Carnival Row – Season 2 Episode 7

Published: Aug 19 2024

Episode 7 of Carnival Row's sophomore season, aptly titled "Kindred," kicks off with a vibrant celebration where Agreus and Imogen twirl gracefully in a dance, their movements a stark contrast to Ezra's solitary gaze from afar. Agreus's fatigue betrays his weariness, prompting Imogen to cleverly draw Kastor into a dance, leaving Agreus with a moment to whisper to Ezra, urging him to follow. As if on cue, Imogen feigns illness, a sudden dash from the festivities, her plan in motion.

Carnival Row – Season 2 Episode 7 1

However, the crew member who brokered the deal with the escape ship scowls upon Ezra's arrival, but Imogen swiftly sweetens the pot, promising double the agreed-upon payment. Just as tensions escalate, the skies darken as Pact airships descend, raining destruction upon Ragusa. The rebels scatter, each to their stations, while Kastor's keen eye catches Agreus's group in the fray. Realizing their peril, he issues a dire warning: they must repel the Pact's assault and arms are distributed to brace for battle.

Meanwhile, in the Burgue, Dombey and Berwick embark on a tense journey to deposit Philo on the Row. Their pleas for his aid are met with reluctance, his demeanor distant. Their carriage is halted by a frenzied mob, wielding torches and effigies of burning fae, their chants echoing a desire to consume the Row. Dombey's firm hand quells the chaos, reminding Philo of his life-saving intervention during the Black Raven's assault, a call for trust. Philo's gaze wanders, but a flicker of emotion flickers within his eyes.

Upon Philo's arrival on the Row, Darius confronts him, inquiring about his time in captivity. Philo's heartfelt inquiry about Vignette is tinged with regret, as he confesses his misguided allegiance and apologizes through a whisper that echoes Gollum's desolate tones. Darius urges a face-to-face apology, but Philo retreats further, claiming clarity that necessitates distance.

Vignette and Tourmaline, on the other hand, embark on a desperate quest to Boz, seeking passage out of the Burgue's clutches. Their hopes are dashed when Boz hesitates, mindful of the bounty on Vignette's head. In a swift turn, Vignette draws a knife, her resolve unwavering, and flees with Tourmaline, laughter echoing between the two pix as they ponder their next move. Their fortunes take a turn for the better when they witness a crowd celebrating—news that the Pact has abandoned Tirnanoc. Overcome with joy at the prospect of returning home, the two embrace, their hearts filled with hope.

Amidst the revelry and jubilation, Philo succumbs to the allure of alcohol, sinking into a drunken stupor. Three ominous supernatural entities, sensing his vulnerability, descend upon him, their intentions clear. Yet, Philo dares them to strike the final blow, inviting their wrath with a defiant tone. As they mercilessly assail him, Darius appears, a knight in shining armor, swooping in to rescue the fallen figure.

Philo, fueled by regret and self-loathing, unleashes a torrent of bitter accusations, lambasting his past actions that imprisoned faes solely to blend in as human. Darius, with a compassionate heart, reminds him that he sought to aid in his own misguided manner before summoning Vignette and retreating, leaving Philo to confront the aftermath.

The encounter serves as a catalyst for Philo and Vignette's emotional severance. She cites Tourmaline's need and their impending journey to Tirnanoc as the reason, her voice tinged with sorrow. Philo, apologetic yet resigned, acknowledges his failure to embrace his fae heritage as he turns his attention to a new plan. He approaches Dombey, strategizing that Millworthy, who also witnessed the Sparas' attack, holds vital information.

Meanwhile, at Jonah's solemn funeral, Millworthy eavesdrops on the Ministers, their grim discourse of the Pact's setbacks in Ragusa echoing through the air. Sensing an opening, the Burgue, now exiled from Tirnanoc, sees this as a chance for retribution. His gaze falls upon Philo, and a subtle tail begins as he shadows the latter's every move. Their conversation, a facade of discussing the Sparas, veers into Philo's scheme to arrange passage and deport all supernaturals to Tirnanoc.

Millworthy, skeptical of the deportation plan, is nonetheless swayed by Philo's persuasive words. Philo extends an invitation for him to join, noting his mother's Tirnanoc origins, but Millworthy declines, confessing his fear of not knowing how to exist as a true fae.

Philo then shares the news of the arranged passage with Vignette and Tourmaline, urging them to take the Bas Dubh-afflicted fae with them. Vignette, her voice laced with hope, inquires if he too will embark on this journey, momentarily including himself among the departing. Philo corrects himself swiftly, the denial heavy on his lips. Tourmaline, grateful, embraces him, while Vignette's gaze follows him silently as he departs, tears welling up in her eyes. She is urged by Tourmaline to pursue Philo, but hesitation lingers.

As the Row celebrates their impending departure in the square, Tourmaline finds solace in Darius's company. He confesses his reluctance to part, extolling her uniqueness. She implores him to accompany her, but his ghosts in Tirnanoc hold him back. Their hands intertwine as Philo, alone in a window's embrace, watches the scene unfold, a silent observer to the unfolding drama of love, sacrifice, and the complexities of belonging.

The following dawn, Afissa and Vignette tenderly assisted the infirm aboard the carriage, their minds preoccupied with the journey ahead to Tirnanoc. As they worked, memories of their fateful encounter surfaced, prompting Afissa to express remorse for her past conduct, burdened by a lifelong admonition to steer clear of trouble. She gratefully acknowledged Vignette's unwavering support and deftly disguised her companion, ensuring they would evade the watchful eye of the authorities during their embarkation.

Elsewhere, Tourmaline solemnly returned the cherished recipe book to Mima, who was stunned by the news of her impending departure. Despite Tourmaline's suggestion that perhaps her foresight had deceived her, Mima's expression betrayed a lingering disbelief, leaving Tourmaline fraught with frustration.

Vignette's gaze suddenly lit up upon spotting Philo, and she hastened towards him, her heart brimming with the urge to share this moment. She beseeched him to accompany her, knowing full well that he had orchestrated their passage on the ship. Philo, without hesitation, acquiesced and joined her side. However, as they traversed towards the harbor, the air was thick with hostility as humans hurled insults and missiles at the crowd, while the police seemed powerless to intervene. Berwick, stunned by Philo's apparent betrayal, pleaded with him to reconsider and aid the Sparas, but Philo's resolve remained steadfast.

Suddenly, the skies darkened as the Black Raven swooped in, raining destruction upon the ships with their relentless bombardment. Chaos ensued as the police struggled to repel the aerial assault, only to be met with the terrifying spectacle of the Sparas emerging from the shadows, their bloodlust unleashed upon the humans. Amidst the turmoil, Tourmaline offered Vignette reassurance, insisting that her fate was not yet sealed, for her vision of death had painted a different picture. Vignette, her heart heavy, scanned the chaos for Philo's figure.

Philo, meanwhile, stood frozen as he witnessed Berwick being brutally assaulted by the Sparas, his attempts to intervene too little, too late. Vignette, with wings outstretched, darted towards him, her voice urgent as she commanded him to move away from the gruesome scene. Yet, Philo remained rooted to the spot, his gaze fixed on Berwick's lifeless form, his heart torn between loyalty and loss.

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