Constellation – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: May 30 2024

Episode 7 of Constellation opens with Alice witnessing Jo stepping gracefully out of a car, right in front of the secluded cabin. But as Alice rushes outdoors to greet her, the scene vanishes, leaving nothing but empty air. She calls out, and in a parallel reality, Jo's ears perk up, catching a distant echo. Alice swiftly throws on her coat and dashes into the swirling snow.

In the alternate universe, Jo and Alice huddle together, listening to a recording of their phone conversation moments before the fateful accident. Oddly, their words are in Swedish, a language Alice claims to be unfamiliar with. Jo, too, seems perplexed, stating she doesn't even recall the CAL before the crash. They move on to another tape, this one capturing the day after the accident. Paul's voice echoes through the speakers, inquiring about Jo's lifeless body at the station. Alice confides that Jo doesn't quite feel like the mother she remembers, but they vow to sort it out together.

Constellation – Season 1 Episode 7 1

Meanwhile, Henry, Frederic, and Magnus are on a mission, heading straight for Jo's cabin. Henry speaks candidly, sharing that he's been through similar perplexing situations. As they stash the CAL in the shed, Jo's ears are suddenly assaulted by the screams of another Alice. With one Alice still nestled in bed, Jo braces herself and ventures out to search for the mysterious cries.

Alice finds her way back to the cabin, but this time, it's a shadow of its former self - dilapidated and deserted. She stumbles upon a cupboard and slips inside, hanging her necklace on the door as a makeshift marker. Suddenly, the door slams shut with a thud, trapping her in the claustrophobic space. Jo eventually stumbles upon her, but the cold has already taken its toll on Alice's fragile state.

Jo carries her back to her original cabin, gently lowering her into a warm bath. As Jo rushes to fetch more hot water, a throbbing headache begins to consume her. Suddenly, Jo and the bathwater vanish without a trace, leaving Alice alone and shivering. Her father eventually finds her and warms her up, but he remains skeptical of her encounter with Jo.

In the parallel universe, Jo urges Alice to dress warmly as they embark on a quest to find the other Alice. As they traverse the snowy landscape, Alice suggests that Jo might be hallucinating. Jo concedes, admitting that Alice is right - she's not her mother. This revelation stings Alice, and she flees, leaving Jo alone in the snow-covered landscape.

Wrapped tightly in cozy attire, The Other Alice ventured out once more. This time, Magnus stirred from his slumber as she quietly exited. This particular Alice stumbled upon the necklace beads, strewn across the snow where her doppelganger had walked with Jo. And not far from there, she came across the CAL, also toppled in the snow.

Meanwhile, the Alice who had fled from Jo found the deserted, dilapidated cabin. But to her surprise, the white cassette player they had used sat undisturbed on the table. She ascended the stairs and spied the necklace hanging on the cupboard door. She ventured inside, but as she neared the front door, the Other Alice appeared.

Inside the cupboard, the first Alice recorded a message on the cassette player. The Other Alice discovered the message and replied with one of her own. Despite their inability to see each other, the two Alices began a dialogue, discussing their shared experience at the cabin. Suddenly, in their respective worlds, Jo and Paul heard the girls' voices echoing through the cassette player.

They hurried upstairs, realizing the voices emanated from the player. Jo snatched the player and hurried to her car. Magnus emerged from the cabin and spied Alice's footsteps leading out onto the frozen lake. Inside the cabin Jo had vacated, a lamp toppled, igniting a fire.

The two Alices stared into the mirror, communicating with each other. One revealed that her mother had passed away. As they shared their sorrow over her death, Jo realized the cabin was ablaze and raced back. Both Alices came to the shocking realization that their mothers had been switched.

Elsewhere, as the road was cleared of snow, Henry recounted his own baffling experience to Magnus. He spoke of his crew members, who had been lifeless one moment and suddenly alive the next. As Magnus and the policemen fanned out through the woods, Henry ventured alone, a headache creeping in.

Jo bravely dashed into the blazing cabin, only to discover a desolate, ravaged interior. Despite the devastation, she could still glimpse the raging flames dancing in the reflection of a painting. Ascending the stairs, she stumbled upon Alice hidden away in a cupboard. Meanwhile, the Other Alice's voice echoed through the cassette player, reaching out from the void. Jo responded through the same medium, her voice mingling with the crackling of the tape, even catching a fleeting glimpse of her daughter in the mirror. With determination, she promised she would do everything to make her way back.

Henry, guided by a beacon of light amidst the snow, stumbled upon the CAL. But the sight of the burning cabin drew him like a magnet, and he hastily dropped the device in the snow, his heart racing towards the inferno. Suddenly, the cabin transformed into the one engulfed in flames, and Jo emerged, dragging Alice out, her face etched with smoke and exhaustion.

As Henry neared the cabin, Bud confronted Paul in the parallel universe, their battle raging unseen. Jo gently handed Alice to Henry and turned back, determined to search for her own flesh and blood. But as Bud's bullet found its mark, a strange twist of fate occurred. Henry and Bud swapped places, Henry finding himself in the apartment with a bleeding Paul, while Bud emerged into the snowy landscape, Alice abandoned in the cold.

Jo emerged from the cabin to find Alice unconscious, her heart pounding as she performed CPR. At that moment, her real daughter arrived, her face etched with sorrow. She whispered that she could no longer feel the presence of the Other Alice. Despite the heaviness in her heart, Jo urged her daughter to rejoin her father. For a fleeting moment, Magnus caught a glimpse of their silhouettes, etched against the snowy backdrop, before they faded into the distance.

With her final efforts, Jo managed to revive the Other Alice, but by then, her own daughter had vanished. Time passed, and the injured Alice lay sleeping in the hospital, her dreams filled with visions of the Valya - the lifeless corpse encased in an astronaut suit. The Valya whispered to Alice, promising to show her the path to her mother.

As Alice awoke, Magnus sat beside her, his voice soft as he relayed that Irena was assisting Jo in her recovery. Alice's eyes filled with resolve, she knew they must bring Jo back. And so, the conclusion of Constellation Episode 7 loomed, with Alice's determination shining through the darkness, ready to embark on the journey to reunite her family.

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