As the episode of "Doc" unfolds, Lucas is instructed to stash his phone away and tidy the cluttered table. He responds to his mother with a promise to attend to it momentarily, but his mood quickly darkens. Accusing her of harboring malice towards him, an argument ensues. Richard Miller (Scott Wolf) enters the scene, catching them in the midst of their dispute. He gently reminds Lucas that tantrums are not acceptable behavior. Lucas, contrite, offers an apology and hurriedly exits the room.
Elsewhere, Jake Heller (Jon-Michael Ecker) lounges in bed with Amy Larsen (Molly Parker), while at work, Michael Hamda (Omar Metwally) joins them in the elevator, chatting about their daughter's participation in a debate tournament. Michael volunteers to pick up Katie from the airport. Meanwhile, TJ Coleman (Patrick Walker) is engrossed in work alongside a colleague who adores Prince's music. Jake inquires about Mr. Llewelyn's drinking habits, disclosing his abnormal pancreatic function test results and concerning respiratory issues.
Sonya Maitra (Anya Banerjee) expresses surprise at the prospect of working with Amy once again, acknowledging Amy's awareness of her feelings on the matter. Sonya insists that she has no intention of causing friction but finds herself tasked with caring for a man she once dated five years prior. He mentions his recent return from India, two weeks earlier. Distracted and introspective, Sonya ponders discussing the situation with Richard Miller but finds his office empty. She calls him, emphasizing the urgency of their conversation.
Lucas confronts Richard, revealing that Micah (Eamon Hanson) challenges him to a fight, while Seth (Sebastian Savard) hides nearby. They delve into the subject of Lucas's medication and therapy, with Lucas convinced that his mother aims to send him away. Sonya recalls a date with the man, where she confided in him about Amy, now regretting having to confess to her mother that her matchmaking was prescient. Nurse Julie informs Sonya that the patient tests negative for HIV, Hepatitis, SARS, and EBV. Amy suggests a liver ultrasound, UBT to rule out ulcers, and guaiac for GI bleeding.
TJ and Jake pull Alexis Llewelyn aside to deliver the news that her husband has cystic fibrosis. Jake delicately explains the condition's nature, emphasizing the lack of a cure but the availability of treatments. They hint at doubts regarding Oliver's paternity, prompting Alexis to admit their marriage was troubled and they separated for a time. Learning of her pregnancy upon reconciliation, Jake reassures Alexis of their non-judgmental stance, giving her space to process the information.
Amy updates Sonya on her findings, noting symptoms consistent with Hepatitis B. The patient expresses a desire to reconnect with Sonya, but she pulls away, uninterested. A haunting flashback suggests a sexual assault by the same man. Amy pursues her out of the room, inquiring if he harmed her. Sonya dismisses it as a messy breakup, branding him a jerk. Gina Walker (Amirah Vann) discusses Lucas's bipolar and schizotypal disorders with Richard, insisting that inpatient behavioral therapy is necessary. She convincingly argues that neither Richard nor Victoria is equipped to manage Lucas's complex needs.Richard contends that the boy's behavior is merely a tantrum, resisting the notion of sending Lucas to what he perceives as a chaotic environment. He urges Gina to reconvene with him to ascertain if she detects any discrepancies in her assessment. Gina, in response, requests Richard to bring Lucas to her. Meanwhile, Sonya recalls enduring an assault and documenting her injuries with photographs. Amy, in a hurried call, informs her of the urgency; Ravi's viral count has spiraled dangerously, revealing Fulminant Hepatitis and liver failure. Unperturbed, Sonya vows to be right there.
Jake confides in Cary about his adverse insulin reaction, his glucose levels fluctuating erratically, hinting at the dire need for a new pancreas. Oliver, assuming he's Cary's sole blood relative, offers a portion of his own. Elsewhere, TJ privately expresses his discomfort with deceit to Jake, who acknowledges his reluctance but emphasizes the importance of focusing on medical priorities.
