As the Colony House bustled with preparations for a jubilant celebration marking their first year in the town, Ellis grappled with the day's festivities, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. Meanwhile, in the heart of the town, Khatri awaited Boyd at his abode, and the two exchanged plans. Boyd spoke of venturing into the woods, while Khatri recounted the chain of events that had led him to this remote settlement. With a heavy heart, he revealed the truth about Sara's imprisonment in the church's basement.
Elsewhere, Jim tirelessly worked on his ambitious project to erect a mammoth antenna atop the hill at Colony House. As the sun dipped lower, he and Tabith resumed their excavation in the basement, sharing a fleeting moment of tenderness amidst the dirt and debris.
At the lively party, Donna delivered an impassioned speech in honor of Fatima, presenting her with a dreamcatcher as a token of her affection. However, the festivities were abruptly interrupted when Kevin stealthily slipped into a bathroom, engaging in a sinister conversation with a monstrous entity named Jasmine. She lured him in with her seductive words and then mercilessly ended his life, leaving the window ajar as an invitation for other malevolent creatures to infiltrate the festivities.
Julie, her heart aflutter, timidly approached Fatima with a request for a kiss, but her courage faltered, and she scurried away, finding refuge in Victor's room. Meanwhile, Khatri skillfully persuaded Boyd to allow him and Sara to accompany him on his journey into the foreboding woods.
Jade stumbled upon a concealed photograph tucked within the pages of a book he had been studying diligently. His eyes widened as he spotted a youthful Victor in the background, a mysterious figure whose presence seemed to hold the key to unlocking the town's secrets.
Back at the Colony House, Trudy fell victim to Jasmine and a horde of other monsters that had infiltrated the premises. Their rampage wreaked havoc, and soon the entire structure was plunged into chaos. Victor and Julie fled from the carnage, seeking safety in the woods after catching sight of a boy dressed in white wandering in that direction.
Donna valiantly gathered as many survivors as she could and evacuated them to the town, using the van as a refuge. However, Fatima chose to remain behind, stumbling upon Ellis who had escaped through a window but sustained grievous injuries. The two hurriedly barricaded themselves in the foyer, armed with a talisman that repelled the advancing monsters.
Victor instructed Julie to ascend a distant tree, and she emerged in a mysterious cellar. Meanwhile, Donna managed to shepherd her people to Boyd's abode. However, as they herded the survivors inside, Khatri was unfortunately struck by a monster's blade, slashing his throat. He succumbed to his injuries shortly after, leaving the remaining survivors to fend for themselves in this increasingly perilous world.