Going Dutch – Season 1 Episode 6

Published: Feb 20 2025

The episode kicks off with Colonel Patrick Quinn (portrayed by Denis Leary) anxiously awaiting a call from the promotion board, his hopes soaring high. Major Abraham Shah (Danny Pudi) attempts to temper his expectations, warning of potential disappointment, but Quinn remains unyielding in his optimism. When the phone finally rings, it's Corporal Papadakis (Hal Cumpston), who innocuously seeks to share his generous six-foot sub with Quinn. Soon after, the phone buzzes again, this time it's General Davidson (Joe Morton) on the line, but instead of bestowing the anticipated star upon Quinn, he gleefully announces that he himself is receiving a second star and intends to celebrate the occasion at Stroopsdorf.

Going Dutch – Season 1 Episode 6 1

Elsewhere, Captain Maggie Quinn (Taylor Misiak) confides in Sergeant Dana Conway (Laci Mosley), revealing she's heard whispers of a Washington DC posting becoming vacant soon after the latest round of promotions. Coincidentally, this potential opening aligns perfectly with her upcoming promotion timeline. Their conversation is momentarily interrupted by Shah, who congratulates Maggie and mentions that General Gus King (Donald Sage Mackay) will be in attendance at Davidson's promotion ceremony the following day. Upon receiving a text from Quinn inquiring about fun plans for Davidson's dinner, Conway realizes that Quinn's involvement could jeopardize Maggie's promotion prospects. Maggie assures her that she has a plan already in motion.

Later that day, Maggie devises a scheme to dissuade Quinn from attending the dinner, and for a moment, it seems to take root. The day before the dinner, Shah discovers to his dismay that the base's budget for the event has been vastly overspent. Conway and Papadakis try to lighten the mood, suggesting that his rigidity stems from a need for relaxation and company, but Shah brushes it off, citing his busy schedule and ongoing divorce negotiations. Later, Quinn tries to persuade Shah to skip the dinner with him, but Shah, hoping to mingle and perhaps meet someone, refuses.

That evening, Quinn finds solace at home, immersing himself in the television show 'Cops' while admiring his Patton Gun. The next morning, Quinn reverses his decision, determined to attend the dinner and enlists Maggie's help to win over King. She reluctantly agrees, devising a strategy that begins with Quinn befriending Jan (Arnmundur Ernst Bjornsson), a man he deeply dislikes. However, this plan takes an unexpected turn for the worse, leaving the evening's outcome hanging in the balance.

By the time Shah arrives at the party, Papadakis and Conway have already lined up a potential date for him: Major Clark, played by Gemma Knight Jones. As he encounters her, Maggie quietly sets her plan in motion, aiming to deceive everyone into believing that Quinn is not a monster. Major Clark kindly invites Shah to her office, while Quinn engages in conversation with King. However, the mood takes a dark turn when Quinn learns that King's beloved dog had passed away just three days prior. Noticing King's tears, Maggie sends Papadakis in to comfort him, unaware that he will soon become the target of cruel humor.

Upon returning to his office with Clark, Shah is startled to find Colonel O'Connor (Jonny Everett), tied up and awaiting him. Clark casually mentions her fondness for kinky endeavors, much to O'Connor's disappointment and Shah's disinterest. Shah promptly excuses himself.

Maggie discovers that King is no longer overseeing transfers; instead, the responsibility has shifted to Davidson due to his newfound rank. As she absorbs this information, she catches sight of Davidson and Quinn in conversation. Davidson informs Quinn of his intention for Quinn to present Davidson's star during the ceremony.

Prior to Quinn's turn on stage, Maggie attempts to coax him into adopting a humble demeanor. Her strategy proves so effective that King invites Quinn to join him on his next hunting trip. Davidson compliments Maggie on her work with Quinn and, when she inquires about the DC opening, hints at her keeping an eye out for potential apartments.

Following the star ceremony, in the Teen Center Meeting Room, Quinn gathers with fellow generals to discuss the upcoming hunting trip. This leads Davidson to inadvertently reveal that he has already promised the DC position to his nephew, causing Quinn to snap and insult everyone present. Unbeknownst to them, Maggie is eavesdropping and hears every incriminating word.

The episode concludes with Shah and Maggie indulging in hand cake and rum, their conversation centered around the elusive promotion, as they enjoy a moment of relaxed camaraderie amidst the intrigue.

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