As Amy crosses paths with Richard, who shares his concerns about Lucas, the young boy exits Gina's office. Richard promises to follow up with Gina on her insights. Amy, concerned for Sonya, discusses with Gina her suspicions, fearing the repercussions of speaking out. When Sonya hears her name paged to the nurses' station, she secures the medication and speeds to Ravi's room. Ravi, misunderstanding her motive, assumes her care stems from residual affection. Sonya corrects him sternly, reminding him of their non-existent relationship and confronting him about the rape. Ravi dismisses her accusations, twisting the narrative to suit his whims.
In a moment of defiance, Sonya injects air into Ravi's IV port. Amy arrives moments later to find the unfolding chaos. Together, they scramble to revive Ravi, as Julie announces critical signs of cardiac and respiratory distress. Amy directs Julie to bring in an airway cart, ventilator, and necessary medications. With Amy's quick thinking and actions, Ravi is temporarily stabilized. Amy ushers Sonya out, urging her to flee the scene.
Later, Amy confronts Sonya, offering her an opportunity to explain. Sonya reveals her attempts to contact Richard, promising not to implicate Amy, who asserts she's already entangled. Emphasizing her oath, Amy advises Sonya to leave and stay away from Ravi. A pancreas donor is found for Cary, who is prepped for surgery. Afterward, Amy engages Katie in a conversation about her recent debate incident, expressing her distress over the situation. Katie reassures Amy, stating they've already devised a safety plan. Amy, hopeful yet resigned, laments the harsh realities of their world.
Alexis confesses to Jake her intention to confess, contingent on Cary's survival. TJ interrupts with good news, informing Cary's family of his successful surgery and stable condition.
Amy delves into the grim statistics of rape before dialing Sonya's number. Her voice trembling, Sonya responds, calling it the second darkest night of her existence. Amy offers a reassuring whisper that Ravi will pull through. She gently inquiries if Sonya ever sought solace, to which Sonya replies no, acknowledging the necessity yet neglecting it. Confiding in her mother only led to silence, with advice to bury the trauma deep. Ravi, unfortunately, is linked to her father's business associate, compounding her guilt. Convinced of her obligation to confess, Sonya's resolve contrasts with Amy's self-blame for allowing her to return to Ravi's chamber. Amy asserts that Ravi, not Sonya, bears the culpability.
Returning to Ravi's hospital room, Amy finds Julie at his bedside, affirming his stable condition. Julie reminds Amy of her boundaries as a healer. When alone, Amy subtly uses Ravi's fingerprint to unlock his smartphone, extracting it for a crucial confrontation. Presenting it to Sonya, she devises a plan to exploit Ravi's Hepatitis B diagnosis as leverage. They contact a woman listed in Ravi's contacts, querying her about the encounter's consent. Sonya coaches her: start by uttering his name—Ravi Dhar. Emily Wagner, the woman on the other end, confirms he raped her. Sonya pledges solidarity, vowing to halt Ravi's reign of terror together.
Flashing back, Sonya deletes Ravi's contact, a move Amy scolds, highlighting his distraction. In the present, Sonya confesses Ravi's deeds to Michael, acknowledging their shared victimhood. She presents her own, untouched rape kit, a testament to SAE protocol meticulously stored in pathology freezers—a relic of hope she might one day confront her assailant. Meanwhile, Alexis finally unburdens her truth to Cary, who shares his own struggles with intimacy, ultimately opening up to TJ and Jake for advice on infidelity. Oliver's entrance interrupts with tales of Prince merchandise, amidst Ravi's awakening to find himself shackled to the hospital bed.
Sonya expresses gratitude to Amy, who urges her towards therapeutic healing. Gina has recommended support groups, and Sonya intends to take a respite from her duties. She predicts Amy will have aced her board exams by their next meeting. Jake questions Amy's awareness of the drama unfolding, to which she feigns ignorance, claiming she only discovered the truth this morning.
Victoria discusses Lucas's future with Richard, defending her decision to send him away. Richard, haunted by his absence during Sonya's crisis and unreturned texts, confesses to a fatal medical error months prior. Believing his career would be over without Amy's accident-induced memory loss, he laments being promoted to chief despite feeling unworthy. As Jake drops Amy off for her exam, Richard grapples with his inner turmoil.