Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 3

Published: Sep 09 2024

The recap of "Bad-Memory Eraser" Episode 3 kicks off with a buoyant Gun relentlessly flirting with Ju-yeon, who's visibly annoyed yet struggles valiantly to maintain the facade of being his long-lost love. Han's elation knows no bounds, convinced that the experiment has been resuscitated by Ju-yeon's dedication. However, the task proves far from trivial as Ju-yeon faces an unrelenting barrage of queries from Gun's inquisitive parents, particularly when the revelation of his first love's heroic deed in rescuing him from drowning as a child emerges. Feeling like an impostor, Ju-yeon devises a ploy to keep Gun at arm's length, subtly hinting at her involvement with Tae-oh. But her efforts backfire, as Gun's jealousy ignites, promptly informing Guk-bong of his rediscovered love. Guk-bong, remembering the heartache Gun once endured, endeavors to steer him away from the enigmatic girl.

Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 3 1

Shifting gears to the police station, Shin recounts the fateful night of Gun's accident with haunting clarity. After a tumultuous confrontation with their mother, Shin shadows Gun from afar. As Gun takes a plunge into the river, Shin springs into action, dialing 911 and miraculously saving his brother before the ambulance arrives. Yet, the detective's suspicions linger, questioning how Shin could have possibly reached and rescued him in such a fleeting moment.

Enter CEO Hong, Shin's influential agent, who swiftly extracts him from the predicament by wielding the power of celebrity status. Outside, Hong's tone turns menacing, threatening to expose the investigation's details if Shin fails to renew his contract. Amidst this tense exchange, an unseen observer watches from the shadows, their intentions shrouded in mystery.

Returning to the hospital's hushed corridors, Tae-oh and Ju-yeon engage in a heartfelt conversation, their eyes lingering on their matching Eiffel Tower keychains—a thoughtful gift from Tae-oh on Ju-yeon's birthday. Despite her sensitivity to metals, Ju-yeon treasures hers deeply, her fingers gently tracing its contours. Unbeknownst to them, Gun eavesdrops, jealousy seething within him, until it boils over into action as he hurls his slipper at Tae-oh in a fit of pique.

Over lunch, Gun indulges in elaborate cuisine, inviting Tae-oh to join him amidst the clink of silverware and the aroma of gourmet dishes. But as fate seems to conspire against Ju-yeon, a clumsy mishap leaves her drenched, prompting Gun to leap into action without hesitation. His chivalry falters, however, when he observes Tae-oh's indifferent departure, leaving him to ponder the mysteries of Ju-yeon's heart and vowing to sway her affections.

At practice, the atmosphere is tense as Mrs. Lee micromanages Shin's preparation for his upcoming match, her control bordering on the obsessive. Hong's arrival only adds fuel to the fire, chastising him for failing to keep her abreast of the ongoing investigation. Her gaze falls upon Shin, poised to mentor the youngsters in Guk-bong's class, igniting a fiery outburst aimed at Mr. Lee for disrupting Shin's tightly woven schedule. Amidst the chaos, Mr. Lee unleashes his frustration, but Shin steps in, his calming presence restoring order until their familial rift is mended.

Meanwhile, Gun orchestrates a surprise, sneaking off to the agency and treating the staff to a feast of culinary delights. Hong's initial rudeness gives way to intrigue when Gun suggests how his data analytics prowess could benefit Shi-on. A deal is struck, its terms enticing: a guaranteed position in the agency if Gun secures Shi-on's contract. Hong's amazement is palpable, wondering if Gun's recent mishap—the fall from stairs, he was told—had somehow jolted his mind into a brilliant new strategy.

Back at the hospital, Gun's charm is on full display, his overt friendliness towards Nurse Song and the others a mere facade to uncover secrets about Tae-oh. His keen observation doesn't go unnoticed; the Eiffel Tower keychains, a recurring theme, reveal Tae-oh's thriftiness in procuring a bulk of them during a business trip to Paris. Song's casual revelation adds another layer to the puzzle, painting a picture of Tae-oh that Gun will undoubtedly use to his advantage.

