In the gripping fourth installment of "Laid" (2024), titled "Flagstaff," Ruby Yao (portrayed by Stephanie Hsu) encounters an unexpected twist in her relentless pursuit to unravel the enigmatic demise of her former lovers. The episode kicks off with a startling revelation: Ruby's apparent "kidnapper" is Richie (Michael Angarano), a former flame from her past. Contrary to the dramatic cliffhanger of the preceding episode, Richie's motivations stem from curiosity, devoid of malice. Unable to establish contact with Ruby via phone or text, he resorted to confronting her in person.
Upon realizing she's not actually restrained, Ruby decides to remain and confront Richie's inquiries. This leads to a fiery confrontation, culminating in Richie summarily evicting her from his apartment, declaring her the most despicable person he's ever encountered. The encounter leaves Ruby riddled with guilt, prompting introspection about her past actions. Her encounter with Zack Bridgerton (Andre Hyland) in the hallway outside her apartment only intensifies her remorse, as their brief exchange serves as a stark reminder of her past indiscretion—sleeping with her best friend's ex-boyfriend, despite their breakup.
Back in her apartment, AJ (played by Zosia Mamet) diligently updates Ruby's timeline, which has now morphed from a "sex cluster" to a chilling "death cluster," encompassing the fatalities of several more of Ruby's ex-lovers. AJ receives alerts about the deaths of both Brian Glidewell and Richie, heightening the urgency for Ruby to warn her remaining ex-lovers. Among the dwindling list of survivors is the celebrity John Early (played by John Early himself). Ruby boards a plane to warn him, but her efforts are met with skepticism and outright rejection. Following a fiery altercation, Ruby is forcibly removed from the flight, leaving her to desperately search for John Early's obituary online.
Meanwhile, Isaac (Tommy Martinez) is thrilled about Ruby's booking of the Brett Hely trio for his parents' reception. However, he swiftly notices her distress and attempts to cheer her up by sharing his unique coping mechanism: dancing out scenes from his favorite musicals. Though hesitant, Ruby eventually joins in, but their brief moment of levity is abruptly cut short by Merci's (Olivia Holt) unexpected visit. Merci accusations fly, branding Ruby as a homewrecker trying to steal Isaac, and shamefully dismisses her.
Feeling utterly swamped, Ruby seeks counsel from AJ, but instead of receiving guidance, AJ advises her to steer clear of Isaac, offering only his comforting presence and the alluring promise of Zack's signature surprise meatloaf. Ruby, however, declines this gesture and finds herself drawn to Richie's bar, harboring the hope of encountering a tribute to his memory. To her astonishment, she discovers that Richie is very much alive and kicking, merely a victim of mistaken identity. This revelation triggers a profound conversation between Ruby and Richie, where they mutually acknowledge the bizarre sequence of fatalities surrounding them.
The episode culminates in Ruby and Richie inadvertently catching a breaking news report about the tragic demise of John Early, who was Suddenly and violently ejected from a malfunctioning aircraft. This sudden twist leaves both Ruby and Richie perplexed, pondering over the enigmatic pattern of deaths that has emerged. The episode, titled "Flagstaff," is a gripping installment that further unfurls the mystery shrouding the deaths of Ruby's former lovers. It dives deep into Ruby's tumultuous emotional journey as she confronts her past deeds and the repercussions of her relationships. Moreover, it underscores the burgeoning bond between Ruby and Richie, who has emerged as a pivotal figure in assisting Ruby to navigate the labyrinthine intricacies of her situation. As spectators, we are left eagerly anticipating Ruby's next steps in unraveling the mystery and the challenges that await her in her relentless pursuit of answers.