As the sixth chapter of "Doc" unfolds, a passionate embrace between two women steals the spotlight at a lively party. Leah (Katia Edith Wood), with a look of concern etched on her face, checks Chloe Carlson's (Feaven Abera) temperature, fearing she might be unwell. Suddenly, a brawl erupts, prompting Chloe to make a hasty exit. In the chaos, she's toppled to the ground, with a shard of glass piercing through her end—yet she remains eerily unfazed by the injury. Leah, astonished by her lack of reaction, prompts Chloe to confess something crucial.
Meanwhile, Katie (Charlotte Fountain-Jardim) spots Amy Larsen (Molly Parker) lingering outside and warmly invites her in. Amy learns that they'll be alone, and decides to wander around, hoping that some long-lost memories might resurface. Katie reassures her mother that she'll be by her side whenever needed. Amy retreats to the bedroom, where she's transported back in time, reminiscing about her son. When Katie joins her, she remarks that the room resembles a shrine. Katie reveals that Amy had been fiercely protective of the space, questioning whether her father could cope with cleaning it out alone.
Amy admits that the tour stirred up numerous memories, but none were new. She promises Katie that she won't crumble again. Elsewhere, Gina Walker (Amirah Vann) strives to reach Amy, who has been ignoring her calls. Ned Lenczyk enters the scene, requesting Gina to cancel her appointments. He insists on a comprehensive neurological evaluation, citing persistent headaches. Gina suspects that Ned's been under unusual stress, suggesting therapy sessions between tests. Ned, however, is convinced that she'll uncover a tumor in his brain.
At the hospital, Amy learns that TJ Coleman (Patrick Walker) has taken Gina's VIP patient. Dr. Jake Heller (Jon-Michael Ecker) informs Amy about Ned's headache and she offers him a drink in return for a past favor. Jake inquires about her relationship with Michael, to which Amy firmly states it's over—Michael is now married and expecting a child. They attend to Chloe, who seems stable. Her father bursts in shortly after, anxiously inquiring about her well-being. Jake informs him that they suspect an infection, but Chloe assures them her fever was only 99.3 degrees. Amy notices swelling on Chloe's left knee.
Dylan Carlson (Eddie G) requests a private conversation with Amy and Jake. With a heavy heart, Dylan confesses that he's been anticipating this moment for years, fearing that time is running out before whatever ails Chloe claims her life.
Flashing back, Amy shows Katie around her new apartment, only to receive a cool reception. In the present, Katie confides in Michael Hamda (Omar Metwally) about Amy's tour, pondering how lonely and strange it must be for her. She wonders aloud what Michael would think if she wanted to live with Amy. Michael gently reminds Katie that it's not her responsibility to mend Amy's life.
Back at the hospital, Amy and Jake discover that the infection likely isn't bloodstream-related. Chloe's chest X-ray also comes back clear, and the knee is most probably not septic. They realize they need to broaden their scope, considering other bodily systems.
Chloe falls gravely ill, her body betraying her with nauseating spells. Jake, sensing the gravity, suggests to Amy that they opt for a transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) to definitively rule out the possibility of endocarditis. Amy, however, counters that their immediate focus should remain on addressing Chloe's gastrointestinal (GI) woes. Elsewhere, Ned voices his frustration to TJ and Gina, lamenting the prolonged wait for his scan. inquire about her hospital tour, unaware of the storm brewing within Amy due to Gina's concealment about her pregnancy. Gina defends herself, insisting she acted out of what she perceived as Amy's best interest.
Amy's unease deepens when she encounters Dylan in an altercation with Chloe, revealing that the latter has inexplicably lost weight. Dylan expresses his concern, believing Chloe is too frail to be left alone. Flashing back, Katie receives a call from Michael, who learns that Amy is still at the hospital. Katie confesses a twinge of discomfort at being there solitary, and requests Michael not to disturb Amy, fearing it would only inflame her tensions.Nora gently reminded Michael that the emptiness wouldn't linger for long. Michael, seeking a reprieve, inquired if they could engage in a conversation that didn't revolve around the baby. Nora, her emotions flaring, accused Michael of being the one who yearned to reside in a somber, lifeless space. She swiftly apologized, insisting that her words hadn't been meant to come across so harshly.
Meanwhile, Amy returned to Chloe's room, where Richard Miller (Scott Wolf) and Jake were immersed in their work. Jake confirmed that the fluid and tissue samples were within normal ranges. Amy, learning that her breathing had altered and her fever soared past 104 degrees, felt a surge of concern. Richard informed her they had inserted a Foley catheter to commence a cold fluid infusion. Amy noticed Chloe's altered posture and Chloe admitted that her neck's range of motion felt constrained. Richard speculated it could be meningitis, but Amy countered that it might be a migraine triggered by sepsis. Richard disagreed firmly and ordered a brain CT, spinal MRI, and lumbar puncture.
