Episode 6 of "Apple Cider Vinegar" kicks off with Belle orchestrating her own television interview, vowing to bare her soul with unvarnished honesty. Yet, when quizzed about her chemotherapy experience, she opts for deceit. Hek, meanwhile, attends an AA meeting, marking fifteen days of sobriety. In moments of despair, he finds solace in watching Belle's interview, as hating her provides an easier escape. During the group session, Hek recounts a bizarre tale: Belle, plagued by ringworm, consumption a whole bottle of apple cider vinegar, subsequently pulling out a two-foot tapeworm from her mouth. Hek knows the narrative is fabricated, yet he laments that humans often cling to falsehoods, like the notion that apple cider vinegar holds the key to all solutions, for comfort.
The narrative shifts to three months prior, as Clive remains indifferent to Belle, who boards a plane bound for Milla's funeral. Panic sets in upon reading Justin's email. She hastily replies, affirming the charity's legitimacy while conveniently ignoring the cancer scam accusations. Belle then springs into action, reaching out to various charities and initiating donations. Her late arrival at the funeral is marked by a dramatic, loud wailing, leaving Arlo and Joe perplexed and Chanelle glaring daggers at her.
Belle brazenly invites herself to the wake at Milla's house, attempting to be of service. A call from Fiona, Hunter's mother, interrupts her endeavors. Fiona informs her that the surgery is scheduled and the funds are urgently needed. Belle stammers through excuses, leaving Fiona stunned to learn that the journalists had been right about the charity fraud.
Later, Belle snoops around Milla's bedroom when Arlo bursts in. She tries to console him with fabricated stories, but he sees through her deceit, having been warned by Milla about her duplicity. Belle is ejected in tears, only to find Joe checking on her. She feigns admiration for Milla's fortune in being loved before speeding off in her car, tears streaming down her face.Can Justin manage to unravel Belle's secrets? Meanwhile, journalists from The Age dismiss Justin's narrative outright, as he remains stuck at a deadlock concerning the cancer allegations. Desperation sets in, prompting him to reach out to Linda, Clive's mother, who has never harbored fondness for Belle. However, Justin's mention of Linda's husband's stroke crosses the line, making the conversation personal and leading her to abruptly end the call.
Clive catches wind of Linda's phone conversation and sternly advises Justin to steer clear. But Justin, cleverly invoking Belle's manipulative tactics, manages to persuade Clive into an off-the-record meeting. Subsequently, an article exposing Belle's charity fraud surfaces. Yet, Chanelle is disheartened, for it fails to address the cancer claims and risks being perceived as defamatory.
Chanelle's concerns prove valid as Belle posts an apology, claiming intentions of donation amidst financial struggles. In a haunting twist, Belle hallucinates Milla, who assists her with crafting the message. The post garners an immediate outpouring of support, turning the tide against Justin who faces widespread criticism. Nevertheless, a skeptical user questions her financial practices, deemed unethical for a fundraiser, igniting a torrent of hatred. Chanelle and Lenny soon join in, further exposing Belle.
Belle's ringworm worsens under the weight of stress. Initially attempting to respond to the hateful comments, she ultimately deletes them all—a misstep that fuels speculations about her other potential lies. Even Lucy, normally sympathetic, demands proof of Belle's cancer, reopening the cancer narrative. Medical professionals start scrutinizing her stories, uncovering inconsistencies. Sean capitalizes on this by penning an article detailing the doctors who refute Belle's cancer assertions.
Eager to preempt the escalating scandal, Julie decides to withdraw the remaining copies of "The Whole Pantry" book from circulation.
Why does Clive choose to remain by Belle's side? Justin eagerly awaits Clive's arrival, yet Clive fails to materialize. Instead, Clive endeavors to convince Nathan to strike a co-parenting agreement with him. However, Nathan and his wife decline the responsibility of Belle's son's custody. Clive is left deflated, realizing he cannot abandon Belle with the child unsupervised.
His fears are justified as Belle, in a delusional state, attempts to infiltrate the Apple HQ and is forcibly ejected, her partnership terminated. Returning home in tears, she discovers the child has injured himself during play. Stripping off the bandages, Belle vows to heal him herself.
Later, Belle watches Clive engage in a heated debate with his parents about abandoning her. To her astonishment, he declares his love for their family and his resolve to stay. They relocate to Beverly Hills, driven by Belle's desire for a fresh start.
Following the chaos with Hek, Belle secures an interview with 60 Minutes Australia, eager for an exclusive scoop. Yet, the interview descends into a chaotic mess, with Belle rambling incoherently and failing to substantiate any claims.
In the closing scenes of Apple Cider Vinegar Episode 6, Justin offers solace to Fiona, who grapples with the heartbreaking cancellation of Hunter's surgery. Meanwhile, Lucy finds harmony by blending conventional and holistic treatments. This time, Justin accompanies her to her yoga classes and chemotherapy sessions, standing by her side.