Black Out – K-drama Episode 8

Published: Sep 12 2024

Episode 8 of "Black Out: Snow White Must Die" kicks off with a poignant flashback to Jeong-woo's high school days, where camaraderie thrived amidst the sweat and laughter of football matches. Geon-oh, Byeong-moo, Min-soo, and Jeong-woo formed an unbreakable bond on the field, while Bo-young's cheers echoed as their steadfast supporter. Their camaraderie extended beyond the pitch, often culminating in relaxed evenings of camaraderie and lighthearted drinks at the warehouse.

Black Out – K-drama Episode 8 1

Shifting gears to the present, Sang-cheol exits the forensics department, reports in hand, revealing a damning truth: Bo-young's underwear bore traces of DNA from both Byeong-moo and Min-soo. He swiftly dials the police, dispatching them to apprehend Min-soo while maintaining an open line, anticipating Byeong-moo's relentless pursuit.

The tension escalates as Byeong-moo's car slams into Sang-cheol's in a desperate bid to seize the incriminating reports. A fierce physical confrontation ensues, with Sang-cheol ultimately prevailing, shoving Byeong-moo into the shallow waters beneath the bridge.

Meanwhile, Jeong-woo's mind reels with the memories of Bo-young's fateful night, reliving the moment she confronted Byeong-moo and Min-soo after Geon-oh's departure. Her scathing words, branding them inferior to Jeong-woo, ignite a fiery rage within Byeong-moo, who violently assaults Bo-young, with Min-soo following suit in a twisted display of betrayal.

The present-day Jeong-woo, shattered by these revelations, stands poised to unleash his fury upon Min-soo with a hammer. Sang-cheol, perched by the riverbank, frantically pleads with Jeong-woo over the phone, imploring him to refrain from violence. As Min-soo and Byeong-moo are apprehended and hauled to the police station, Na-kyeom attempts to console Jeong-woo, only to be stunned by the dark secrets his once-trusted friends held. The truth, once buried, now casts a long shadow over their once-cherished friendship.

Geon-oh stirs from slumber in his domicile, disoriented by the relentless claws of alcohol withdrawal. Ha-seol attempts to soothe his frayed nerves, but his desperation propels him into a mad dash, commandeering her moped and disappearing into the dawn. Ha-seol hastily informs Jeong-woo of Geon-oh's erratic escape, sparking a frantic search.

At the police station's hushed confines, Gu-tak and Hee-do grapple with new forensic revelations, Gu-tak's face contorting in disbelief as he learns Geon-oh's DNA is absent from Bo-young's intimate garments. They piece together a grim narrative: Byeong-moo and Min-soo's heinous act of rape, abandoning Bo-young in the desolate warehouse, followed by Jeong-woo's tragic, drunken intervention that sealed her fate. This construction offers them solace, a convenient veil to obscure their past missteps in the case.

Gu-tak exhales a sigh of relief, Geon-oh's innocence a beacon of hope amidst the storm. He vows to unravel the truth anew, ordering the investigation's reopening. Na-kyeom shadows Jeong-woo and Ha-seol as they embark on a desperate hunt for Geon-oh, their shadows elongated by the urgency of the moment.

Meanwhile, Choo-ho and Heung-soo, their hearts heavy with dread, race to the police station upon learning of their sons' incarceration. Byeong-moo pleads his case to Gu-tak, his voice tinged with desperation, but Gu-tak remains unyielding, assigning Sang-cheol to delve deeper into the twisted web of deceit.

Sang-cheol confronts Byeong-moo, a seasoned cop himself, but the latter remains a stone-faced fortress, his silence a testament to the lengths he'll go to protect his hard-earned reputation. At home, Young-sil's command is absolute, demanding Hyung-sik's unwavering obedience and truthfulness.

As Sang-cheol turns his attention to Min-soo, he encounters another wall of silence, the young man's refusal to cooperate echoing through the interrogation room. Choo-ho and Heung-soo's confrontation with Gu-tak in his cabin is fraught with tension, the air thick with accusation and betrayal. Gu-tak's revelation shatters their world: Geon-oh is innocent, and the damning video on Bo-young's phone stands as irrefutable evidence of Byeong-moo and Min-soo's guilt.

