Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 16

Published: Sep 23 2024

Episode 16 of "Bad-Memory Eraser" kicks off with Gun's contemplative musings, his mind wandering back to the elusive memory of his first love, Sae-yan, who finds herself in a precarious hostage situation, while Ju-yeon grapples with the weight of her past actions, haunted by regret.

Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 16 1

As dawn breaks, Ju-yeon's disciplinary hearing commences, a somber stage set for her redemption or condemnation. Gun arrives, a reluctant witness, his wrist throbbing with each glance towards her, a physical manifestation of his inner turmoil. Amidst the ethics board's probing inquiries, he confesses that his bad memories, once erased, had left him feeling like a stranger in his own skin. Yet, he realizes with profound clarity that this newfound persona is an integral part of his being, a revelation that has granted him acceptance and the will to evolve.

Meanwhile, the Health Minister's disapproving gaze falls upon the unfortunate tale of Tae-oh's reset trial gone awry, a dead mouse a chilling reminder of ethical missteps. Betrayal ensues as the hospital director swiftly turns on Tae-oh, branding him as the sole culprit of unethical practices. Ju-yeon, too, faces the consequences, her own trial for the bad-memory eraser suspended for a harrowing three months.

Sae-yan, imprisoned in her thoughts, recollects Ju-yeon's countless kindnesses, igniting a fierce desire for freedom. She stumbles upon a functional card machine and, realizing the power it holds, sets her mind to a desperate SOS signal. Using Ju-yeon's credit card, she crafts a cryptic message through purchases—505 (SOS in Morse code), 8282 (a plea for haste), and 112 (the universal emergency number).

Ju-yeon, determined to start anew, is meticulously organizing her office, resignation letter in hand. The unexpected purchases catch her eye, and she instantly alerts Shin, both of them on a desperate hunt for Sae-yan. Tracing the trail to a garage, they prepare to strike, only to be diverted by a cryptic text from Sae-yan's phone, Hyo-myeong's ruse luring Ju-yeon back to the hospital.

Shin, sensing something amiss, presses on to the garage, his instincts guiding him deeper into the shadows. As he hovers on the brink of turning back, a glimpse of the basement ignites a spark of hope. Knocking insistently, he hears Sae-yan's faint cry for help, shattering the silence. With a resounding crash, the lock shatters, freeing Sae-yan from her confinement, and igniting a new chapter in their entwined fates.

After enduring the disciplinary review, Gun retreats to his office, where Ju-yeon's positive notes seem to taunt him from every corner. The personalized charm bracelet he'd crafted for their second rendezvous arrives, a tangible reminder of a path he's unsure how to traverse. His thoughts are abruptly interrupted by the police, delivering the dossier on Shin's stalker, Ahn Hyo-myeong.

The brothers delve into the file, with Shin drawing a blank on the stalker's face, but Gun's mind swiftly connects the dots, recalling a glimpse of Sae-yan's father's photograph. As Shin heads to meet Ju-yeon, Gun dives into researching Hyo-myeong, his heart plummeting when he discovers the man's sinister past: the murderer of Ju-yeon's father. Desperately, he attempts to reach her, his wrist throbbing in unison with his anxiety. Unable to bear the pain, he calls Shin, who alerts her of "Sae-yan's" impending visit to the hospital.

Ju-yeon, her mind elsewhere, finally notices the stuffed toy Hyo-myeong had sent to her office, a sinister gift amidst the chaos. Before she can process its meaning, he appears, berating her for manipulating Sae-yan's affections. She swoons, vulnerable, as he lunges to strike the final blow. But Gun arrives in the nick of time, launching into a fierce struggle where he's swiftly overmatched. Hyo-myeong's strength shatters Gun's aching wrist, leaving him vulnerable.

Just as Hyo-myeong prepares to deliver the final strike, the police storm in, cuffing him. He glares at Sae-yan, convinced that Shin has turned his daughter against him. She, with quiet resolve, declares that Ju-yeon and the Lees are her family now, and he must relinquish his hold on them. The air crackles with the weight of their confrontation, the truth finally laid bare.

A poignant flashback transports us back to 2007, where Sae-yan and her mother embark on a new chapter, relocating to Ju-yeon's neighborhood. Their daughters' paths intertwine swiftly, forming an unbreakable bond, while Mrs. Jeon dotes affectionately on Mr. and Mrs. Kyung. From afar, Hyo-myeong observes their interactions, simmering with rage as he witnesses Mr. Kyung's casual touch upon Mrs. Jeon. Fuelled by jealousy, he trails the unsuspecting doctor to his clinic, posing as a patient, and ultimately unleashes his fury, taking the doctor's life for daring to touch his former lover.

