Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 7

Published: Sep 09 2024

Episode 7 of "Bad-Memory Eraser" unfolds with an awkward encounter between Gun, Shin, and Ju-yeon. Shin feigns ignorance towards Ju-yeon, a mask that betrays his jealousy as he witnesses Gun tending to her. As they part ways, Ju-yeon endeavors to clear the air with Shin, hoping their lunch plans remain intact, while Shin's melancholic gaze reflects on the miraculous transformation of a near-tragic incident into a cherished memory for Gun, fueled by love's undeniable force.

Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 7 1

Alone in his condominium, Gun's thoughts wander to Tae-oh's revelation, painting a picture of discord between him and Ju-yeon before the fateful accident. In a moment of unwitting vulnerability, he wanders his space unclothed, only to be startled by Ju-yeon's unexpected return. She's there to delve deeper into Shi-on's case and happens upon the phone charger he secretly procured for her. With a playful shrug, he claims it's the landlord's, swiftly shifting the conversation to Shi-on's practice footage. However, Ju-yeon's lively commentary soon proves a distraction too loud to ignore.

The following dawn, Gun's resolve to maintain distance from Ju-yeon manifests in a withheld breakfast, a strategy he believes will stem the tide of his burgeoning feelings. Meanwhile, Shin finds solace in alcohol's embrace, stumbling home to a furious Mrs. Lee who lambasts him, insisting he abandon tennis for a more conventional life path. Mr. Lee intercedes with soothing words, revealing the sacrifices made on Shin's behalf, including those of his brother. As Mr. Lee leads Shin away, the latter's heart swells with joy, anticipating rekindled camaraderie with Gun.

Elsewhere, Sae-yan pleads with her father for financial assistance, lamenting her lack of autonomy, a consequence of his refusal to let her pursue employment. He issues an ultimatum, demanding her return home, which she reluctantly agrees to upon finding a companion. Witnessing her plight, Seung-hyeon's heart softens, and he offers her the contents of his piggy bank, a gesture of empathy and support.

With earnest determination, she attempts to secure a taxi with her limited funds, only to stumble upon Shin, sulking and slyly awaiting a fleeting glimpse of Ju-yeon while concocting a web of lies to his mother about his whereabouts. Threatening to expose his deceit, she cunningly coerces him into chauffeuring her to a remote village. Her quest for the enigmatic man proves futile, leaving her dejected and melancholy. Shin, in a bid to lift her spirits, falls flat when she retaliates by plunging him into the water, a move that inadvertently revives her own mood. However, Shin's subsequent revenge—abandoning her by driving off—leaves her stranded.

At the hospital, Ju-yeon anxiously awaits Shin's arrival for their promised lunch, but he fails to materialize. Instead, she joins forces with Gun and Shi-on, who are poised for her culminating test preceding the national team competition the following day. Despite Shi-on's lingering disdain, Ju-yeon remains resolute, convinced she can sway her opinion by dawn's light. Amidst a lull in activities, she attends to one of her patients but finds her mind wandering amidst the session.

Suddenly, a call from Sae-yan interrupts her thoughts, and Ju-yeon promptly promises to fetch her. Gun, intrigued by the mysterious figure Ju-yeon holds dear, offers to chauffeur her and inquires about this enigmatic companion. Revealing Sae-yan's bracelet, Ju-yeon explains that she owes her a wish, a debt of gratitude. Midway to the village, they encounter a lifeless creature, prompting Gun to disembark and tenderly inter it.

Meanwhile, Shin returns on the scene, rescuing Sae-yan and informing Ju-yeon of her unnecessary assistance, as he harbors ties to the village. Sae-yan's revelation that the elusive man is her first love piques Shin's curiosity.

Elsewhere, Gun ponders over Ju-yeon's somber demeanor, prompting her to confess. She shares that her father, an emotionally invested psychiatrist, devoted his life to his patients until a delusional one took his own. This tragedy etched a solemn vow within Ju-yeon—never to grow too close to any patient. Yet, during her latest session, a fleeting glimpse in her patient's sunglasses mirrored her own boredom and irritation, a realization that left her disheartened. Gun, empathetic, assures her that even in listening, she is making a profound difference.

It's D-Day, and the sports center buzzes with anticipation as everyone converges. Amidst the hubbub, Guk-bong emerges as the national team's coach, a title that resonates throughout the venue. Shin, oblivious to Ju-yeon's presence, walks by, while Mrs. Cha exerts pressure on Shi-on to excel. Just as the match looms, Shi-on collapses in a dramatic faint, sending Gun and Ju-yeon into a flurry of concern, rushing her to the hospital—only to discover her ruse.

Shi-on's anxiety is palpable; the weight of expectations threatens to overwhelm her. Ju-yeon, drawing inspiration from Gun's words, encourages Shi-on to follow her heart, and Gun echoes this sentiment, ultimately convincing her to compete. Gun's strategic move becomes clear as he arranges for Shi-on to partner with Shin in the doubles, a tactic that ensures they can compensate for each other's shortcomings, sealing their victory.

As Gun and Ju-yeon anxiously await the outcome, Ju-yeon crafts a wish bracelet for Sae-yan, much to Gun's amusement and consternation. He playfully warns her against falling for the wrong guy, their playful banter interrupted by Shi-on's triumphant announcement of their win. With a teasing grin, Gun leaves the decision of hiring Ju-yeon to him, ultimately acquiescing to her delight.

From afar, Guk-bong and Shin observe, the coach perplexed by Shin's willingness to participate in doubles. Shin's rationale stems from her desire to aid Ju-yeon, leaving Guk-bong baffled and curious about the bond between Gun and Ju-yeon. Shin's revelation that Ju-yeon is Gun's first love stuns Guk-bong, who misinterprets it as a romantic entanglement at the reunion.

Inside, Mrs. Cha approves of Gun's actions, while CEO Hong bristles with annoyance, reluctantly conceding that his agency boasts talents beyond Gun's reach. Shi-on and Gun mock Hong's discomfiture before darting off.

As evening falls, the quintet—Gun, Guk-bong, Shin, Shi-on, and Ju-yeon—prepares for a pivotal meeting with the international coach, serendipitously held at the same hotel as their fateful reunion. Gun is plagued by déjà vu as memories resurface, including the painful sight of Shin and Sae-yan's embrace.

During the wait, Guk-bong confronts Ju-yeon, ordering her to steer clear of Gun. Ju-yeon and Shin, bewildered, receive a scolding from Guk-bong for their apparent ignorance. He unveils the truth: Gun's leap into the river was a cry of a broken heart, witnessing what he thought was a kiss between Shin and Ju-yeon at the reunion. Shin's detective skills kick in, exposing Ju-yeon's lie and the revelation that Gun's first love is, in fact, Sae-yan. The air thickens with revelations and emotions, setting the stage for a new chapter in their intricate web of relationships.

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