The episode unfolds with Dr. Ramona Pamani (Sakina Jaffrey) carting Anthony Brewer's (David Schwimmer) dissected limbs to a desolate warehouse. As she melts his body parts into a gooey, black sludge using a heat gun, she reveals to him that he's been compromised by a low-level quarantine breach.
Meanwhile, at Naomi Brewer's (Barbara Walsh) nursing home, Cece Brewer (Jayden Bartels) and her friends eagerly watch a tape dating back to 1994. The footage kicks off with a younger Anthony conducting a clandestine experiment in the basement. He then films his younger brother, Matty Brewer (Christopher Paul Richards), informing their father about borrowing Anthony's camera for a school project. Their dad agrees, albeit grudgingly, still marveling at how he was tricked into purchasing the gadget for Anthony's odd plant hobby. The tape abruptly cuts off as it shows Matty approaching the new girl, Hannah Parker (Eloise Payet), at school.
Elsewhere, Devin Brewer (Sam McCarthy) meets Hannah to embark on an adventure to the fort. Simultaneously, CJ (Elijah M Cooper) struggles to play the tape, prompting Cece to inquire about it with Alex (Francesca Noel), wondering why her mother, Jen (Ana Ortiz), possessed it. Alex barely gets a word in before CJ manages to fix the tape.
The tape resumes with Sameer (Arjun Athalye) and Nicole (Kyra Tantao) introducing themselves, while Matty invites Hannah to join their senior dare—a sleepover at Camp Nightmare. Hannah declines And with a tempestuous departure, she storms off, inciting Matty to hastily pursue her, pledging his unwavering commitment to shield her. In the meantime, Nicole and Sameer meticulously capture every moment of this dramatic interplay on tape. Jen, in a rather abrupt and impolite fashion, rudely cuts in, disrupting the scene. Subsequently, Jen films herself clandestinely taking Hannah's clothes and dumps them unceremoniously on the school's front lawn. She also records Hannah humiliatingly picking them up, wrapped in a towel. Matty finds this behavior deplorable.
When Devin and Hannah finally arrive at the fort, Devin is clueless about their destination or purpose. Hannah clarifies they're there to search for his father. On the tape, Anthony pleadingly urges Matty not to venture to the fort. Surprisingly, he even appears on the very day they intend to go, once again begging them to reconsider. But Matty is determined to make this dare his lasting legacy.
Upon reaching the fort, Naomi panics so severely that the nurse has to intervene, escorting her back to her room and instructing the others to leave. With the nurse gone, Cece and the others impatiently fast-forward through the tape to reach its conclusion. What they witness is an elongated version of the opening scene, setting the stage for an eerie revelation.
After Matty and her companions vanished, Hannah was left solely with the camera in her possession. She wandered through the facility for an indefinite period until she stumbled upon Matty and the others, encased within a cocoon formed by a slimy substance. Concurrently, she perceived an eerie, monster-like sound echoing through the corridors. The screen plunged into darkness for a brief interval and, upon its revival, depicted Hannah bolting and screaming her lungs out within the facility. Despite the monster's pursuit being audible, its presence remained concealed from view. Inevitably, she was apprehended and hauled back towards the subterranean entrance, where Ramona was captured sealing the chamber shut after Hannah's enforced confinement.
With the camera still rolling, Anthony and Jen made their way back to the fort, but to their disappointment, found it deserted. It was Jen who discovered the camera and tape amidst the stillness. Upon the conclusion of the video playback, Trey Jiminez (portrayed by Stony Blyden) recounted his memory of being ensnared within one of the cocoons/pods. CJ shared his sighting of Ramona at the hospital, and Frankie (played by Galilea La Salvia) revealed her encounter with her, disguised as a doctor, in Trey's room. Just then, Frankie received a text from Devin, informing her of his presence at the fort. Unable to reach him via phone, they remembered his intended meeting with Hannah, as seen in the video, prompting them to hastily race towards the fort.
Upon Cece and the others' arrival at the fort, Hannah had almost persuaded Devin to plunge off a ledge into the water. Shortly thereafter, Devin realized that Hannah was an illusion. Before taking the leap herself, she swiftly explained that his ability to see her stemmed from the process he had initiated. To everyone's astonishment, Trey rescued Devin from nearly plummeting after Hannah. Following this harrowing sequence, the group devised a plan to return to the basement and confront the head. On their way back, Trey expressed his remorse to Devin for his bullying past. Alex engaged Cece in a conversation about her mother and their strained relationship, which culminated in Cece surprising her by expressing her desire to mend things and planting a kiss on her cheek.
When they reached the house, Cece and Devin ventured inside alone. To their bewilderment, neither the head nor Anthony was present. Sharing this revelation with the group moments later, Devin proposed checking the doorbell footage. The footage uncovered Ramona escaping with Anthony in a body bag.
The episode concludes with a chilling image of Anthony, ensnared within one of the cocoons/pods at the fort.