Meanwhile, by the banks of a serene bridge, Ju-yeon and Sae-yan engage in playful antics when Ju-yeon's keen eye spots Gun struggling in the water. Without hesitation, she dives in, heroically rescuing him. As Gun weeps for his lost medal, Ju-yeon plunges back in, determined to retrieve it. However, upon reclaiming the treasure, she's left perplexed by Gun's sudden disappearance, only to learn later that kind-hearted villagers had intervened, safely escorting him away.

Ju-yeon's thoughts instantly turn to Sae-yan, and she rushes to find her friend, exchanging her damp attire for dry clothes along the way. Leaving the medal behind, she assumes Sae-yan awaits her at her father's clinic and hurries there. But what she finds is a harrowing sight—Hyo-myeong looming over her fallen father. The shock is so intense that Ju-yeon faints, narrowly escaping Hyo-myeong's wrath as he hesitates, ultimately sparing her life.

At the bustling market, a vendor unwittingly reveals to Mrs. Kyung and Mrs. Jeon that she'd disclosed their new address to Hyo-myeong, who had feigned a desire to reconcile with his family. Mrs. Jeon, alarmed, whisks Sae-yan away, fleeing the country. Meanwhile, Mrs. Kyung's heart shatters into pieces upon discovering her husband's lifeless body and her daughter lying unconscious.

As the narrative shifts to the present, Ju-yeon, now hospitalized, awakens to find Gun by her side, offering her the charm bracelet as a token of gratitude. Mrs. Jeon rushes in, her apologies pouring forth in a torrent. Mrs. Kyung shares the profound impact her husband's murder had on Ju-yeon, revealing her struggle with aphasia and the family's resilient journey towards healing. Sae-yan's timid visit is met with warmth as Ju-yeon embraces her, erasing any lingering shame.

As Sae-yan prepares to depart, Ju-yeon confides, her voice filled with wonder, that she has rediscovered her cherished childhood memories, including those golden moments shared with Sae-yan and the heroic deed that saved Gun's life.

To clear the air, before the revelation that Ju-yeon is indeed Gun's true first love, Sae-yan confronts Gun and confesses that she is not the one he's been searching for. Her discovery of his medal was merely a coincidence after her 15-year return to their hometown. She emphasizes that the identity of his first love or savior is inconsequential, and even if Ju-yeon had deceived him, Gun's affection for her evolved from genuine connection, not mere pretense. Furthermore, she divulges Ju-yeon's imminent departure for medical research, urging Gun to meet her at least once before she leaves.

Parallel to this, Ju-yeon confides in Dr. Han, who subsequently enlightens Gun about the authenticity of his first love memories. Stunned, Gun yearns to rush to Ju-yeon's side but halts, mindful of his haggard state. Realizing that Ju-yeon technically didn't lie—for he's come to cherish her for who she is now—he chooses to heed Sae-yan's advice and work on himself first.

Three years later, Gun's agency has regained its former glory, and he has reclaimed his confidence. CEO Hong's attempts to lure away his investor remain futile, as the mysterious investor, Chairman Won, turns out to be Ju-yeon's former patient, who secretly observed their story unfold from afar. Won confesses that his investments in Gun's company are a token of gratitude to Ju-yeon for her healing touch, and he extends an invitation to Gun for Ju-yeon's award ceremony, where she has returned.

Yet, upon receiving her accolade, Ju-yeon finds herself drawn to the familiar village bridge. In a heartwarming climax to Bad-Memory Eraser's Episode 16, Gun appears, quipping that her being his first and last love is his good fortune. They exchange smiles and an embrace, sealing their love amidst the picturesque backdrop.

As for the remaining cast of characters, Sae-yan has gracefully returned to the embrace of Italy, where she's landed a fulfilling job and maintains a steadfast bond with Seung-hyun and the endearing Mrs. Kyung. Nurse Song and Dr. Han, despite their clandestine courtship, have become an open secret, with their romantic endeavors a well-known fact among their acquaintances. Meanwhile, Mr. and Mrs. Lee embark on a quest to discover a shared passion, currently grappling with the intricate steps of tango, much to Mr. Lee's humorous dismay as he struggles with two left feet.

Shin has embarked on a new chapter as an educator, navigating the challenges of a classroom where his OCD is met with students' initial indifference. Undeterred, he perseveres, striving to transcend his own barriers and win over his pupils' hearts. Shi-on, on the other hand, shines brightly as a triumphant athlete, while Guk-bong holds a prestigious position as the official coach at Gun's esteemed agency, guiding the next generation of stars towards glory.

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