In the gripping third episode of "Gangs of Galicia," our narrative resumes exactly where it left off, with Daniel and Ana soaring towards an enigmatic destination. Their journey leads them to a serene resort, nestled away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Daniel harbors ambitions to acquire the resort's business, but Ana, ever the diligent soul, insists on scrutinizing the financial records herself before any commitments are made.
As they settle into their opulent surroundings, Ana indulges in a soothing body massage, while Daniel ventures out to attend to some errands. Post-massage, the intriguing Padin unveils himself to Ana, delicately probing into the nature of her bond with his son. Ana stands her ground, even as Padin challenges her virtue and reputation. By the conclusion of their tense encounter, it seems Padin is slightly impressed, despite being aware of her pivotal role in rescuing the Silvas.
Elsewhere, Tono finds himself entrusted with the delicate task of managing Marco, who has inadvertently discovered the gang's hideout where Samuel is being held. With swift precision, Tono warns the young boy to remain tight-lipped. Meanwhile, Nilo vows to inform Daniel about this unforeseen hiccup.
Tono attends to Samuel's basic needs, extracting a pledge from the frightened youth to never disclose that Marco had witnessed his captivity. Samuel, driven by desperation, readily agrees. Later, Tono keeps a close watch on Marco and stumbles upon a surprising revelation: Marco is now romancing Maria. The couple, having patched things up, wonders if their love will be sanctioned amidst such tumultuous circumstances.
Upon returning to town, Laura and Ana engage in a casual chat about their respective fathers. Laura, devoid of any memories of her dad, relies solely on the narratives spun by Berta. Soon after, Naranjo drops by the restaurant, attempting to persuade Laura to come forward, but she steadfastly refuses. Maria, eavesdropping on the conversation, is left disheartened by her mother's reluctance to reveal the truth to the authorities.
Meanwhile, Nilo keeps Daniel abreast of the latest developments and they strategize for their upcoming gig. Their conversation also delves into what measures they ought to take regarding Marco and Samuel. Daniel suggests giving Samuel a stern warning and keeping a tight rein on Marco.
Elsewhere, Nazario collects Padin and chauffeurs him to a client meeting. Padin feels uneasy, noticing the police tailing Nazario's vehicle. Nazario reassures him that they've successfully evaded their pursuers, though his concerns lie more with Ana, which Padin dismisses.
Concurrently, Marco's parents consult Ana, hiring her as their legal representative amidst fears that Nilo and Tono might deprive them of their inheritance. On a different note, Maria decides to confront her fears and visits the police station to meet with Naranjo. Upon learning that he's stationed in Pontevedra, Maria decides to travel there by bus. Munez eavesdrops on her conversation with the police and informs Nilo.
In response, Nilo promptly arranges for Maria to be tailed while he personally threatens her grandmother. Terrified, Berta phones Maria, pleading with her to depart before she meets with Naranjo. Meanwhile, Tono collects Marco from school, issuing him a stern warning about associating with Maria again.
Regarding Naranjo, the authorities finally uncover the identity of the man Daniel encountered at the club. However, he hails from Madrid, meaning it will take time to gather more information from there. As they await further updates, Naranjo plans to accompany his wife to her hospital appointment but receives a call that forces him to cancel, disappointing her once more.
Acting on Ana's advice, Daniel transfers a portion of his assets to a company in the Cayman Islands. Ana is confident that the police will lose track of these assets, and even if they do find them, they won't be able to tie Daniel to any illegal activities. Impressed by her prowess, Daniel treats her to dinner. They enjoy a delightful evening, flirting subtly after adjourning to their respective hotel rooms later. Nevertheless, Ana maintains a professional demeanor, promising to assist Daniel with the boat deal.
Back in Cambados, Samuel attempts to flee but is apprehended. The gang transports him to a construction site and covers him in a mixture of cement, leaving him struggling to extricate himself. Construction workers discover him the following day, mercifully buried only up to his feet.