Episode 7 unfolds amidst the tumultuous quarrel raging between Carrie and Kash, their voices intertwined in a cacophony of anger and frustration. Jen, caught in the eye of this storm, sits stoically between them, her head bowed deeply into her hands, bracing herself for the inevitable consequences of her impulsive kiss with George. The air is thick with tension, each breath heavy with anticipation of what lies ahead.The individual whose opinion carries the most weight remains silent for the moment. However, eventually, Jizz speaks up in Jen's defense, offering her a favor - the translation being, "Go and engage in sexual activity with a stranger."
Despite Jizz's reluctance, he boldly steps out into the world, seeking companionship with receptive women. Prior to Jen's visit to the Discovery Clinic, Ian makes a timely appearance, offering to harness her extraordinary ability—to evoke profound empathy in others—in aid of her struggles with Mary. Yet, the tension between them lingers, and Jen declines his offer, choosing instead to forge ahead with George.
George, filled with remorse for their previous encounter, accompanies Jen on a journey deep within the recesses of her memories. They uncover a clandestine door, hidden behind the walls of her psyche, which may hold the key to unlocking the mysteries hindering her powers. Behind this door lies an anticipated revelation: a complex web of unresolved issues stemming from her father, Martin.
Jen staunchly refuses to accept that Martin is the sole reason for her inability to unleash her full potential. Determined to prove George wrong, she embarks on a mission to "double down on Daddy," committing herself to spending quality time with her father. Carrie, her loyal companion, stands by her side, eager to support Jen's personal growth as she embarks on this introspective quest.
Together, they devise a fictional scenario—a fishing trip, a cherished dream Jen has always nurtured with her father. Martin, perplexed by the sudden and frequent summons, senses a deeper turmoil within Jen. He endeavors to maintain a semblance of normalcy, hoping to guide her through her turmoil.
During their time together, Jen confides in Martin that Mary disapproves of their reunions. This revelation stuns Martin, who, upon learning of Mary's opposition, finds himself inadvertently concurring with his ex-wife's stance. Overcome with disappointment, he reluctantly reduces their meetings to once a week, a decision that leaves Jen disheartened. She begins to ponder the wisdom in George's advice to distance herself from Martin, perhaps recognizing a glimmer of truth in his words.