Hotel Cocaine – Season 1 Episode 4

Published: Sep 23 2024

Episode 4 of "Hotel Cocaine" kicks off with Valeria's heart heavy, as Andrew, the congressman's scion, has rejected her due to familial pressures. Roman, observing her dismay, finds solace in the situation, but Marisol wisely cautions him to tread the fine line, lest he inadvertently inflict further emotional wounds. To lighten the mood, she redirects his attention to fetching the Christmas lights, a seasonal task that momentarily distracts them from the gloom.

Hotel Cocaine  – Season 1 Episode 4  1

Meanwhile, the news blares with the assassination of three men, their fate a grim reminder of the underworld's relentless grasp. Roman swiftly silences the television, assuring his loved ones of their safety amidst the chaos.

Elsewhere, Alvaro's fate takes a grim turn as he reports to his superior, Yolanda. Displeased by Nestor's survival, Yolanda executes Alvaro without hesitation, revealing their allegiance to a shadowy figure named Don Henao. Henao's grand design to conquer Miami hangs in balance, awaiting Nestor's downfall as its precursor. Yolanda, her task completed, discards Alvaro's body into the unforgiving sea before making her way to Mutiny.

At the bustling streets, Zulio's abrupt interruption of Roman's festive shopping spree sets a confrontational tone. Accusing Nestor of orchestrating the rival killings, Zulio's ire boils over, challenging Roman to explain. Roman attempts to redirect blame to Alvaro, but Zulio's pride bristles, his defenses up. He threatens Valeria's safety, a chilling ultimatum that forces Roman's hand. To drive home his point, Zulio vandalizes the Christmas lights, a symbol of unity now shattered, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and obedience.

Within the club's confines, Burton finds himself in a desperate bind, reaching out to Ray Dorado, a powerful bank owner, for financial aid. Ray's offer comes with a hefty price tag—the hotel itself as collateral. Cornered, Burton agrees to the terms, only to later gloat over his sister's defeat in their game. Constance, however, retaliates with a threat, leveraging her judicial connections to scrutinize the bank and Burton's accounts, claiming it's her way of bringing him back to reality.

Under the weight of Zulio's relentless demands, Roman seeks out Nestor, their meeting tense and filled with implications. As they delve into the Colombian underworld, Nestor, unknowingly, incriminates himself on record, admitting to the encroachment on his territory. Zulio, eavesdropping with glee, sees his plan unfolding perfectly.

Later, Roman confides in Candice, his voice heavy with emotion, that he couldn't stand idly by and watch Nestor perish, yet the guilt of betraying his own flesh and blood sickens him to his core. As their conversation deepens, Yolanda gracefully interjects, her allure undeniable as she inquires about gaining entry to the exclusive club, seeking to impress her business associates sans the requisite membership card.

Roman, seemingly captivated by Yolanda's charm, breaks his unwavering rule and grants her a temporary pass, leaving Candice stunned—for Roman is not one to grant favors lightly.

Inside the club's glitzy confines, Yolanda charms her associates, weaving a web of lies that she's actively pursuing Nestor's downfall while feigning ignorance about Alvaro's fate. That fateful evening, Zulio arrives at the club, his demeanor reflecting the triumph of his mission: Nestor's downfall is imminent. Yet, Roman's heart is heavy with fear, fearing his own involvement will be uncovered. Zulio, sensing Roman's anxiety, vows to shield his identity and spare him from the witness stand's harsh glare.

As the night progresses, Yolanda's flirtatious antics draw Zulio to the dance floor, leaving Roman abruptly abandoned amidst the rhythm. At home, Yolanda's thoughts turn somber, concerned for Roman's well-being, burdened by the weight of his conscience for saving Valeria at the cost of brotherly loyalty.

Meanwhile, Valeria finds solace in Nestor's company, expressing gratitude for the gift of a car and pouring out her heart about Andrew's parents' opposition to their relationship. Believing it's due to her Cuban heritage, Nestor corrects her, revealing the true reason lies in his own illicit business dealings. Undeterred, he orchestrates a meeting with the congressman, leveraging his power to secure Valeria a date with Andrew.

In a twist of fate, Cupid and fairy godmothers seem redundant when a mafia uncle steps in. The date blossoms, but Andrew's revelation about his father's connection to Valeria's uncle, Nestor—the notorious drug lord of Miami—shocks Valeria to her core. She had imagined Nestor to be a legitimate businessman, not the head of a vast criminal empire.

Back at the DEA's office, Zulio faces a daunting task: extract information from Roman about the Colombians, a mission that clashes with his personal code of honor. Initially, he resists, reluctant to exploit Roman's vulnerability once more. However, his superiors' threats leave him with no choice but to comply, his heart heavy with the knowledge that he may once again be forcing Roman into a corner.

Finally, we catch a glimpse of Don Henao, deep within the heart of a lush jungle, diligently overseeing the harvest of his illicit cocaine crop. His empire extends far and wide, meticulously managing every aspect of this dangerous venture. Abruptly, his phone rings, interrupting his solitude. It's Yolanda, bringing him urgent updates from the turmoil brewing in Miami. She vows to unravel the mystery behind Nestor's warning, her investigation eventually leading her straight to Marty Owens. With ruthless efficiency, she interrogates Owens in his own office, extracting the truth about Roman's fleeting visit through a grueling ordeal. Once satisfied, she ends his life and swiftly returns to her hotel sanctuary.

Meanwhile, Burton's tranquility is shattered by a visit from Ray, seething with anger over Constance's audacious move to subpoena his financial records. Ray's parting words are a dire warning, urging Burton to address his sister's meddling before it's too late. Undeterred, Burton and Candice concoct a mischievous plan to loosen Constance's tightly wound demeanor. Subtly slipping drugs into her drink, they usher her into a world of carefree indulgence at a vibrant club. As the night wears on, Constance's guard melts away, and she confesses her love for her brother, albeit with a plea for him to straighten out his life. Seizing the moment, Burton offers her a role managing the hotel, elated by the prospect of their collaborative future.

Agreeing to meet the following day to finalize the details, Burton offers Constance a ride home, only to be politely declined as she reveals she has her own driver. But that same night, Zulio infiltrates the club, seeking Roman's ear with news of fresh orders. Roman's fury boils over, his hands gripping the DEA agent's throat in a deadly embrace. Candice, swift to act, steps in, saving Zulio from a fate worse than death.

Humbled, Zulio confesses his error and proposes an alliance, offering to steal incriminating evidence and save Nestor and Valeria if Roman can assist in dealing with the Colombians. Unseen by all, Roman sneaks into Yolanda's chambers, eavesdropping on her conversation with Don Henao, where she reveals her plans to eliminate Roman and his family.

Alarmed, Roman rushes home, intercepting the hired assassins at his doorstep. With cold precision, he utilizes their silenced weapons to silence them forever. Unbeknownst to Valeria and Marisol, who continue their festive Christmas decorations inside, Roman cleans up the carnage, calling on Nestor's men to erase any trace of the attack. Nestor, remorseful for endangering Roman's loved ones, vows to shield Roman from his underworld dealings, but Roman stands firm, driven by a need for vengeance against Yolanda and her threats against his family.

Elsewhere, Burton is summoned to a grim crime scene, where he discovers Constance and her driver, both fatally shot in a desolate parking lot. The night has taken a sinister turn, painting a grim picture of the consequences that lurk in the shadows of Miami's criminal underbelly.

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