Episode 5 of "American Born Chinese" unfolds with a gripping account from Wei-Chen, detailing his celestial adventures before his earthly return, entrancing Jin with every word. Immediately afterward, a stunning revelation dawns: the pendants cherished by Jin's parents are crafted from exquisitely rare jades, a verdant green and a fiery orange, which harmoniously merge into one seamless entity.
With a pretext of attending to his biology project, Jin abruptly departs from their mission to trace Ji Gong, leaving Wei-Chen to ponder the mystery alone. Jin's path then intertwines with Amelia's, as he finds solace in her company and the warmth of her family's embrace.
Meanwhile, Wei-Chen's pursuit of Ji Gong leads to a revelatory encounter, where the enigmatic figure sheds light on the elusive fourth scroll. In a moment of insight, Wei-Chen believes he's uncovered its whereabouts—hidden within Jin's mother's necklace. Yet, his actions inadvertently lead Ji Gong straight to the Wang residence.
At Jin's parents' doorstep, Ji Gong adopts a cunning disguise, posing as Wei-Chun's uncle, before luring the unsuspecting Wongs to a diner where he stealthily makes off with their jade treasure. Jin and Wei-Chen's arrival at the diner proves futile as Ji Gong eludes them, the pendant now in his possession.
The night takes a darker turn as the Wongs, under the influence of alcohol, engage in a heated altercation, leaving Jin seething with anger and heartache. Meanwhile, Ji Gong's magic misstep causes the pendant to slip from his grasp, only for Wei-Chen to seize the opportunity and snatch it for himself. This betrayal stings Jin deeply, who is already reeling from the discord between his parents.
Wei-Chen, too, finds himself disillusioned by Jin's reluctance to forge a mentor-protégé bond or even a simple friendship. In a moment of desperation, he decides to keep the pendant, unaware of the emotional turmoil he's unleashed.