As Guk-bong enthusiastically builds up the children's anticipation for Shin's arrival, fate takes an unexpected turn as the tennis prodigy is suddenly diverted, compelled to attend a prior engagement with Han. In his haste, Shin rushes past Ju-yeon, his bag carelessly gaping open, spilling its precious cargo of autographed tennis balls meant for the kids. Ju-yeon, quick on her feet, dives to the ground, scooping up as many as she can, while Shin frantically chases after the rest. Tae-oh and the staff soon join in the fray, assisting her in the embarrassing task, unaware that in the commotion, her keychain has found a new home in Shin's bag.

Later, Shin discovers the mishap, locating Ju-yeon and his bag in her office, where she stands in as Han's substitute due to the latter's absence. Shin, grappling with OCD, pleads for Ju-yeon to prescribe the same medication Han would, desperate to escape. But she, unyielding, engages him in a heart-to-heart about the burden of fulfilling others' expectations. Arriving late to Guk-bong's class, he's saddened to find the children have already dispersed.

That evening, Gun observes the staff's departure, his eye lingering on the closeness between Tae-oh and Nurse Yeo. Intrigued, he notes Tae-oh's apparent lack of trauma from the stairs incident yet his need for counseling. His thoughts turn to Ju-yeon as he stumbles upon her asleep, surrounded by her research papers, musing on the erasure of unpleasant memories. Awakened by his presence, she hurriedly shields her work from his gaze. Gun invites her to dinner, a gesture tinged with a subtle wish coupon bargain won in a game of rock, paper, scissors in the storage room, where he had graciously offered to hide in the laundry bin.

Over dinner, Gun implores Ju-yeon to seek the companionship of someone who reciprocates her feelings, rather than pursuing Tae-oh. In return, she gently urges him to let go of his past loves, comparing his cherished memory to a warm bowl of noodles in the midst of hunger—a transformation from bittersweet to pure comfort. She is not a relic of the past but a vibrant presence in his present. As Ju-yeon trudges home, guilt weighs heavily on her heart.

Exhausted, she unwittingly shares her bed with the enigmatic girl from a previous encounter. Her mother introduces Sae-yan, an old neighbor from before their move to Italy, now visiting South Korea for a month. Despite Sae-yan's cheerful demeanor, her bubbly personality grates on Ju-yeon's nerves.

Meanwhile, Shin thoughtfully leaves behind the autographed balls and a few extra treats, a gesture of kindness meant for the delight of the children. As he delves into his practice, his eyes catch a glimpse of Ju-yeon's keyring nestled within his bag, an unintended souvenir. The scene seamlessly shifts to Ju-yeon frantically searching for it throughout the hospital, her anxiety palpable. Gun, with a playful smirk, teases her briefly before making his way to his car.

In the bustling car park, Gun stumbles upon Tae-oh and Nurse Yeo, both brainstorming strategies to convince Ju-yeon to take over her duties. As a token of gratitude, the nurse presses a gentle kiss upon Gun's cheek. As Gun pulls away, his mood darkens further when he spots Ju-yeon, still relentless in her search for the keyring.

Determined to ease her distress, he procures a similar keyring and mischievously feigns having stolen it out of jealousy, his eyes sparkling with mischief. Despite her shivering, he offers her his jacket, only to be met with a resolute refusal.

Ju-yeon's path then leads her to the car park, where a surprising sight awaits—Tae-oh and the nurse locked in an intimate embrace. Gun, quick to intervene, rushes to her side, his concern palpable. Though she's irritated by his intervention, he persists, whispering that her harm would be his own pain, physically blocking her from approaching Tae-oh's car. With these heartfelt yet complex emotions lingering in the air, we conclude the recap of Bad-Memory Eraser, Episode 3, leaving viewers eager for more.

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