El desorden que dejas – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Aug 21 2024

Episode 7 of "The Mess You Leave Behind" unfolds with a poignant prologue, as Raquel steps into her home, weighted down by the somber burden of her deceased pet's ashes. The quiet solemnity is abruptly shattered by a creeping sensation of unease, as if invisible eyes were tailing her every move. With trust in short supply, she finds solace at Mauro's, seeking his assistance amidst the disquietude.

El desorden que dejas – Season 1 Episode 7  1

Over glasses of wine, Mauro's overt familiarity should have been a clarion call, yet Raquel, for the moment, chooses to ignore the discomfort. Little does she know, Mauro too was privy to Viruca's dark secret of cocaine addiction, a revelation echoed in a haunting flashback where Iago's involvement is also laid bare.

Meanwhile, German's world spirals into self-pity at the bar, his grief over his canine companion fueling a confrontation with Nerea and Roi as they embark on their journey to school. His threats hang heavy in the air, though he ultimately relents, allowing them to continue their path. Along the way, Roi can't help but notice the transformation in Nerea, her once avid love for books and words now dormant. Her sharp rebuttal exposes the mutual shift in both their lives, as she too acknowledges his own metamorphosis.

Determined to uncover the truth, Roi shifts his focus to Iago, boldly trespassing into his house and embarking on a clandestine investigation. Within Iago's sanctuary, Roi hacks into his laptop, unearthing a trove of incriminating files. As he listens intently, headphones clamped over his ears, his world is rocked by the revelations. Stunned, he leaves a hasty voicemail for Raquel, his voice tinged with urgency, announcing his impending visit.

But fate has other plans. On his way, Roi is ambushed by an unknown assailant, who rains down blows upon him with brutal ferocity. Left battered and bruised, he finds himself confined to a hospital bed, the aftermath of the attack a grim testament to the dangers lurking beneath the surface. When Raquel receives the news, the pieces start to fall into place, and she realizes that the web of deceit surrounding her stretches further than she ever imagined. Seeking solace, she retreats to the bathroom, popping pills to quell the storm raging within her.

As Raquel listens intently to Roi's voicemail, a veil of comprehension descends upon her, illuminating the reasons behind his brutal beating and the pivotal role he plays in this intricate case. Enraged, she abruptly turns her wrath on Nerea during class, lambasting her in front of a stunned audience. Little does she know, Marga, silently observing from the threshold, beckons her to the office, where she's instructed to abandon the case.

Meanwhile, Nerea, desperate for answers, endeavors to confront Iago about their friend's plight. His guarded demeanor, a fortress of secrets, proves impenetrable, driving a wedge between them until their relationship crumbles into dust.

Flashing back, we witness Iago's manipulative games with Viruca, probing her vulnerabilities until she stands firm, declaring their affair's expiration and a clean break. Yet, Iago clings to her digits in the form of her phone number, dangling the threat of exposure over her head.

Later, as the bell echoes through the halls, Iago slyly presents Nerea with an audio recording, a twisted souvenir of his and Viruca's intimacy. This revelation echoes back to the opening scenes of episode one, where Viruca confronts a graffiti-marred car, her fury directed at Iago. Nerea, a witness from afar, observes the confrontation, her eyes narrowed in concern.

In the parking lot's shadows, Iago rushes towards Viruca, pressing a USB drive into her palm. His whispered instructions lead her to a folder titled "comments," a treasure trove of incriminating evidence against his father. He warns her to view it alone, the gravity of the moment etched on every word.

Raquel's serene thoughts are abruptly shattered by the jarring ringtone of her phone, revealing Pascual's voice on the other end—the hospital officer whose presence had earlier lingered heavily in her mind. He imparts a pivotal revelation: CCTV footage that might unravel the intricate web of mystery surrounding Roi's abduction. With a cocktail of anticipation and trepidation coursing through her veins, Raquel scrutinizes the grainy images, her eyes straining to pierce through the shroud of the hood and discern the elusive face that had dragged Roi into darkness, leaving him a helpless heap by the hospital's threshold.

Meanwhile, German's path serendipitously crosses with Demetrio's, bringing forth the sweet news of the Xunta's permit approval. A glimmer of hope flickers, whispering of Viruca's silent machinations or perhaps, the subtle workings of an unseen force. Yet, before German can bask in the fleeting respite, the ominous shadow of the police descends upon him, accusing him of Roi's assault. His fleeting moment of triumph disintegrates into dust as he's shackled and escorted away.

Claudia's fury erupts, lashing out at Raquel as the perceived culprit behind her son's plight. Words fly, each more incendiary than the last, until the tension becomes a palpable force, thick enough to cut. Seeking refuge from the tempest, Raquel turns to Mauro, who whispers words of solace, urging her to adopt Viruca's attire as a shield against the storm.

As Raquel dons Viruca's garments, the narrative weaves a tapestry where the threads of past and present intertwine, forming a complex pattern. In the present, a fiery passion ignites between Raquel and Mauro, their bodies entwined in a dance of raw desire. While in the distant yet vivid recesses of the past, Viruca's fingers tremble as they navigate her laptop, uncovering a truth that sends shockwaves through her being, leaving her stunned and reeling.

A fleeting glimpse into an even closer past reveals Mauro's clandestine quest for Viruca's phone, a revelation that binds him irrevocably to the fateful events that shattered Raquel's world—including the tragic loss of her beloved canine companion. The layers of deceit and betrayal unravel, painting a portrait of a world where appearances deceive and nothing is quite as it seems.

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