He solemnly declares his inability to offer further assistance, leaving the two desperate men to drop to their knees, beseeching Gu-tak to intervene and save their beloved sons. Simultaneously, Geon-oh, his heart heavy with sorrow, drowns his emotions in a deluge of alcohol, his mind haunted by Bo-young's voice, echoing through the recesses of his consciousness.

As dawn breaks, Choo-ho and Heung-soo confront their respective offspring, each conversation fraught with tension. Byeong-moo's emotions boil over when Heung-soo urges him to confess and bring this sordid affair to a close. Meanwhile, Gu-tak arrives home, only to find his abode eerily devoid of Geon-oh's presence, a fact that sends a chill down his spine. A phone call from Young-sil interrupts his thoughts, inviting him to a lunch rendezvous.

Elsewhere, Geon-oh, now deep in the throes of inebriation, wreaks havoc upon the local eateries, his actions attracting the attention of Jeong-woo. Sensing Geon-oh's desire to confess, Jeong-woo offers a hand, guiding him towards the police station.

Concurrently, Byeong-moo and Min-soo's legal representatives, heeding Gu-tak's counsel, publicly acknowledge their culpability in Bo-young's sexual assault, setting the stage for a dramatic turn of events. When Jeong-woo arrives at the police station with Geon-oh, the revelation that Geon-oh intends to confess stuns everyone, including Hee-do, who frantically summons Gu-tak, fearing the consequences.

Gu-tak, quick to act, rallies Choo-ho and Heung-soo to create a commotion at the station, a strategic move aimed at preventing Sang-cheol from conducting Geon-oh's interrogation. With Gu-tak's persuasion, Young-sil reluctantly grants him leave, allowing him to intervene. Jeong-woo, seeking clarity, requests a private audience with Byeong-moo, but Sang-cheol's antics see him confined to the same cell, accompanied by a stern warning against any aggressive behavior towards Byeong-moo.

Amidst this chaos, Gu-tak makes a dash for the police station, spiriting Geon-oh away to a secluded chamber. There, he masterfully manipulates Geon-oh, weaving a web of lies around the truth of that fateful night, all for the sake of Su-oh. Leveraging the power of video chat, Gu-tak orchestrates a conversation between Geon-oh and Su-oh, further entangling Geon-oh in a web of deceit, convincing him to forgo turning himself in.

Within the confines of the holding cell, Jeong-woo and Byeong-moo engage in a heated exchange, with Jeong-woo demanding to know the extent of Byeong-moo's involvement in Bo-young's ordeal. The tension in the air is palpable, as the truth inches ever closer to the surface.

Byeong-moo confronts Jeong-woo, his voice laced with resentment, accusing him of possessing all the good things in life and excelling at every turn, leaving him and Min-soo trailing behind in the dust. He viciously pins the blame for his actions, and even the tragic loss of Bo-young, solely on Jeong-woo's shoulders.

However, a pivotal intervention by Gu-tak prompts a stunning reversal from Geon-oh. He now recounts a tale to Sang-cheol, claiming he ventured from the warehouse solely to fetch more liquor, only to stumble upon Bo-young's personal belongings—her underwear and backpack—which he clandestinely concealed, guarding the secret for a harrowing eleven years.

As the night deepens, Na-kyeom appears at Bo-young's abode, shattering the tranquility with the harrowing truth: their beloved daughter was violated by none other than Byeong-moo and Min-soo. Jeong-woo, finally freed from confinement, vows to Byeong-moo that retribution is imminent, his eyes blazing with determination. In a desperate chase after Geon-oh, seeking answers about that fateful night, Jeong-woo's world comes crashing down as he's struck by a car in a tragic accident.

Meanwhile, Gu-tak's journey home is interrupted by a chilling call from Geon-oh, summoning him to the warehouse. The episode concludes with a heart-wrenching discovery: Gu-tak finds his son Geon-oh's lifeless body, a tragic victim of suicide, in the desolate confines of the warehouse, painting a grim finale to the unfolding drama.

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