Elsewhere, Ned griped about Gina wasting time. Gina shared her story with Ned—marrying a man, having four children, and now residing downtown with her wife. She revealed that she had found peace once she embraced her true self. TJ entered the room, bringing news that the CT scan had revealed a mass in Ned's stomach, though there was no indication it was cancerous. Ned challenged Gina, asking if she still saw him as the boy who cried wolf.
Dylan inquired with Jake about the timeline for confirming meningitis. Suddenly, they were informed that an emergency airway cart was being requested for Chloe's room. In a poignant flashback, Amy realized how little she knew about her daughter and was interrupted by a work call. Katie, on the other end, was displeased. Amy reassured her that she would attend work and drop Katie off at her father's place.
Returning to the present, Amy suggested that the issue might not lie in what was visible but rather in what remained hidden. Based on the scans, she argued that Chloe could be suffering from appendicitis, possibly already ruptured given her septic state. Richard ordered an ultrasound immediately. TJ assured Ned that surgeons had removed the mass and deemed a biopsy unnecessary, attributing it to Ned's excessive consumption of Konjac noodles.
TJ vents his spleen about Ned's impatience, while Jake shares the tale of his patient who is numb to sensations, making TJ's own case seem comparatively benign. Amy proposes a comprehensive PET scan, envisioning it as a beacon pinpointing areas of heightened metabolic activity, hinting at the source of Chloe's ailments. Gina, switching topics, probes Ned about his first hospitalization at age eight, eliciting a whimsical response from Ned, who jokes that his streptococcal infection was a blessing in disguise, allowing him extra time with his mother. He scoffs at the notion that his current plight might be a desperate cry for attention.
As night descends, Amy and Jake brace themselves for a marathon of biopsies, their determination unwavering despite the looming fatigue. Dylan observes their diligent efforts, the weight of Chloe's illness pressing heavily on him. Later, Amy's phone buzzes with a message from Katie, inviting her to join in a game of Jenga. Jake urges Amy to take the break, promising to call if Chloe's fever spikes. In a tender conversation with Chloe, Jake reassures her that her father's worries, though well-intentioned, should not dictate her mindset of perpetual caution.
Flashing back once more, Amy arrives home to find Michael has cooked dinner for Katie, sparking a fiery debate about their professional commitments and parenting strategies. In the present, Amy and Katie engage in a playful game of Jenga, their bond growing stronger. Katie playfully suggests renting a room together, and Amy, baring her heart, admits that living together is all she desires, asserting that her father has given his blessing.
Meanwhile, Nora (Sarah Allen) notices Michael's distracted demeanor during dinner, prompting him to confess his reluctance to embrace an empty nest. The evening, thus, unfolds in a tapestry of human emotions—concern, camaraderie, misunderstandings, and the silent longing for connection amidst life's tumultuous storms.
Gina engages Ned in a conversation, her tone insistent as she underscores their shared aspiration: for him to lead a long and healthful life. Ned concedes, hinting that she might just be onto something profound. Gina emphasizes that any transformation hinges on his desire to change, to which Ned agrees, pledging to collaborate with her.
Elsewhere, Jake informs Dylan that Chloe's surgery—an appendectomy—has successfully quarantined the infection. Amy chimes in optimistically, asserting that Chloe will not just recover but thrive. Dylan shares his recent agreement to take charge of Chloe's upbringing, noting how her well-being has consumed his every waking moment. He ponders whether Chloe is prepared to strike out on her own, while Amy reassures him that letting go doesn't equate to permanent separation.
Flashing back, Katie gripes about Amy's immersion in her work, prompting Michael to step in and defend her. Katie expresses her desire to live full-time with Michael, aware of Amy's likely disapproval. Michael, reluctant to involve lawyers and initiate a custody battle, resists Katie's urging. In the present, Michael reaches out to Amy, revealing his conversation with Katie about cohabitation. Amy wonders aloud why he'd obstruct Katie's wishes.
Michael brings Katie to Amy's doorstep, expressing his relief that Katie is gaining a fresh start with Amy. Elsewhere, Richard discusses with Dylan and Chloe, while Jake provides Chloe with health directives. Dylan announces his decision to allow Chloe to return to school. In a private moment, Amy and Jake converse about Richard, and after a call from Katie, who has settled in but plans a movie outing with friends, Jake invites Amy for a drink, revealing his own personal turmoil—a breakup in progress.
Noticing powders in Jake's locker that resemble those found in her apartment, Amy begins to connect the dots. She politely declines his invitation, seeking clarity first. She seeks Gina out, inquiring about Jake. Gina confesses that she only learned of Jake's involvement with Amy two days prior, emphasizing that her role as both Amy's doctor and friend is untenable. Amy expresses uncertainty regarding Jake, having awaited Gina's insights. Gina reveals that Jake claimed their relationship had been serious for months and underscores that Amy's feelings toward him are what matter most now.
Confronting Jake, Amy demands to know why he kept their relationship a secret, sharing how she had uncovered the truth. Their conversation culminates in a tender kiss.