Episode 4 of "Earth Abides" kicks off with a race against time as everyone frantically strives to save Ish, who lies in a precarious state following the cougar's assault. Despite the gravity of his injuries, they manage to detect a faint pulse and labored breathing, sparking a whirlwind of uncertainty among the group about his chances of survival. Molly, with a heart heavy from the recent turmoil, lends her hand in stitching up Ish's wounds, her actions belying her inner turmoil.
Upon Ish's eventual awakening, Molly confesses a startling revelation: she had actually failed her medical school exams. The success of her makeshift surgery astounds her, instilling a glimmer of hope that perhaps she is on the right path. With time, Ish recovers his strength and mobility.
Meanwhile, Emma sets her sights on the abandoned playground, determined to hunt down the cougar herself. Her quest is swiftly rewarded as she spots the formidable feline and unleashes a hail of bullets, her screams echoing through the heavens.
The narrative then leaps forward three years, bringing us to Year 17, where Ish's children are blossoming into young adults. Among them, Heather harbors a desire to venture beyond their communal confines and explore the vast, unknown world. She cleverly manipulates Emma into broaching the subject with Ish, painting a picture of a life sentence of stagnation if she remains. Emma, swayed by the notion of fostering Heather's growth through external experiences, sides with her, while Ish harbors lingering doubts.
Yet, more immediate challenges loom on the horizon. The survivors grapple with a relentless drought, the skies having remained dry for an eternity, causing water sources to dwindle and dry up. Ish embarks on a mission to Hoover Dam, but upon inspecting the pipelines, they discover rusted remnants, gaping holes, and an alarming scarcity of water. Ish calculates that, even with rationing, they have barely a week before their reserves are depleted.
A decade has passed without encountering another soul, until a bus filled with individuals rumbles by on the road above, prompting the group to hastily return to their compound. Joey's heart races with the thrill of potential companionship, but Ish remains cautious, urging preparedness. However, their precautions are outpaced by events; the bus arrives at their doorstep, bearing a single bottle of water as a token of "peace."
Apparently, these survivors have learned how to dig wells and they want to share this luck with Ish and the group. The leader here is Charlie, and there’s a bunch of other survivors introduced over a meal together.
As they eat, Charlie contradicts himself with his poetry chatter, and he claims he can get the water flowing in around 72 hours. In exchange, he wants food and a place to crash for him and all his buddies. Charlie promises he’ll move along when the time is right but there’s something shady about him.
Out in the woods, Charlie doesn’t hesitate in shooting a deer but he does so from behind Ish. He also mentions how he’s had a lot of practice with killing. That night, Ish and Charlie are the last ones awake and they talk under the stars. Charlie has a very binary perspective on the world, believing life is separated into the strong and the weak. Whatever has been left behind by those who have passed belongs to them now.
Between drama with Alex, who thinks he’s shunned by Ish and pushed aside, Ish is concerned about Charlie. He doesn’t trust him but Emma just rolls her eyes and doesn’t believe him when he comes to her with his concerns that night. Ish is alone with his reservations, and he stumbles through the woods alone after seeing everybody happy and getting along swimmingly.
Remember Jean and her apparent struggles with substance abuse and how we jumped forward a decade and didn’t see anything? Well, that night she speaks to Charlie outside. They both have a smoke together, and he even offers her a drink. Jean refuses, but Charlie is pretty insistent, claiming that one swig “won’t kill her”. He’s not a good influence and Jean can feel that, and eventually shuns him.
That evening, Ish arrived tardy, and Emma's displeasure was palpable. She sought her husband out in private, where he offered a contrite apology, explaining that he had wandered off in the forest and had only recently found his way back. The following day, Charlie and his companions dug deeply into the earth, and a jet of water erupted forth. However, much to Ish's prescient的担忧, Charlie expressed reluctance to depart and resolved to stay put for the time being.