Based on a True Story – Season 1 Episode 5

Published: Jun 27 2024

Episode 5 of Based on a True Story opens with the stark aftermath of Dahlia's fatal leap from the rooftop. Ava, shaken to the core, has lost her footing. Convinced that Matt pushed Dahlia as retribution for her public accusations, she's eager to pack her bags, flee LA, and rush to the police. Nathan disagrees, and Matt, who enters the scene with a foreboding presence, echoes his sentiments. He attempts to convince them that he didn't push Dahlia, insisting she jumped out of guilt and terror. He warns that fleeing so soon after the suicide would only cast suspicion on them. "Act normally," he advises sternly.

After Matt departs, Nathan tries to rationalize the situation for Ava. He feels she's indifferent to his fate since he's already lied to the police about his alibi. Now, bound by a shared secret, they must adhere to the original plan. Ava finds no argument to counter and reluctantly backs down. Yet, she remains unconvinced that Dahlia took her own life.

Based on a True Story – Season 1 Episode 5  1

At a stall hawking Westside Ripper merchandise, Matt's path crosses with a TV writer named Susie. Their conversation blossoms, and Susie expresses her admiration for the WR, finding him intriguing with his flair and style. Matt invites her for drinks, spotting the Bartletts heading towards the bar. However, his interest in this woman seems genuine. Ruby distributes ecstasy to the group, including her boyfriend Carlos, to enhance their night. Matt finds inspiration in Susie's talk about her work and the need for constant "fresh content." Ruby notices Matt and offers him and the writer some pills.

On the dance floor, Ruby and Nathan cozy up, flirting shamelessly, a mere product of the pills' effects. But Matt bristles when Susie reveals she's at CrimeCon to research a show and that he repulses her. She chastises his criminal rampage and lack of humanity, igniting Matt's temper to the point of no return.

He trails her into the bathroom, engaging in a passionate embrace, and then brutally slashes her throat. Later, he joins the lively dance floor, mingling with Ava and Nathan, as if everyone were indulging in a frenzy of affection. It seems like a sea of kissing couples, yet Matt's slashing spree with a shard of glass is merely a figment of his imagination. Suddenly, Matt abandons the scene and strides out.

The Bartletts rekindle their long-lost spark and sexual desire for each other, sensing a chance to salvage their marriage. This night holds promise, with the acknowledgment that they had attempted to salvage things in the past, albeit unsuccessfully.

At the morning breakfast, the Lipsinki sisters, known as the "Sisters of Crime," make a spectacular entrance, capturing all the headlines. The Bartletts feel a twinge of jealousy but jest about aspiring to be as renowned as them. Matt, determined to sustain the podcast's popularity, orchestrates an intimate "encounter" with the WR in a secluded room, where he sets up a microphone and speaks through it remotely. Fans begin to swarm in, disrupting the Lipsinki's "memorial" for Dalhia.

The Bartletts also find their way to the room and spot Ruby. As they exit to confront Matt, Ava drops her burner, which Ruby promptly retrieves. The pair confronts Matt about his new strategy, which they believe will propel their work forward. He steadfastly denies any involvement in Dahlia's murder. Witnessing the swarming crowd, Ava is convinced of his innocence, revealing that she, too, had "sold her soul" to the unknown killer. Ruby reads Ava's latest message to Matt, accusing him of Dahlia's murder. The truth remains veiled, leaving us eagerly anticipating the next episode.

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