Found – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Jul 18 2024

Episode 7 of Found kicks off at Gabi's abode, where Trent has sought refuge for the night. Following his suspension by the chief inspector in the preceding episode, he sought solace in Gabi's sanctuary. Trent confesses his frustration, lashing out at himself for failing to establish boundaries and define himself without the authority of his badge.

As they engage in conversation, Trent reminisces about his childhood passion for playing the French horn. Curious, he inquiries about Gabi's youthful pursuits, prompting her to recall her time with Sir. A flashback reveals a younger Gabi, enthralled by the outdoors, coaxing Sir into a bird-watching adventure—albeit with a clandestine intention to flee. She strikes Sir and attempts an escape, her eyes fixed on the horizon.

Found – Season 1 Episode 7 1

In the present, Gabi encounters an elderly woman, desperately searching for her missing granddaughter, Denae. The media has turned a blind eye to the story, claiming Denae's plight isn't newsworthy. The grandmother's narrative unfolds, revealing that Denae resides on a reservation and was expecting to return home to give birth. However, she has gone silent, and her due date looms large. Despite this, the grandmother pinpoints Charlie, Denae's boyfriend and the unborn child's father, as the sole contact who can aid in tracing her.

Not long after, Zeke alerts the team that Charlie has been hospitalized following an accident. Gabi, Lacey, and Margaret interrogate him, with Gabi surreptitiously cloning Charlie's phone. Margaret, with her keen eye for detail, notices scratches on Charlie's dominant hand, suggesting multiple impacts with a wall or a person.

Gabi proposes that Trent scour the records to determine if Charlie has a criminal history. However, her mind quickly recollects Trent's suspension, rendering him unable to access the DCPD system. Zeke delves into Charlie's phone and uncovers his conversations with Denae.

The scene transitions to Denae's doctor, who explains the urgency of the situation. Denae's baby is in a breech position, and any further delay could result in the loss of both mother and child. Gabi seeks Sir's assistance in solving the case, but he is agitated by the prospect of a man in Gabi's home. However, Sir's jealousy doesn't stem from romantic sentiments; rather, it's a manifestation of his loss of power and control over Gabi.

Meanwhile, the team delves into Denae's social media life, managing to piece together only a few videos. Yet, they sense a discrepancy, as Denae never posted during her stay on the reservation. Trent confirms that Charlie has no criminal record, leaving the team with more questions than answers.

Denae's phone logs reveal her contact with two strangers and Hannah, a coworker from the reservation. Hannah recounts Denae's frequent quarrels with Charlie, describing a moment where he punched the wall, terrifying Denae. She was almost home in D.C. and promised to call Hannah, yet the call never came. In the interrogation room, Charlie admits to cheating on his girlfriend that fateful night, insisting that Denae despised the reservation, contradicting Hannah's account. The team dismisses Charlie as a suspect.

As Gabi plans a trip to Virginia, Lacey is reminded of their traumatic days in the farmhouse. Sir suggests that Denae stayed with a controlling, possessive boyfriend because it was familiar to her, stemming from her upbringing. Upon arriving at the reservation, the team meets Denae's brother, Kai, and other relatives. Margaret and Zeke deduce from the audio recordings that Denae was speaking to someone she knew. However, Trent, Gabi, and Lacey face difficulties in their investigation as Kai, a police officer, resents the crisis team's involvement.

Ada joins them, but Kai firmly refuses to allow any interrogations without his permission. Denae's family's possessive and controlling nature is evident. Lacey's emotions surface, remembering the Virginia kidnapping. Ada, a midwife, was the last to see Denae. Though accused of a tragic delivery, Ada is revealed to be innocent. Lacey and Gabi confront Ada, realizing she is not malicious.

Gabi keeps an eye on Sir through a surveillance camera, but he cleverly obscures the CCTV with food. A flashback reveals Gabi's failed escape. Sir captures her and brings her back to the farmhouse, drugging her. She awakens chained in a dark room, yet her spirit remains unbroken.

The search intensifies, and Gabi discovers Denae in a thicket. Her baby has been delivered but is missing. Thankfully, Denae is stable. Margaret visits Dr. Potter, urging him to be by Denae's side in the hospital. Potter claims urgency, refusing to visit. Margaret notices muddy boots, prompting her curiosity. She finds the baby and confronts Potter, who justifies delivering the baby as he believed Denae unfit.

The police arrive, arresting Potter, and Denae reunites with her baby. Grateful for her family's support, she decides to raise her daughter on the reservation. Meanwhile, Zeke locates Sir, indicating he's near Gabi's home.

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