following morning. The only catch is the lingering toxin in his system. He requests to stay with Amanda until he recovers, though his enthusiasm for the arrangement is lackluster.

Amanda and Johannes return to camp to relay the news to Manus and Georgie. In a private moment with Georgie, Amanda expresses her resentment towards her for forcing her departure, a result of her conversation with the mini-golf enthusiast. The episode concludes on this note of tension and unresolved feelings.

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