Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 8

Published: Sep 09 2024

Episode 8 of "Bad-Memory Eraser" kicks off with a jolt as Gun's wrist throbs in agony, leaving him discombobulated. Despite his disorientation, he somehow manages to stumble into the meeting room, only to find the coach seething with anger over Shin's absence. Sae-yan, quick-witted as always, deftly deflects the tension with a cup of enticing Dalgona coffee, while Gun surreptitiously searches for his brother.

Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 8 1

Meanwhile, Shin unexpectedly concurs with Guk-bong's accusations, declaring that he too wishes for Gun to remain oblivious to his past memories. However, a heartfelt confession reveals that Shin and Ju-yeon's closeness is but a misinterpreted moment, fueling a sense of unease. As Guk-bong reluctantly departs, Ju-yeon ponders Shin's deception, feeling a heavy weight of responsibility for her brother's wellbeing. Their mutual guilt bonds them in a pact to safeguard Gun's happiness, united in their deception.

In a moment of levity, Shin jests about Ju-yeon not being Gun's first love, eliciting a playful scoff from her. Back at the meeting, the girls charm the coach with their wit and charm, securing a spot for Shi-on and Shin on the team. As they exit, Sae-yan's excitement over her maiden paycheck is palpable, and she eagerly tags along with Shi-on and Gun, much to his amusement-tinged annoyance.

Overhearing that Ju-yeon won't be picking her up, Gun offers to escort Sae-yan home, where she promptly dozes off, leaving Gun to ponder the art of crafting the perfect text to Ju-yeon. Their parallel struggle to find the right words mirrors their intertwined emotions. Sae-yan's abrupt awakening startles Gun, resulting in a misfired text to Ju-yeon that sparks a playful pretense of anger from her. Desperate for Gun's attention, her antics are abruptly halted when Shin's call beckons him away.

Ju-yeon finds herself increasingly agitated by the erratic nature of his behavior, oscillating between warmth and frostiness, a trait that only exacerbates Sae-yan's fascination, who sees it as a charming enigma. Meanwhile, Gun, stern-faced, chastises the mischievous Shin, vowing to make amends with their coach. Amid playful banter, Shin subtly probes Gun's lingering sentiments for Ju-yeon, only to be met with deft deflection.

Dawn breaks, and Ju-yeon and Gun find themselves in an unusual predicament, each going to extraordinary lengths to primp and preen for their inaugural day of shared employment. Dr. Han, sensing potential bias, gently admonishes Ju-yeon, prompting her to swap her attire for something more laid-back. Her interactions with Gun become abrupt, tasking him with maintaining a diary of his emotions for psychological assessment. However, he scribbles haphazardly before darting off, leaving her exasperated.

As she vents to Han, he astutely deduces that her emotions are clouding her judgment. Ju-yeon bristles before noticing Han's own discomposure upon Nurse Song's entrance—a single, captivating presence. He hastily shifts the conversation, revealing that he's been instructing Gun to keep such a diary for a decade.

Gun, on the other hand, is buoyant as he approaches his investor meeting, surprised to find himself favored over CEO Hong. The investor, revealed to be Chairman Won's manager, pledges funding to Gun's agency, stunning Hong. When Hong inquires about the agency, the manager cryptically suggests he return once Shin joins their ranks.

At the hospital, Shin and his parents undergo a medical examination, their path crossing with the parents of fellow players, who indulge in gossip about Gun. Mrs. Lee, eager to elevate Gun's status, claims he's romantically involved with Ju-yeon. Ju-yeon attempts to stifle the rumor, but Shin jumps in, mischievously adding that the doctor is accompanying him, further muddling the waters and leaving everyone thoroughly perplexed.

Alone and determined, Ju-yeon attempts to admonish Shin, yet he finds the confrontational scene comical, his laughter echoing in the stillness. Suddenly, Han's wise words for Gun resurface in her mind, prompting her to urge Shin to unearth his old feelings diary. The realization dawns on them both that within those pages lie not just sentiments but a seething hatred towards his family and Ju-yeon herself.

Meanwhile, Gun's mind is consumed by the haunting memories of that fateful night at the J Hotel, during the reunion. Unable to shake off the weight of the past, he delves into the details of his accident, seeking answers from the paramedics who lead him to the investigating detective. The detective merely confirms the bridge as the scene of the tragedy and drowning as the cause, leaving Gun with more questions than answers. Before he can inquire further, he's compelled to depart, and the detective, upon Shin's intervention, vows to keep Gun in the dark about his attempted suicide, finding the absence of CCTV or dashcam footage peculiar and raising suspicions of foul play.

Gun's steps lead him to the bridge where the memories of Shin's chokehold resurface, wracking his body with sudden pain. His vision blurs, obscuring the truth of the attacker's identity. As for Shin, he rushes home in a flurry, gathering his diaries, only to discover one missing—sequestered in Gun's suitcase, now resting at Ju-yeon's abode due to their inadvertent bag swap. Unbeknownst to them, Sae-yan, seeking space for her hidden paycheck, discards the diary outside.

Later, Ju-yeon attempts to establish boundaries with Gun, hoping to dispel any lingering confusion in their relationship. But fate intervenes as she stumbles while fixing the curtain, and Gun, ever the gentleman, swoops in to save her. Their moment of intimacy is abruptly cut short by the arrival of Gun's parents, who have invited Shin for dinner. Gun deftly maneuvers to distract the conversation while Ju-yeon slips away, leaving him to fend off inquiries about their relationship with steadfast denials.

Outside, Ju-yeon sits barefoot, lost in thought, when Shin appears, offering her a pair of shoes and a blanket from his car. Just as he extends his gesture, the Lees depart, and Gun, bearing another pair of shoes, arrives to carry her inside, their bickering filling the air amidst Shin's simmering jealousy.

Consumed by frustration, Shin unleashes his anger on Hong, who had been pressing for contract renewal. With a fierce rip, he tears up the contract and storms off, determined to sign with Gun and be closer to Ju-yeon. Hong, left fuming, unleashes his rage on the surrounding objects, his anger fueled further when he stumbles upon a photograph sent by Sae-yan's father—a damning image of Shin menacingly confronting Gun on the bridge.

Hong trails closely behind Shin, their footsteps echoing down the corridor as they approach Gun's office. With precise timing, Hong halts Shin mere inches from the doorbell, the tension palpable as he reaches out to ring it. Inside, Gun and Ju-yeon stand poised, their hands hovering over the doorknob, ready to swing it open, when an unexpected conversation filters through the thin barrier.

Hong's voice drips with menace as he warns of impending revelations, but Shin counters with a calm assurance that Gun is already privy to the truth of the drowning. Gun's mind whirls, fragments of memory flickering—the harsh impact of his skull against the metal rails, the icy plunge into the river—suddenly crystallizing in his consciousness.

Amidst this internal turmoil, he inadvertently misses the crucial moment when Hong reveals to Shin the damning photograph. By the time Gun summons the courage to throw open the door, the pair have vanished into the shadows, leaving only echoes of their confrontation behind.

Ju-yeon's eyes meet Gun's with a mixture of sorrow and resolve, promising to unravel the tangled web of lies. The pain of betrayal etches itself on Gun's face, realizing that even she, whom he trusted, had concealed the truth. As the curtains fall on Episode 8 of 'Bad-Memory Eraser', Hong's deduction resonates like a thunderclap: Shin, the unseen hand, had indeed pushed Gun into the river's embrace.

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