Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 9

Published: Sep 09 2024

Episode 9 of "Bad-Memory Eraser" kicks off with Gun simmering with rage, baffled by the veil of secrecy surrounding his recent accident. His frustration boils over as he demands answers from all who dare to conceal the truth from him. Ju-yeon, her voice laced with concern, gently explains that their intentions stem from a place of love, urging him to accompany her to the hospital for a thorough CAT scan. Han, ever reassuring, vows to unravel the mysteries of any lingering side effects, a pledge that falls on the ears of a curious Tae-oh, who decides to embark on a quest to uncover their nature.

Bad Memory Eraser – K-drama Episode 9 1

Elsewhere, CEO Hong lays down an ultimatum to Shin: renew the contract or face the consequences of his actions, which may lead to a police investigation. Overwhelmed, Shin seeks solace in alcohol and resorts to hiring two strangers to inflict pain upon himself, a desperate act that catches the attention of the concerned bartender, who promptly alerts Ju-yeon. Despite Gun's sedated state, he insists on accompanying her, determined to protect her.

At the bar, the cacophony of violence jolts Ju-yeon, triggering haunting memories of her father's brutal murder and sending her into a PTSD-fueled panic. Just as she struggles to cope, Gun, like a knight in shining armor, bursts onto the scene, wielding a racket to fend off the attackers. With a stern warning of legal repercussions, the assailants flee, leaving Gun to succumb to slumber at the most inconvenient of moments. Ju-yeon, now burdened with the task of carrying both brothers home, finds solace in tending to their wounds, her heart fluttering as she cares for Gun, emotions brewing beneath the surface.

The following dawn brings with it a new set of challenges as Gun, now alert, casts a suspicious eye upon Ju-yeon and Shin, their every move scrutinized as he tries to piece together the fragments of his memory.

Meanwhile, Shi-on's day takes an unexpected turn as she's tasked with starring in a commercial for a, let's say, less-than-glamorous product. The teasing and mocking from her peers only serve to deepen her misery, their scrawlings on her school desk a constant reminder of her plight. In a fit of frustration, she flees, leaving Gun to intervene, determined to smooth things over with Chairman Won. But his efforts are met with a shocking revelation: CEO Hong's ascendancy, thanks to Shin's renewed contract, has relegated him to the sidelines, a bitter pill to swallow for the once-favored son.

Elsewhere, Mrs. Kyung chastises Sae-yan fiercely for her indulgence in alcohol and aimless wandering through the countryside. She sternly orders her to return home, but Sae-yan stubbornly declines. Instead, she boldly presents herself at the Athlete's Village, where she holds the official position of interpreter for the Italian coach. Shin, taken aback by Ju-yeon's recommendation, attempts to dissuade her, half-heartedly explaining that CEO Gun is his brother and Ju-yeon, his first love, thus Sae-yan must maintain a distance. Sae-yan, oblivious to the intricacies, insists she's merely seeking her own first love. He bluntly responds, suggesting perhaps her love doesn't wish to be found, leaving her visibly dejected.

Turning to Ju-yeon, she endeavors to offer solace to Shi-on, advising her to ignore the taunts of others and find comfort within herself. Shi-on finds this suggestion absurd yet agrees to participate in the commercial nonetheless. Gun, concerned, urges her not to push herself, but Ju-yeon remains resolute, explaining her motivation is to ensure the sponsors continue funding her coaching endeavors.

With Shi-on's matter settled, Gun extends an invitation to Ju-yeon for dinner. She strives to appear indifferent yet can't conceal her excitement. He, too, struggles to maintain a casual demeanor amidst his own nervous anticipation as he awaits her at the street stall. However, Ju-yeon's path is diverted by Shin's intervention. Unexpectedly, Sae-yan arrives and decides to accompany him, much to his annoyance.

Desperate to escape, he is trapped by her revelation that Ju-yeon does not reciprocate his feelings. Sae-yan soon succumbs to alcohol, her mind consumed with thoughts of her elusive first love. Gun, moved by her vulnerability, offers comfort, and she finds herself captivated by his charm, musing that if she were his first love, she would never bring him pain. As she prepares to depart, she adds that Ju-yeon does care for him, leaving him with a sense of joy.

Meanwhile, Shin orchestrates a rendezvous at a restaurant, intent on presenting Ju-yeon with Gun's diary. His ulterior motive is to reveal Sae-yan's existence, hoping she'll dissuade Gun from rediscovering his past. Yet, as Shin attempts to charm and dine with Ju-yeon, she yearns to cut straight to the chase. Reluctantly, he hands over Gun's antiquated schedule diary, and her demeanor turns somber. She toys with her food, unenthused, as Shin inquires about Sae-yan. Ju-yeon confesses to never engaging in such rigorous endeavors, prompting Shin to reconsider his revelation, convinced Sae-yan's tenure will be fleeting.

Their conversation veers towards Gun's childhood antics, painting vivid scenes of him sneaking jelly while evading the coach's watchful eye. To Shin's dismay, he observes Ju-yeon's spirits soaring when Gun's name is mentioned. She justifies her vitality, claiming Gun is merely her subject of study, yet Shin is relieved she's not the genuine first love. A hint of melancholy clouds her face as she concurs.

Exhausted and dispirited from their aborted dinner, Gun and Ju-yeon arrive home. She offers him coffee, and in a moment of camaraderie, they inadvertently share the same can, their bond deepening as they doze off side by side. Awakened by their proximity, Ju-yeon's heart skips a beat as she reaches for Gun's face, only to snap him awake with a playful slap, masking her true intentions.

Fully alert, Gun impulsively decides to venture to Shi-on's school in the dead of night. Ju-yeon, fearful of the darkness, finds solace in Gun's reassuring grasp. Together, they transform Shi-on's desk, covering insults with a coat of the Korean flag. Ju-yeon can't help but admire Gun's actions, her heart heavy with the realization that he sees only a façade of her. As they depart, she longs for him to glimpse the authentic her. To test the veracity of her emotions, she embraces him at the close of Bad-Memory Eraser's Episode 9, a silent confession of feelings that linger in the air.

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