The third installment of "La Palma," entitled "Exit Tenerife," propels the narrative forward with an escalating volcanic peril that grips the island in its tense embrace. The episode kicks off with Jens receiving a covert directive from his superior, tasking him with the delicate operation of evacuating Norwegians from the Canary Islands without sparking widespread panic. Meanwhile, at the police station, Marie's brother Erik arrives unexpectedly, prompting her to confirm the looming tsunami threat. This revelation triggers a panic attack in Erik, underscoring the gravity of the situation.
Elsewhere, Sarah, who has been spending intimate moments with Charlie, engages in a heartfelt conversation with her mother about her sexuality. Jennifer, with a nurturing heart, encourages Sarah to heed her own desires, strengthening their bond amidst the unfolding crisis. The family attempts to recapture a semblance of normalcy by gathering at the pool, yet the specter of the volcano looms large, casting a dark shadow over their endeavors.
Despite explicit instructions to keep the public in the dark, Jens defies orders and reaches out to Jennifer, sharing the dire tsunami reports and coordinating a ferry escape for them. The Frederick family races against the ticking clock, hastily packing their belongings and making a beeline for the ferry. However, their efforts to persuade Charlie to accompany them fall on deaf ears, as she remains elusive. In a moment of desperation, Frederick resorts to stealing a repair van, but is swiftly thwarted by its rightful owners.
As the lava begins its relentless surge, Alvaro urgently contacts the government, prompting them to issue an official evacuation order. The island descends into a maelstrom of chaos, with residents scrambling to secure a means of escape. Frederick, with the help of a friend, manages to secure a spot on a boat, but his selflessness shines through as he relinquishes his seat to a woman with an infant, vowing to find another path off the island.
At the geology institute, Haukur and Alvaro make a profound decision, opting for one final ascent up the volcano instead of fleeing. Their choice embodies a profound dedication to unraveling the volcano's mysteries, even as the shadow of impending doom looms over them.
Unable to secure a boat, Frederick resorts to calling Jennifer, bidding her an emotional farewell while voicing his profound love and anxiety for their cherished children. Meanwhile, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jens faces severe consequences for disclosing the tsunami threat to his sister, defying direct orders. Undeterred, he remains steadfast in his mission to assist Frederick and his family in securing a sanctuary.
Erik, with ingenuity and perseverance, manages to extricate Marie from the police station's confines. Their paths converge with Frederick, who anxiously awaits outside. United in their urgent quest for a boat, they are unexpectedly confronted by a menacing thug they had previously aided in evading police capture. In a harrowing twist, Erik falls victim to a fatal gunshot, prompting Frederick to act decisively, dispatching the thug to ensure Marie's safe passage onto the boat. The episode concludes on a poignant note, with numerous souls still trapped on the island, underscoring the dire and heart-wrenching reality of their plight.
"Exit Tenerife" is an exhilarating episode that intertwines personal melodrama with the urgent challenge of fleeing a catastrophic natural disaster. The characters' bonds are stretched to their breaking points, and their primal instincts for survival rise to the forefront. The episode masterfully builds upon the suspense cultivated in prior installments, leaving viewers in a state of suspenseful anticipation, eagerly awaiting the next chapter in this unfolding saga of crisis.