Found – Season 1 Episode 10

Published: Jul 18 2024

Episode 10 of "Found" commences with the urgency of Gabi dashing to the hospital, propelled by Lacey's news that Tony has emerged from his coma. However, Tony's father, Patrick, remains adamant in his refusal to engage with Gabi. The police, meanwhile, have apprehended Tony in his hospital bed, suspecting his involvement in human trafficking. The DCPD is also scrutinizing M&A's license, aiming to revoke it in the wake of Melissa's demise, a move intended to halt the crisis team's independent probe.

In a parallel scenario, Zeke implores his father, Darrell Wallace, a senator on the subcommittee overseeing criminal justice, to intervene in M&A's licensing ordeal. Darrell, despite acknowledging Zeke's financial support for M&A, is urged by his son that the team has been instrumental in navigating through life's challenges. Darrell assures Zeke that he will investigate the matter.

Found – Season 1 Episode 10 1

Elsewhere, Margaret is dismayed by Mallory's scheming to frame Gabi for Melissa's death, an attempt to tarnish the company's reputation. Trent enters, prepared to lend a hand in Tony's defense. Shortly after, Gabi arrives, revealing that Patrick has shut them out, and Tony is refusing to cooperate with the police. Without the license, they are hamstrung in pursuing this high-stakes case. Surprisingly, Patrick approaches Gabi and engages her to ensure his son's safety. The team unanimously agrees to take on the challenge, regardless of the risks.

A flashback reveals Gabi on her 69th day of captivity with Sir. A knock on the door interrupts their isolation, a woman asking to use Sir's phone. Sir instructs Gabi to remain distant from the window and lie down while he grasps a pan, headed for the door.

Back in the present, Gabi and Margaret attempt to extract information from Tony, but his anger remains simmering over Gabi's role in his shooting. Tony's ire also extends to his father for divorcing his mother, who steadfastly believed in him. Despite Patrick's sense of guilt for ruining his son's life, Gabi assures him that they will bring justice to Tony's perpetrator. Tony excuses himself to vomit, but Margaret discovers his absence when she checks on him. The immediate challenge now lies in deciphering Tony's whereabouts.

In the interim, Trent and Gabi desperately pleaded with Captain Mallory, imploring him not to revoke the M&A license. Their sole intention was to locate the abducted victims and rescue Tony, yet Mallory remained unyielding. Desperate, Gabi turned to Sir for assistance, yet she cunningly framed Tony as a criminal. He questioned her lack of compassion for the young man. Suddenly, the narrative shifted to a flashback, where a mysterious woman knocked on the door, offering Gabi a chance at salvation. She promised to liberate her from her dire situation.

Returning to the present, Matthew's mother hastened to the M&A office, revealing that Tony had visited her son to apologize and had since disappeared. The investigative team also questioned Tony's mother, who confessed her fear of her son and her need to safeguard her other children. Carolyn, who had received a voicemail from Tony, hesitated to call him back until she encountered Matthew's mother, who encouraged her to do so. However, in a moment of miscalculation, Carolyn advised Tony not to show up as she was with the M&A.

Zeke traced the phone call to Tony's former school, noting that the caller exhibited similar behavioral patterns to Tony after his abduction. The team conducted a thorough search of the school premises, but Tony remained elusive. With Principal Chloe's permission, they interviewed other students and uncovered the identity of Finn Anderson, a young man whom Tony had been grooming for a trafficking ring. Upon interrogation, Finn disclosed that a teacher had been particularly close to Tony and several other students, providing a potential clue in the ongoing mystery.

With the given information in hand, Gabi's suspicions about the teacher's motives grew, prompting her to delve deeper into the matter. However, her investigation soon revealed that the teacher was innocent, his intentions pure. Meanwhile, Lacey rallied the students in their search for Tony. But just as they were gaining momentum, the principal intervened, informing the team that the DCPD had officially revoked their M&A licenses, forcing them to leave the school premises.

Gabi's heart sank, but the support from Margaret, Lacey, and Dhan came like a ray of sunshine. Former victims whom Gabi had helped banded together, calling for her reinstatement. Without hesitation, Gabi resumed her pursuit of Tony's case. The team uncovered a shocking revelation — it was the principal herself who was involved in child trafficking, stubbornly denying any wrongdoing. Faced with the evidence, she confessed and revealed the whereabouts of the other children.

Upon arrival, they found Tony pointing a gun at Finn, the man who had coerced him into the trafficking ring. With courage and quick action, they rescued the children and reunited Tony with his parents in the bustling lobby of the M&A headquarters.

Elsewhere, Darrell visited Zeke, presenting him with the reinstated licenses. He congratulated his son and wished him the best with his team. Lacey, elated, embraced Zeke with joy.

On a more personal note, Gabi apologized to Trent for her harsh words during the Melissa case. She encouraged him to return to the DCPD, emphasizing his exceptional skills. In the midst of their conversation, Gabi hurriedly excused herself to examine the yearbooks.

A flashback revealed that Hugh, Gabi's former teacher, had kidnapped her from school. This revelation spurred Gabi to dig deeper, uncovering that Sir had also been Annie's teacher. He had kidnapped her, but she had managed to escape. Tragically, Annie had returned years later to save Gabi from Hugh's clutches, ultimately sacrificing her life.

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