Hijack – Season 1 Episode 7

Published: Jun 18 2024

Episode 7 of Hijack kicks off with the woman obediently following a series of ominous instructions, leaving viewers on edge. Could she be plotting to crash the plane at its perilously low altitude of 3000 feet? With all the hijackers, except Stuart, now neutralized, the tension mounts.

Sam repeatedly interrogates Stuart about the mysterious woman's identity, but he remains clueless. They stand at the front of the plane, as an angry mob led by the formidable ex-convict Jonty advances menacingly. Sam urgently demands the only loaded gun remaining on the plane from Stuart, and he reluctantly complies.

Sam steps forward to confront Jonty and explain the unfolding drama. Jaime and Stuart's reactions hint that the woman served as a failsafe mechanism, a guarantee that the job would be completed regardless of the circumstances. She is the organization's eyes and ears, ensuring that the hijackers carry out their mission.

Hijack – Season 1 Episode 7 1

Meanwhile, at the Collingwood office, speculation mounts that the hijacking's true purpose was not the release of prisoners. Instead, it appears to be a calculated move to manipulate the short trade, potentially netting millions for the Cheapside Firm if Flight 29 crashed.

Marsha alerts Daniel to a suspicious call she received, confirming Sam's address. Daniel jumps into a car and rushes to the location, only to find Amanda, the woman who sat beside Sam at the beginning of the series, now in charge. He frantically tries to reach her on the phone, but she disconnects the line. As the passengers gradually realize that the flight has veered off course and is heading towards a potential crash, the tension reaches a feverish pitch.

The Royal Airforce has deployed fighter jets, following a similar strategy employed by the Hungarians. Now, the crucial task of ordering the next move falls squarely on the shoulders of Louise and Neil. The police arrive at Sam's residence, and a conversation ensues between them and one of the cleaners. As Kai frantically attempts to flee the scene, the cleaner frantically tries to fabricate an alibi. Suddenly, the other cleaner raises a gun to his head, silencing him with a stark warning. Convinced that there's no cause for alarm, the police depart, leaving the situation unresolved.

In a frantic moment, Sam reaches out to Alice using Kacey's phone. Initially, he hedges his bets, withholding the truth about who is actually piloting the plane. His fear is palpable - if they discover that the passengers are not in control, the RAF might take drastic action and shoot it down. Alice, sensing his reluctance, insists that the truth must be told if they stand any chance of receiving help. Reluctantly, Sam caves in and reveals everything.

Meanwhile, Louise and Neil engage in a tense discussion about the plane's fate. Louise, visibly nervous, struggles to make a decision. Neil, however, assures her that whatever consequences await them, the responsibility will rest solely on his shoulders - be it good or bad. Gathering her courage, Louise steps forward and makes a crucial decision. She advises the Prime Minister not to shoot down the plane but to evacuate key areas of the city, giving them the best chance of survival.

The fighter jets receive the order to stand down and disperse, avoiding any potential confrontation. Alice remains in constant communication with Sam, providing him with vital updates and support. Elsewhere, John and Edgar hide in an undisclosed location, plotting their next move. It turns out that their suspicions were correct - the entire situation was indeed a calculated ploy to manipulate the publicly listed shares of the airline, generating huge profits for them. Edgar reveals that they stand to earn a staggering "18 million for every penny the stock drops."

Daniel's phone rings, its trilling sound filling the air as Kai answers, but unexpectedly, it's intercepted by the cleaners. They sternly demand that he lower Daniel's volume, but Kai, with a clever glint in his eye, hints at underlying trouble, alluding to "the bike he rode that morning." In truth, it was a stationary bike, a sight that had graced episode 1, where Daniel had even commented favorably on it, a memory that now resurfaces. Luckily, Kai's predicament is soon alleviated by the timely intervention of a detective.

