Episode 1 of "The Penguin" unveils a bleak portrait of Gotham City, reeling from the aftermath of the Riddler's rampage in "The Batman" film. The metropolis's impoverished quarters are left in a state of disarray, with a void of power looming large. Amidst this chaos, Alberto Falcone has ascended to the throne of his father's criminal empire, while the enigmatic Penguin emerges as the wildcard.
The scene opens with our protagonist, the Penguin, storming into the Iceberg Lounge, wielding a sledgehammer like a weapon of retribution. He ransacks the premises, amassing a trove of jewels and incriminating papers, which he presents to Alberto as a treacherous gift, all while spinning a web of flattery around his own aspirations to be Gotham's new kingpin.
As they engage in a power play over cocktails, Alberto outlines his vision to revolutionize the drug trade, echoing the cunning tactics of his late father, Carmine, who expertly balanced carrots and sticks. He acknowledges Oz's past schemes but dismisses them as mere inconveniences, maintaining order through fear. However, the conversation takes a sinister turn when Alberto's scorn for Oz's ambitions boils over, culminating in a chilling act of betrayal—Alberto's execution in cold blood.
The reality of his actions sinks in heavily on Oz, who frantically attempts to clean up the mess, both metaphorically and literally. Outside, amidst the shadows, he encounters Victor Aguilar, a youngster with a stutter, caught in the act of petty theft. Seeing a fragment of himself in the stuttering youth, Oz coerces Vic into becoming his unwitting accomplice, tasking him with driving him to dispose of Alberto's body by the harbor's edge.
Delving deeper into Alberto's phone, Oz uncovers a crucial calendar entry: "Shipment." This revelation sparks a cunning plan—to intercept the impending drug influx and claim it as his own. But first, he must concoct an alibi to cover his tracks during the murder. Enter Eve, a local prostitute and a familiar face in Oz's underworld escapades, who becomes his unwitting shield against suspicion.
With each step, Oz tightens his grip on Gotham's criminal underbelly, transforming from a mere pawn in the game to a formidable player, ready to reshape the city's dark landscape to suit his own twisted vision.
As the night wore on, their relentless labor persisted, the dawn breaking amidst their endeavors. Oz, contemplative, slipped Alberto's ring from his finger, mulling over the fate of Vic. Vic, sensing the uncertainty, unleashed a fervent monologue, his words laced with ambition and a plea for a chance from Penguin. The oration proved potent, swaying Oz's decision, at least momentarily.
The routine resumed its grip as dawn yielded to daylight. After a hasty grooming, Oz, Vic in tow, ventured forth to the fray of their workplace. At the warehouse's confines, they'd salvaged a mere 30% of their product, yet the streets outside seethed with chaos. To compound their woes, the Family's summons echoed through the morning air, summoning Oz to their headquarters.
The summons bore ill tidings. The plant's doors were to be bolted shut, and the entire operation was to relocate to Robbinsville—a sanctuary from the scorching heat of scrutiny and the menacing coils of rival gangs. The Family sought to avert a gangland inferno, but Oz held a hidden ace—Alberto's shipment, a trump card in his sleeve.
Sofia's arrival, fresh from Arkham's "rehabilitation," disrupted the somber atmosphere. Her first inquiry, sharp as a knife, probed at Alberto's demise. Oz parried the question with finesse, but his denial of any knowledge of the shipment echoed hollowly. Sofia refused to be dissuaded, proposing lunch as a means to persist in her pursuit. Over a meal, her polished facade cracked, revealing a more intimate side as they shared a moment of camaraderie amidst the storm.
Oz deftly navigates his way through the unpredictable waters with that unhinged woman, his alibi with Eve a blessed assurance. As they bid farewell, Sofia whispers to Oz that she's always known he possessed depths untapped, never once doubting his mettle. Upon parting, Oz's steps lead him back to Vic, who is visibly unnerved.
Armed with the necklace bestowed by Alberto, Oz's destination is etched in his mind—his mother's abode. He presents her with the sparkling bauble and swiftly retrieves his stash of cash, hidden away in the closet's recesses. His heart set on an escape, he proposes a vacation together, sensing her curiosity. She senses the undercurrents and, with tenderness, steels his resolve, convincing Penguin to stay put instead of fleeing.
Oz then braves the prison's shadows to confront Sal, declaring his severance from the Falcone clan and his intention to switch allegiances. Amidst the aftermath of Carmine's demise and Penguin's soaring ambitions, Sal is initially unyielding. But the sight of Alberto Falcone's ring changes the tide, unlocking Sal's ear.
However, fate conspires against Oz as he returns home, Sofia and her entourage lying in wait. She strips him bare, seeing through his lies, and unleashes her wrath, claiming the life of one of the youths from that fateful night who dared to steal from him. But beneath this chaos, a grander scheme unfolds.
A vehicle, Alberto Falcone's lifeless form concealed in its trunk, hurtles towards the Falcone mansion, his finger a gruesome absence, the word "Payback" etched like a scar on the trunk's roof. The car, propelled by a cinderblock, becomes a messenger of doom, its perpetrator long vanished into the night.
This intricate web is spun by none other than Victor, timed perfectly to coincide with Penguin's interrogation, ensuring her ignorance of Vic's machinations. The ring in Sal's possession, a strategic pawn, all part of a grand design to credit the Maronis. Oz, resolute, has made his choice—to seize the shipment and reign supreme over the city, Vic, his steadfast companion, by his side.