The second installment of "Gangs of Galicia" kicks off with a poignant flashback, depicting Ana's poignant conversation with the police following her father's untimely demise. The officers presented her with surveillance footage from that fateful day, yet the assassin's visages remained elusive, shrouded in the shadows, and their identities meticulously falsified. The police investigation had hit an impasse, leaving the case stagnant.
In the present narrative, Berta and Laura, desperate to safeguard their restaurant, enlist Ana's expertise to secure the municipal concession bid. Their fear stems from the looming threat of Padin, who might retaliate with an exorbitant bid, thus jeopardizing their livelihood. Berta harbors doubts about Ana, but Laura persuades her mother to extend a tentative trust. Unlike other local attorneys entwined in Padin's web, Ana remains relatively untainted by his influence. She represents their beacon of hope for a fair bidding process, especially since Padin's reputation precedes him as a vengeful adversary whom no one dares to cross.
Padin, despite his incarceration, thrives within the prison walls. A man of immense clout and resources, his influence extends far beyond the bars that confine him. Armed with a clandestine phone, the privilege to work outside prison walls, and the unwavering loyalty of his son, he continues to orchestrate his drug empire with impunity.
Elsewhere, Naranjo grapples with the delicate balance of his professional and personal life. His wife, Marta, is reaching her breaking point, exasperated by his absence during a crucial real estate meeting. Naranjo prioritizes tailing Daniel, who is seen meeting someone in a club, seemingly eyeing the purchase of a luxurious yacht.
Daniel, aware of the police tailing him, cleverly conducts his transaction in the seclusion of a restroom, momentarily shaking off his pursuers. Subsequently, Naranjo receives a harrowing call; Marta has fainted and is hospitalized. However, she steadfastly refuses his assistance in booking a doctor's appointment or accompanying her to the hospital.
Following the clandestine deal, Padin calls Daniel, issuing a chilling command to deal with a snitch. Daniel hesitates, but his father insists they must send an unambiguous message of fear.
As days unfold, Daniel persists in his pursuit of Ana. Seizing this moment, Ana weaves a tale to sway Daniel into withdrawing his bid for the concession. She feigns distress, portraying herself as a damsel in dire straits, fleeing from an obsessed, influential client to the safety of Cambados. Her narrative casts Daniel in the role of a chivalrous knight, and he reluctantly agrees to drop his bid, contingent on her signing him as a client.
On the flip side, Marco's domestic life remains tumultuous, as his parents engage in relentless battles over the rumored stash of money his grandparents supposedly concealed. His father harbors deep distrust towards Nilo and Tono. At school, Marco finds solace in his relationship with Maria, Laura's daughter, whose families are ostensibly sworn enemies. Yet, here they are, embodying a modern-day Romeo and Juliet. Can their love story have a happy ending?
A few days hence, the Silva family rejoices in their successful bid, prompting Laura to visit Ana with a pie as a token of gratitude. Ana welcomes her in and tactfully inquiries about the case and the mysterious disappearance of Gonzalez/Silva. Laura's memories of her father are vague, shrouded only in rumors, and she believes the anonymous figure must be linked to him.
The following day, Daniel's former lawyer makes an unannounced visit to Ana's office, presenting her with Daniel's files. He insinuates that Ana's acquisition of Daniel as a client was a result of their intimate relationship. Ana is offended but maintains her professionalism. The lawyer harbors suspicions about Ana but believes she cannot deceive Padin Senior.
Later in the evening, a fellow gang member deceives Samuel into meeting him at Laura's restaurant. Tono and his men, clad in face masks, stage a daring kidnapping of Samuel. They instruct Laura and Berta to keep the incident under wraps, while Munez is forewarned to vacate the premises before the abduction unfolds.
Outside, Maria, engrossed in a phone conversation with Marco, witnesses the kidnapping in progress. Sensing impending danger, Marco speeds to her side, arriving just as the kidnappers depart. Laura, rushing out in a panic, catches Marco comforting Maria and realizes the pair are in a romantic entanglement.
After examining Daniel's files, Ana discovers that Daniel is concealing his assets through his former maid, who now resides in an elderly home. She advises him to devise a new strategy, as the current one is perilously risky. Unbeknownst to her, the police have been closely monitoring Daniel following the kidnapping of Samuel. Despite their efforts, no one has been willing to come forward and provide a statement.
The subsequent day, Daniel invites Ana to meet and deliberate on a new venture. As they embark on their journey, Ana finally acknowledges that the police are tailing them. She queries Daniel about it, but he brushes it off, claiming he is not accountable for all the misconduct in Cambados.
Ana is taken aback when they arrive at an airstrip and board a plane for their next destination. The police, equally surprised, are powerless to intervene as the duo takes flight.
Meanwhile, Maria and Marco clash after Laura confronts Maria. The schism between their families continues to surface. After class, Marco seeks counsel from Nilo, who urges him to focus on his studies. While there, Marco eavesdrops on a conversation that reveals the gang's hiding spot for Samuel and decides to investigate on his own. He discovers Samuel gagged and bound to a chair in an isolated, abandoned building on the town's outskirts.