Geek Girl – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Jun 11 2024

The third episode begins with Harriet, fully committed to her modeling aspirations, diligently practicing poses in front of the mirror. She eagerly anticipates her upcoming meeting at Infinity and strives to make a lasting impression. Harriet fiddles with the ensemble Nat had suggested, layering it with her father's trench coat to conceal her outfit's secrets.

As Harriet, accompanied by her dad and Annabel, heads to the Infinity offices, Nat and her mother arrive separately. Harriet's nerves jangle as she realizes her desire for success in modeling surpasses her initial expectations. She frets over her attire, worried it might not meet the agency's standards.

Geek Girl – Season 1 Episode 3 1

Harriet's dad's work phone interrupts their journey with a call about a looming business pitch. Yet, his focus remains fixed on Harriet's modeling debut, leaving the workplace chatter aside. Nat, curious, inquiries about Harriet's ensemble, and her panic sets in upon discovering Harriet's unconventional choice.

As the others file inside, Harriet pauses outside the offices, taking a moment to steel her nerves. She sheds her coat, revealing a whimsical spider costume from Halloween. Her heart pounds as she frets over her unconventional attire. Suddenly, Nick appears, and their conversation flows effortlessly. Even Harriet's quirky spider costume fails to deter him. He offers her sage advice on posing for the camera, reassuring her that she can strike any pose she likes, as long as she "owns it" with confidence and grace.Harriet and Nick's arrival at the offices caused a stir, especially when they appeared together, displaying an unexpected camaraderie. Harriet's father looked particularly perplexed to see his daughter accompanied by "a boy"! Wilbur, eager to secure Harriet's signature, launched into his sales pitch, enticing her to become an Infinity model.

Nat's mother was all for signing her daughter up, but Annabel, realizing the potential impact on Harriet's schoolwork, was less than enthusiastic. She firmly rejected the idea, much to Harriet and Wilbur's disappointment. Harriet's father remained silent, accustomed to Annabel making the final decisions.

As they rode home on the Uber Boat, Harriet and Nat hatched a clever plan to persuade Annabel to change her mind about Harriet's modeling aspirations. Meanwhile, Poppy arrived at Nick's house to carry out their daily fake romantic post for the drinks company they were working for.

However, Nick surprised her by declaring his weariness of their fake relationship and his desire to end it. Hurt, Poppy lashed out, accusing Nick of being boring and generic, wounding his feelings and only fueling his resolve that they should remain just friends. But as they hugged and agreed to end their showmance, Poppy couldn't help but sneak in a selfie of them both for her Instagram page.

Back at school, reality hits Harriet hard as she spots Toby, who inquiries about her well-being following Lexi's bullying the previous day. However, Harriet's mind is now clouded with more pressing concerns - namely, convincing Annabelle to allow her to sign with Infinity.

Inside their textiles class, Harriet and Nat huddle together, plotting their next move. Their carefully crafted plan is set to unfold later in the day, at Harriet's father's 40th birthday party.

As the festivities commence, Harriet rises to the microphone, assisted by Nat, ready to deliver her speech. She extols the virtues of balancing schoolwork with pursuing one's dreams, drawing parallels with none other than Emma Watson. But to her dismay, her plan fails to take flight. Her dad looks perplexed, while Annabelle is furious that Harriet has disrupted her father's celebration.

Nat assumes this is the end of their modeling aspirations, convinced they have lost their final chance to shine together. But Harriet remains steadfast, determined to secure a contract with Infinity. She vows to Nat that she will accompany her to the casting, regardless of whether Annabelle approves or not.

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