Found – Season 1 Episode 6

Published: Jul 18 2024

Episode 6 of "Found" kicks off with Gabi at the hospital bedside of Tony, who lies in critical condition. The words of Tony's father resonate in Gabi's mind, stabbing her heart with each memory. A flashback takes us to 2003, where Sir hands Gabi a book, yet the gentle fall of snow brings her melancholy. The snow triggers memories of her father, who forgot to put on snow tires, leading to a tragic accident. Desperately, she begs Sir to let her call her father, but as always, he refuses, claiming that her father has not lifted a finger in searching for her.

Just then, an urgent call from Zeke summons everyone to the headquarters. An elderly woman, accompanied by a young man named Lucas, begs Gabi to find her missing son, David. David has been ignoring his mother's calls, and she hasn't seen him since. Ever since his sister's death, David has struggled with drug addiction, unable to cope with the loss. Now, with his mother on her deathbed, David might have relapsed.

Found – Season 1 Episode 6 1

Gabi instructs Zeke to delve into David's records to check if he's on a drug-induced spree. They interrogate Lucas, who turns out to be Rachael's nephew. Elisa's tragic death from a ladder fall has left David unable to mourn properly. However, Lucas dismisses Gabi from the case, but she remains undeterred. She turns to Sir, pleading for his assistance in solving this case, just as he has with the others before.

In a fleeting memory, Gabi fervently declares to Sir that her father never abandoned her, despite his repeated attempts to convince her that her father never truly cared. Unwavering, Gabi refuses to accept this narrative, resorting to a hunger strike until Sir relents and allows her to contact her father. Should she perish, Sir would be deemed a murderer.

Meanwhile, Zeke announces that David's phone line has been severed, complicating their efforts to reach him. Undeterred, Lacey, Dhan, and Gabi visit the rehabilitation center where David is being treated. Dhan adopts a disguise as Mike, hoping to glean insights into the facility and David's daily life. Gabi, meanwhile, enlists Trent's assistance in the investigation.

The interview video reveals Lucas pressing down on David's shoulder, a sight that offends the entire office staff, who feel it inappropriate to continue the case after being dismissed by Lucas. Yet, Gabi, her resolve unshaken, refuses to back down.

Lacey observes that Gabi has been out of sorts lately, sensing that her concerns extend beyond just her father's demise. Elsewhere, Gabi and Margaret delve into David's journal, discovering a missing page. Margaret reveals that she has been seeing a therapist to cope with the trauma of losing her son.

Suddenly, Zeke breaks the news that Rachael has been admitted to the hospital. Without hesitation, Gabi rushes to her side, reassuring her that she will find her son, David. In a separate encounter, tensions flare, and Trent reproaches Gabi for putting the undercover agent at risk.

Concurrently, the crisis team stumbled upon a sinister revelation: Jesses was potentially terminating rehab patients to harvest their insurance money. As Gabi strode back to the headquarters, Lacey intercepted her with a bombshell - Lucas had secured an emergency protective order, effectively halting their investigation. Yet, Gabi's resolve was unwavering; this case held a deeply personal stake. Her father's descent into alcoholism had begun when she was kidnapped, and now, she swore to uncover David's whereabouts and fulfill Rachael's dying wish.

Desperate, Gabi sought Sir's assistance, and the realization dawned on her that David might be someone's intended victim. She also discerned that Lucas had likely interfered to silence David's truth. Accompanied by Margaret and Lacey, Gabi stormed Lucas's abode and discovered David, sedated and helpless.

David confessed that Lucas had drugged him to prevent him from speaking out. Lucas had pushed Elisa down the ladder, and David longed to tell her mother that it wasn't her fault. Fortunately, they reached the hospital in time, and David finally revealed the truth to his mother, bringing him a sense of closure.

A flashback unfolded, and Sir presented Gabi with a photo of her father. In an instant, she recognized her father's gloves, filling her with joy. Knowing that her father had never given up on her gave Gabi a glimmer of hope that they would reunite.

Later, the crisis team celebrated their triumph in finding another lost soul, David. Gabi confessed to Trent that their moment by the lake had held profound meaning for her. As Dhan struggled, Zeke offered his customary solace.

Meanwhile, Lacey observed that Gabi had undergone a profound transformation, surpassing mere grief for her father. Back at Gabi's abode, Sir apologized for not allowing her to bid farewell to her father. He reminded her that she was, in her own way, a monster, much as she had labeled him. As she prepared to leave, Trent appeared at the door, informing her that he had been suspended due to the missing USB drive.

The chief investigator's decision had shaken Trent, fearing he would be dismissed after the investigation. He visited Gabi's home to break the news, and she welcomed him in, attempting to offer comfort. However, Sir disapproved of Gabi having a visitor at such a late hour.

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