Hotel Cocaine – Season 1 Episode 3

Published: Sep 23 2024

Episode 3 of Hotel Cocaine ignites with revelry as patrons flock to the Mutiny Club, their haven for nonstop partying. In a surprising turn, Nestor graces the club's threshold for the first time, his agenda clear: to entice Roman into the murky waters of the drug underworld. Roman, however, hesitates, his voice laced with trepidation as he professes his ignorance in such nefarious affairs. But Nestor, relentless in his pursuit, refuses to accept defeat.

Hotel Cocaine  – Season 1 Episode 3 1

He assigns Roman his maiden task, an espionage mission: to delve into the background of a guest, Alvaro Gomez, a Colombian aspirant angling for a foothold in Miami's drug scene and seeking an audience with Nestor's shadowy associates. Nestor, too, harbors plans to confront Alvaro, yet he desires to tread cautiously, leaving Roman to uncover the source of Alvaro's unusually low-priced products and ascertain the sincerity of his intentions.

The scene shifts to a clandestine meeting within the confines of Alvaro's suite, where he pitches his wares to Nestor's representative, boasting of their superiority and affordability. Remaining tight-lipped about his elusive patron, Alvaro merely reveals a symbol, a hallmark of his merchandise, leaving us to speculate on the identity of this enigmatic 'La Cobra.'

Meanwhile, Roman confronts Candice, seeking clarity on Chucho's demise, only to be met with a steadfast denial. Confiding in her about Nestor's unwelcome proposal and his own predicament, he finds his troubles mounting as Zulio's unexpected presence at the club casts a dark shadow over his already tumultuous life.

Zulio, with a subtle threat, presses Roman for information, his revelation of a intercepted mail containing Valeria's driver's license a chilling reminder of his hold over Roman. Empowered by this encounter, Roman seeks Candice's counsel on Alvaro, who suggests a cunning ploy: offering the Colombian free drinks as a ruse to gain access to his suite.

Roman seizes the opportunity, posing as Nestor's emissary, bearing a gift. Sneaking into Alvaro's lair, he observes the manicured chaos, his eyes latching onto a notebook Alvaro keeps close at hand. However, Alvaro's displeasure at Nestor's absence and the gift's substitution for a personal meeting is palpable, resulting in a brusque dismissal. Alvaro insists on a face-to-face meeting, leaving Roman to regroup.

Elsewhere, Burton's world unravels as his sister, Constance, arrives, her sights set on exploiting his shortcomings, particularly in hotel management, to seize control. The stage is set for a tumultuous clash of interests and hidden agendas within the walls of Hotel Cocaine.

A couple of years back, Burton had incurred a loan that was looming ominously on his horizon, due for repayment in the impending days. Constance, aware of Burton's financial predicament and his inability to make the substantial balloon payment, had her sights set on acquiring the hotel. She extended a hand, offering to settle his debts and summoned him to her office for a fateful negotiation. Yet, Burton's heart was steadfast in holding onto his business.

Parallel to this, Roman's path crossed with Nestor once more, this time accompanied by Nestor's wife, Alejandra, who was eagerly preparing for a festive celebration in honor of the deceased, a cherished Mexican tradition. Nestor seized the moment, extending an invitation to Roman and his family, yearning to reconnect with his goddaughter, Valeria, and finally meet Marisol. Initially hesitant, Roman's memories of Nestor's mother's culinary delights swayed his decision.

Following Constance's intervention, Burton sought solace in the counsel of his legal advisors, only to be met with grim tidings. Desperate, he turned to Roman for guidance, but found him engrossed in his own troubles. In a last-ditch effort, Burton sought wisdom from a guest, a purported spiritual guru.

Meanwhile, Roman's machinations with Zulio unfolded, as he attempted to broker a deal: freedom from Zulio's meddling if he could deliver a bigger fish than Nestor. Zulio, skeptical yet intrigued, agreed to investigate Alvaro, insisting Roman plant a listening device in Nestor's home office. Roman acquiesced, unwilling to defy Zulio's demands.