Meanwhile, Alec, whose previous appearance was solely in episode 1, loading guns onto the plane, finally rises to his feet and strides purposefully towards the cockpit. He reveals to Sam a harrowing tale: Amanda, refusing to cooperate, is being silenced by the organization that holds her family hostage. Shockingly, Alec's own family is also in their clutches. John, sensing the ticking clock, urges Edgar to abandon their gains and flee on the waiting helicopter, fearing the approaching police. But Edgar, greedy for more, remains fixated on the fluctuating prices. Amanda, anxiously awaiting instructions from Edgar, grows increasingly frantic as the silence drags on.

John, realizing the danger, decides to take matters into his own hands. He orders Devilin to eliminate Edgar and complete the trade. Alec, it turns out, is the trader behind the organization's risky bet. He's bewildered that the hijacking isn't over yet. Amidst the tension, passengers make frantic calls to loved ones, each grasping for a shred of normality in the chaos. Sam, in a moment of inspiration, scribbles a message to Amanda: "What would Elodie want?" The mention of her daughter, Elodie, whom Hugo had discovered on Amanda's phone, seems to strike a chord. Amanda, revealed to be an aviation consultant with intimate knowledge of the plane's operations, finally cracks under the pressure. Tears streaming down her face, she answers Sam's call. He speaks softly, reminding her that her actions are for her family, just as any of them would do in her shoes. Amanda confesses that she was meant to land the plane after the terrorists cashed out their short trade, but she hasn't received the order yet. Worse still, the organization has instructed her to crash the plane. Sam, however, pleads with her, pointing out that the organization will harm Elodie regardless of her actions and that she can save countless lives by landing the plane safely. Amanda, after a moment of intense deliberation, agrees to let Sam into the cockpit.

Alice was summoned by Sam, tasked with instructing both Sam and Amanda on the intricate maneuvers required to land the plane. However, she hesitated to comply, insisting on assurances that she wouldn't face arrest. Niel, her acquaintance, intervened, promising Amanda on Alice's behalf.

The plane hovered dangerously low, its fuel exhausted, at an altitude of 1500 feet and a heading of 315 degrees. A nagging thought persisted: why wasn't Anna Kovacs, the second pilot, brought into the cockpit? Surely, she would possess the necessary expertise to navigate this perilous situation. Nevertheless, Alice and Amanda persevered, collaborating despite their differences.

Phillip, a seasoned pastor, was prodded by his wife to rise and soothe the jittery passengers. His calming presence had a soothing effect, and they heeded his words. Alice managed to secure an airstrip, albeit one too narrow for a safe landing, but it was their only option. Amanda and Sam did everything within their power to ensure a smooth touchdown.

Upon impact, the plane bore the brunt of severe damage, its once sleek exterior now a mangled mess. Communication lines were severed, leaving a void of silence...until Sam's voice crackled through the phone, declaring their miraculous safe landing. Ambulances and fire engines quickly converged on the scene, taking charge of the subsequent chaos. All passengers were safely evacuated, their faces etched with relief.

Camelia, seated beside Alice, whispered urgently that her son, Bobby, was not well and she had to rush to the school. Zahra, her face pale, verified the identities of the hijackers with the ground officer, while Stuart remained a shadowy figure, elusive and untraceable.

The revelation of the fourth perpetrator shook everyone to the core - it was Alec, the man described as "the bearded one," a figure they had never suspected.

Sam, his heart still pounding from the ordeal, ventured back inside the plane to retrieve a gift intended for Marsha. Little did he know that the doors were slowly closing, trapping him inside. Stuart, lurking in the shadows, suddenly emerged, guns blazing in both hands. He shouted for Sam, his eyes wild and his demeanor suggesting he had lost all sense of rationality.

The armed forces, swift and decisive, made their way onto the plane. Sam, his mind racing, devised a clever ruse. He messaged Marsha to call his phone, using the ringing as a distraction. Stuart, caught off guard, fell for the trap.

"Say cheese," Sam joked nervously as Stuart knelt, guns trained on his head. Sam seized the opportunity, grabbed his phone, and finally exited Flight 29, escaping the chaos he had so bravely faced.

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