Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 4

Published: Sep 09 2024

The recap of Bad-Memory Eraser's fourth episode commences with Dr. Yeo's departure, setting the stage for a pivotal encounter. Tae-oh's sharp eyes catch Gun and Ju-yeon in an uneasy standoff, with Gun physically detaining Ju-yeon in a manner that visibly discomforts her. Without hesitation, Tae-oh swoops in to her rescue, his voice laced with a stern warning: if Gun fails to heed his demands, he'll seek out a new physician. Ju-yeon, mindful of the trial's delicate balance, hastily pulls Tae-oh away, attempting to divert the situation by inviting him to dinner. However, Tae-oh, ever the tactician, cunningly shifts the conversation, urging Ju-yeon to fill in for Dr. Yeo's absence. She, compliant as ever, nods in agreement, prompting Tae-oh to dart off, leaving Gun seething with disapproval.

Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 4 1

Gun's frustration boils over as he tries to dissuade Ju-yeon from acquiescing to Tae-oh's request, but she stands her ground, drawing a clear line. In a moment of panic, as she struggles to evade Gun's persistence, Ju-yeon's hand slips, inadvertently scratching Gun's face. Despite the tension, Ju-yeon finds solace in her work, her spirits lifted by the sight of a thoughtful coffee left by Tae-oh.

Elsewhere, Gun sneaks back to his makeshift abode for a much-needed soak, much to Shin's chagrin. Shin's annoyance stems from Gun's unabashed use of his belongings and credit card, but Gun's revelation about his missing wallet and phone piques Shin's suspicion. Reluctant to let Gun return to the hospital, Shin summons Guk-bong to keep a watchful eye on Gun.

Meanwhile, Sae-yan finds herself in the unexpected role of babysitter to Ju-yeon's nephew, drowning her sorrows in alcohol and attempting futilely to reach Shin. As fate would have it, a glimpse of Shin's match on TV ignites a spark, propelling her out of the house, albeit not before lending a helping hand to a local lady with her trash. Ju-yeon's arrival is marred by irritation; she chides Sae-yan for her double standards, friendly to strangers yet a burden to her hosts. Exhaustion soon overtakes Ju-yeon, causing her to doze off and miss Gun's crucial appointment. But upon discovering his whereabouts at the tennis court, she rushes there, determination etched on her face.

On the court, CEO Hong exerts his authority, forcing Shin to wear sponsored shoes despite the risk of blisters. He holds the investigation over Shin's head like a dagger, threatening to expose it if he doesn't comply. Outside the fray, Gun's encounter with Hong turns into a bid for reassurance: a promise of full-time employment if he can convince Shi-on to sign with their agency. The stakes are high, and the air is thick with anticipation.

Well, despite her disdain for the agency, she's determined to take on a match with Gun. A victory, she's pledged, would seal her deal with the agency. Gun acquiesces, yet his game is off-kilter, as he keeps mistiming his shots and inadvertently hitting Shi-on. As he exits, he stumbles upon Sae-yan, furiously scribbling on Shin's poster in a rage he doesn't recognize. Security swiftly escorts her away.

Later, Gun treats the hospital staff to a feast, excluding Tae-oh, and his eye catches Dr. Yeo adorned with an Eiffel Tower necklace. Coincidentally, Song mentions her missing Eiffel Tower keyring, prompting Gun to choke on his laughter, acknowledging he'd pilfered it for Ju-yeon.

Meanwhile, Shin's semi-final match is a masterpiece of skill, yet blisters on his feet slow him down, much to his mother's dismay. Hong silences her concerns, and Shin rushes to the pharmacy for ointment, crossing paths with Ju-yeon who seeks anti-drowsiness medication. Amidst shattered eggs and a flurry of mishaps, Shin feels cursed, while Ju-yeon endeavors to break his superstitions with humor.

The stakes couldn't be higher—a win fetches him 100 million won, but a loss means a billion-won loss in fans and sponsorships. Ju-yeon's attempts at consolation fall short, but she indulges him in a faux jinx-busting ritual, sharing his favorite dishes. However, it transpires that the ritual was merely a ploy to lift her spirits, leaving her touched. She encourages him to focus on his game, which he's done well, and they part ways with a smile.

Shin joins Ju-yeon in a jog, his training hours beckoning, yet he insists on accompanying her to the hospital for her night shift. Awed by his endurance, she tenderly wipes sweat from his face and cheers him on for the finals. But joy is fleeting as he's notified of Gun's lavish food spending. He chastises Gun over the phone, momentarily forgetting the keyring, only to recall it as Gun tackles him from behind. Amidst the chaos, Gun claims the keyring as Nurse Song's, and the brothers end up sprawled on the grass, reminiscing about their dreams and carefree childhood.

Gun laments his inability to excel in tennis, and Shin vows to fulfill his brother's dreams. Yet, Gun gently reminds him to pursue his own aspirations. Flashbacks reveal Gun yearning for a cloud, with Shin always mirroring his aspirations. Gun assures Shin that he can claim all the clouds and suns, while he'll content himself with a single star. In the present, Gun dreams of forging his own path without compromise, and a revelation dawns—it was Gun, not Tae-oh, who had delivered coffee to Ju-yeon.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Kyung has embraced a part-time job, only to sustain an injury while attempting to evade Ju-yeon's disapproval. Sae-yan ponders the enigmatic shift in Ju-yeon's demeanor, recalling her once kind-hearted childhood persona. Mrs. Kyung divulges a tragic past, where her husband, working tirelessly, met his untimely demise at the hands of a patient. This incident left an indelible mark on Ju-yeon, who now fiercely opposes Mrs. Kyung's part-time endeavors, masking her genuine concern with a stern exterior.

The warmth beneath Ju-yeon's facade becomes evident when Gun awakens to find a bandage tenderly applied to his facial wound. Inspired by Shi-on's practice, Gun orchestrates a daring move, securing Shi-on's signature on a contract and promptly resigning from Hong's agency. Revealing his entrepreneurial spirit, he unveils his very own agency, GOON, leaving Hong scrambling to retaliate with threats of exposing Shi-on's injury. However, Gun proves a step ahead, having already preempted the news, rendering Hong's attempts futile.

Elsewhere, Kim and the hospital board eagerly await the commencement of the trial, their enthusiasm tempered by the realization that crucial documents from UK doctors, vital to the trial's funding, remain elusive. This brings us back to the mystery of the missing suitcase, as Ju-yeon realizes with a jolt that Gun never returned her bag containing those all-important documents.

Gun, oblivious to the suitcase's significance, and Shin, preoccupied with his exams amidst the watching eyes of his parents, leave Ju-yeon to devise a clever ruse. She feigns a need for Gun's ID, charming Mrs. Lee into granting her access to their home. As fate would have it, Shin's thoughts wander to Ju-yeon and Gun's admonitions about prioritizing oneself, causing him to stumble on his final serve—yet he triumphs, much to his mother's delight. Defying her expectations, he chooses to return home, only to be greeted by Sae-yan at the threshold.

Inside, Ju-yeon's search for the suitcase in the Lee household becomes a labyrinthine journey. Wandering into Gun's room, she's struck by the absence of personal photos, save for those of his grandparents. The discovery of her suitcase sends her rushing out, only to collide with Gun's entrance. Thus, the fourth episode of "Bad-Memory Eraser" concludes on a cliffhanger, leaving us eager for more.

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