Later, Roman and Candice delved into Alvaro's trash, uncovering nothing more than a penchant for BDSM. Candice, eager to assist Roman, volunteered to distract Alvaro while he attended Nestor's party. She assembled a duo of ladies to enact Alvaro's BDSM fantasies, using the ruse to clog his toilet, paving the way for Roman's covert entry.

Roman, meanwhile, convinced Marisol to accompany him to the party, where Nestor rejoiced in reuniting with Valeria and introducing her to his godfather. Valeria's evening was enriched by Alejandra's company and a chance encounter with a young man, the son of a prominent congressman, reflecting Nestor's political connections, vital to his business endeavors.

As the party reached its crescendo, Roman stealthily planted the bug in Nestor's office, undetected amidst Nestor's preoccupation with a brazen suitor of his wife. Roman subtly fed Nestor tidbits about Alvaro and his mysterious associates, fueling Nestor's suspicions that Alvaro was plotting something sinister.

The following day, Alvaro's frustration over a clogged toilet summoned the attention of the receptionist, and Roman seized the opportunity, offering to personally oversee repairs while also arranging a complimentary breakfast by the pool. As if on cue, a call from Nestor demanded further intel on Alvaro, setting the stage for a web of intrigue and deceit to tighten its grip.

Zulio drops by, his patience visibly fraying, to apprise Roman of a distressing revelation: Alvaro is a man shrouded in deceit, armed with counterfeit papers, rendering their efforts to authenticate his identity and unravel his ties to the drug underworld futile. Determined, Roman seizes an opportune moment, exploiting a clogged toilet as a pretext to gain access to Alvaro's lair and uncover his notebook. Among the scrawled entries, Roman's eyes light upon the name Marty Owens, a port employee, whose connection to the game hints at deeper mysteries.

As Roman's world darkens, Burton approaches, desperation etched on his face, inquiring about a potential hotel patron who might offer him a financial lifeline. Haunted by the specter of a sister's hostile takeover and a looming debt, Burton begs for a solution. Roman, stern-faced, cautions him against such folly, reminding him that their clientele are cutthroat individuals who would not hesitate to silence Burton's pleas for mercy. Reluctantly, Burton nods in agreement, but his nerves are taut with anxiety.

Exiting the scene, Roman is startled to find Marisol and Valeria awaiting him outside, Valeria's excitement over her new car spilling over. Puzzled, Roman realizes he's not the culprit behind this lavish gift, yet he weaves a seamless lie, attributing the purchase to a fictitious employee discount initiated by Burton. Internally, however, Roman's ire boils over at Nestor's audacity in buying Valeria a car without his consent.

With Valeria and Marisol's departure, Roman steers his car towards the bustling port, where he confronts Owens. Posing as Alvaro's envoy, Roman queries about the impending shipment, only to be met with Owens' skepticism. The tension escalates swiftly, culminating in a fierce confrontation where Roman emerges victorious, subduing Owens and his men.

Under duress, Owens spills the beans, revealing a shocking truth: Alvaro's true game is the importation of weapons and motorcycles, a sinister prelude to a hostile takeover. Stunned, Roman shares this revelation with Candice, who urges caution, advocating that Nestor's demise might just be the key to solving Roman's woes.

Meanwhile, Burton mustered the fortitude to confront his spiritual beacon, Maharishi, who imparted a profound nugget of wisdom: "As the majestic elephant strides through the village, all dogs yelp in trembling awe." Empowered by these words, Burton resolutely refused to sign the contract that would have plunged him into the abyss, instead, brandishing a pinch of cocaine as a clarion call to battle, he vowed to stand firm against his sister, come what may.

Days later, Miami's criminal landscape is shaken as Alvaro and his mercenaries launch a devastating strike, decimating the ranks of the city's top bosses. Yet, Nestor, warned by Roman, escapes the bloodbath, retaliating by dispatching Alvaro's hitmen. Nestor's gratitude towards Roman is palpable, and he thanks him profusely, adding a stern warning to Nestor's brother against indulging Valeria with any more lavish gifts. United in their quest, the two men forge an alliance, determined to uncover the identity of the shadowy figure eyeing Nestor's territory with malicious intent.

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